The Universal Rule

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~ Chapter 43 ~

*Things are spilledddd, finally.

" Why are you guys stressing over this stupid test? It's easy. Relax." Leo says calmy and starts scrolling through his phone as we review for our biology test with the short time we have left of our lunch break.

" Well, sadly, not everybody has a photographic memory like you do, so shut up and relax elsewhere." Taylor scolds our best friend irritatingly and Leo replies with something about jealousy.

Asher and Justin join us at the table. The brunette takes a seat beside me, with his regular attire on plus his letterman jacket and snapback—no raybans this time. I notice he's overly restless this afternoon; legs continuously tapping, hands fidgeting and tapping at one, and his breathing is uneven. I've never seen him restless to this extent.

Justin takes a seat beside Asher and whispers something into his ear, but not low enough that I can't hear it. " Take your godamn pills or you're going to fucking kill someone."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Asher's jaw do that impatient thing. " You don't fucking tell me what to do. Besides I'm fine." He whispers back to a worried-looking Justin, even though he clearly doesn't seem fine.

He does look like he's going to kill someone, but I'm afraid me telling him won't make things any better. Maybe this has to do with last night's arrival because Asher is usually 30% restless and 70% calm; it's basically Asher's universal rule.

Before I can think about something to talk about, Melissa joins us, taking a seat beside me. She's wearing a black jumpsuit that only she can pull off.

" Look who's finally remembered that she has friends to hang out with." Leo sarcastically greets her as I continue reviewing my flashcards.

" Shut up, Dicaprio." She rolls her eyes.

I add to Leo's comment. " Dicaprio isn't wrong, you know. You've been MIA." I shrug matter-of-factly while still looking at my flashcards.

" I know, I'm sorry. A lot has been going on lately. I'll tell you about everything later. I promise." I look at her and not to her apologetic tone.

" I don't think we need to know everything you've been doing. Besides," Asher turns to me. " If you wanted to find the red-head, you could've looked inside Jace Chavez's pant—"

" Don't you dare finish that sentence or I will damage your arm more than it already is." She threatens him through gritted teeth.

They stare daggers at each other while I uncomfortably sit between them. Thankfully the bell rings.

" Well, before you two kill each other, we have to go take our test." I announce while packing my things and getting up.

We all have the test in different periods, but Asher, Justin, and I are in the same Biology class, so we're supposed to take it now.

Before Justin starts walking with me, he tugs the brunette's hoodie, gesturing for him to follow us. " Would you like an invitation to the test or would you like to sit this one out?" Justin asks sarcastically.

Asher stands up with a confused expression. He takes off his snapback, runs a hand through his waves as if he has all the time in the world. Suddenly, his emerald eyes widen. " We have the test right now?"

We stare at him dumbfoundedly. Melissa has left except for Leo who's waiting on Taylor to pack up his books.

" Hermano, are you even aware that you attend this school? More importantly, do you even remember your name?" Leo says the last part slowly as if he were talking to a child.

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