You heard the Lady

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~ Chapter 13 ~

- Asher's POV -

School finished really fast. It consisted of me flirting with girls and trying to pay attention in class, which I failed hard on.

I managed to find out that we have a math test tomorrow, Wednesday. It's only the beginning of the year and we get a goddam test. Us Seniors, have it way too hard.

I get in my black BMW and put on my Raybans. I spot a brown head, Grey, struggling with her bike. She looks frustrated with it, so I decide to do my job.

I drive over to her and roll down the window. " Looks like someone needs help."

She turns around and sighs, "No, thank you. I'll just walk home."

" Come on, Grey, we live right next to each other. Get it in the damn car." I narrow my eyes at her.

She rolls her eyes, still declining my offer.

" One thing you and your brother have in common, is that your both stubborn as hell." I mention.

" Aw, you noticed. How sweet of you. Now, I'm going to walk home and you're going to drive away." That girl is literally made of half sarcasm and half attitude.

" Por el amor de Dios ( for the love of God ), get in the car, now." I say with tight voice, so that she knows I'm being serious.

" Fine. Gosh, you're so bossy—and bilingual." She mumbles, as she huffs and gets into the car, with her comfortable looking outfit.

" Was that supposed to be offensive?" I raise an eyebrow.

" What? Maybe—No." She looks out the window, almost like she's ashamed of herself for no reason.

I laugh and start driving.

" Do you like my american or español side better?" I smirk.

Her head turns to face me, her ponytail almost slapping her face.

" How am I supposed to decide, when both are really cocky and annoying?" She replies.

" Well, you're actually supposed to decide on which has the better looks but... " I like getting on her nerves. It makes everything twice more fun.

" Ugh, did I mention, you're also extremely horny."

I laugh at her reaction.

" Why thank you, hermosa (beautiful)."

She continues looking outside, until we've finally arrived. As I park outside our garage, I see Alex playing with his skateboard on the sidewalk. At least, he learned to play outside and not in the house.

" Woah, your brother looks nothing like you. Other than the eyes." She says with a low voice—almost to herself.

" I know he didn't get these good looks." I point to my face smirking.

" Yeah, he's got better." she smiles, as I frown and roll my eyes.

" I want to meet him." She suddenly decides.

I sigh, " Wait till you hear his accent." Her eyes twinkle with excitement, for some reason.

We get out of the car and walk over to Alex. When he sees us, he stops and stares at us.

Today he's wearing a gray shirt with a leather jacket, black jeans, and black converse. His raven hair is flopped to the left.

" Alex, this is..." I just couldn't say her name.

" Ava." She continues for me.

" Grey, this is Alex." I introduce them to each other.

She smiles at him, as he smirks seductively at her. Ew and hell no.

" Ella tiene diecisiete años por cierto. (She's seventeen by the way.)" I warn him and his dirty mind.

He holds his hands up in surrender, innocently. The blue eyed girl looks confused.

" Nice to meet you, gorgeous." Maybe the eye color is not the only thing we have in common, but also the behavior.

" Can I see some tricks?" she asks him politely, after giving him a weird look at what he just called her.

His eyes lighten up with excitement as he nods. He starts skating and does a 360 flip. I can see her smile stunningly, amused at his skills.

When he comes skating past us, I put my foot in front of him, so that the skateboard stops. Suddenly, he goes flying to the ground, stomach first.

I laugh hysterically at his reaction, while Grey smacks me at my action and I rub my arm at how hard she hits.

Alex sits up and glares at me. " I am going to kill you!!!"

" Sure, and I'm going to watch you try." I chuckle.

He suddenly starts tackling me, but I catch him in a headlock position, between my arm that he struggles to get out of.

" Nice meeting you Alex." Ava smiles at him. He smiles back willingly, while being choked.

Grey stares at me, waiting for me to let him go, but I just stare back and smile pleasantly as Alex continues to half choke under my grip.

" Asher, you're gonna kill the boy. Let him go." She has a worried expression on her face.

" You—heard—the—Lady." Alex tries to say, while wheezing.

I roll my eyes and was about to let him go, when all of a sudden Ava—the devil she is—kicks me in the area and I gasp. Now I know that she also kicks hard as hell.

Immediately, I let go of him and grasp the place she just attacked.

I notice that his carmel skin was drained from color. He coughs and coughs, catching his breath.

Ava laughs at my reaction and what she just did, then starts walking away to her house.

" You won't get away with that." I yell, as she proudly walks away.

" I just did." She responds.

I roll my eyes, as Alex watches her retrieving figure, amused. I smack him on his head, kicking him out of his trance.

" She doesn't like tweens, hermano. So don't even think about it." I start walking away, leaving him speechless with what I just said.

I look back and see his face flushed, " I don't know what you're talking about." He takes his leather jacket off, awkwardly.

" Sure you don't." I mumble.

^Erick Brian as Alex

Hope you enjoyed
Next chapter will include Asher's siblings...
Enjoy <3

~ surviver ~

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