Moving on

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~ Chapter 38 ~

I open my eyes slowly and I'm greeted with a pair of glistening emerald eyes with yellow sparks in the middle. I try not to get overwhelmed with the sight in front of me.

Asher fixes me upright and I take a deep breath. Then I rub my forehead, confused and clueless to what just happened.

" What—" When I glance behind me, my question is immediately answered.

It's him. He's here. In front of me—again. Instead of getting overwhelmed, I'm starting to get rather annoyed now with him following me. It's not that I'm being rude and selfish, it's simply his face that triggers unpleasant memories.

" Carter." I greet him.

" I'm so sorry, Ava!!!" He puts down the plastic ones I bumped into. " Honestly. I thought you saw me."

" It's fine." I wave it off and rub my now-slightly sour forehead.

I hear Asher clear his throat. I glance back at him and he raises an eyebrow at me, expectantly.

" Oh." I suddenly straighten up. " Carter, this is Asher and Asher, this is Carter—an old friend." I can see the pain flash in his eyes after the term I used, but I ignore it since he's the one who awarded himself with it.

Carter stretches his arm out to shake Asher's hand, and the brunette replies with a small smirk and a firm handshake.

I notice Carter's cheeks start to flush under his thick glasses. " So, I'm guessing you guys are together." He smiles harshly as if he's worried about the answer.

My eyes widen, but Asher simply chuckles as always and then he says. " You wish." He says it with a mischievous smirk and I instantly nudge his shoulder since we're that close.

Then he gives me an innocent look as Carter's face turns ten times more red. I almost laugh, but at this point, nothing is funny with Asher's current behavior.

" No, we're just friends." I notify Carter and he nods slowly, then he adjusts his glasses.

I hear Asher mumble 'ouch' but I ignore it. Then, the brunette leans against his car casually and he suddenly pulls out his cigarette pack. I almost choke on air, but I manage to keep it together. What is he doing?

I narrow my eyes at the devil beside me, but he minds me no attentions. His mischievous smirk informs me that he's up to something.

" Want one?" Asher offers Carter one, but Carter instantly shakes his head without hesitation.

" Carter, did you want something?" I break him out of his trance as he stares at Asher.

He turns to me and smiles warmly. " No, I just wanted to see how you were doing, on my way to drop these boxes off." He explains.

" Oh. Well, thanks, I guess. I'm fine." I smile back warmly at him so that I don't seem fazed by his presence. Which, I'm really not, or at least I'm trying to convince myself.

" So, Carter, tell me more about yourself." Asher puts a small smile on display.

Carter squirms a bit. He shifts from leg to leg, looks around the neighborhood, fixes his glasses once again, then he finally looks at Asher.m

" I fix things." He simply says and for some reason, Asher's eyes widen a bit. " I fix computers, phones, PC's. You know." He shrugs as if that's a normal hobby.

I'm not judging him, but my gosh. Either I'm amazed easily or this guy is actually smart enough to become a Doctor immediately after he graduates high school.

The Jock Next DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora