The Explosion

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~ Chapter 42 ~

Enjoy this Chapter :)
-It gives you an insight into the realistic and unsugarcoated highschool life.
-Plus, (of course), there is an Asher and Ava moment ;)

Trent starts walking towards the door, then notices us besides Asher's car. He smiles greetingly at us, but the sincere smile disappears instantly when he notices Asher's long cast. He flinches at the sight, then immediately covers the angered expression with a tight and fake smile.

" I'll see you later." I mumble and walk away slowly as Asher and Trent continue glaring at each other. I notice the small nod the brunette gives me as I quietly disappear and reappear at my house. Well, that couldn't have been more awkward.

When I enter the house, I abruptly stop when I see multiple boxes piled up next to the door. It takes me a couple of seconds to remember, but my parents are moving without us. The thought is overwhelming especially since I'll be stuck with the moody Ryder, yet, fulfilling because I'll be spending the rest of my senior year—my last year of high school—with my friends.

I'm brought back to reality when I see Ryder coming down the stairs. He looks awful. Completely beaten up; bruises and cuts covering his face, as well as a swollen eye. For a second I feel guilty...two seconds...three seconds. The guilt stops when he flips me off as he goes into the kitchen. The guilt also stops when I remember that he broke Asher's arm.

I ignore him and start going into my room, but once again I'm abruptly stopped when Ryder reappears in my way, holding a bottle of water in his hands.

He's no longer wearing his letterman Jacket, but now a white hoodie. His cold gray eyes shoot daggers at me. I'm probably already dead in his mind.

I prepare myself for a never-ending argument. He breaks the deadly silence first. " How was your trip?"

" I would love to tell you, but sadly it's none of your business." I reply with a sarcastic tone and push past him before he can start ranting because I have tons of assignments to do, therefore, I can't afford a headache at a time like this.

" You know the school called." I stop halfway through the stairs, but I don't turn around. " They were wondering why you missed school today. I could have handed the call over to mom or dad, but I didn't. I told them you were sick." I turn around and he's crossing his arms.

I tilt my head at him. " You don't need to—"

" I didn't because I am giving you one more chance to stay away from that bastard." He explains himself and I look at him with astonishment now. I almost laugh. Unbelievable. Selfish. Ignorant.

" You don't need to protect me." I inform him firmly and let that sink in for a while.

" You're wrong. I don't want to protect you, but I need to." He stares at me with a hint of desperation in his eyes that I almost miss.

" Need to protect me from what?" I whisper, mentally exhausted from the cluelessness that's always present when I'm around everybody. I am positive that everybody knows something about the brunette—something horrible apparently—that I don't know. " You could just tell me what it is you're trying to protect me from, maybe then I'd understand."

Now Ryder looks at the floor and shakes his head, remaining silent. I hate that you-will-figure-it-out-soon silence.

" It can't be that bad. Plus, you can't keep treating me like a clueless idiot; it's not fair. I deserve to know—at least from you since it doesn't seem like he's going to tell me any time soon. It's not like he killed someone. Even if he did kill someone or if he robbed each and every bank in the world, it doesn't define him as the most dangerous person in the universe—everybody has some good in them. Just tell me already. Tell me—"

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