The Theory

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~ Chapter  21 ~

*Major editing done

*Enjoy this long chapter full of Ava and Asher moments

I look around and the place is modern and comfy looking, but I still don't know why Asher brought me here. I can't help the words that come out of my mouth, "Nice. You brought me to a house." I smile tightly.

Asher turns to look at me and stares at me blankly, so I, obviously, stare back. Suddenly, he starts walking, slowly, towards me.

" Is this just a house, Greyson?" He tilts his head, still walking towards me.

" Well, it doesn't look like a zoo to me." I shrug.

" Just a house." he mumbles. " Lets see if this is just a house." And with that, he starts picking me up and carrying me in bridal style.

I squirm in his strong arms. I don't even know how he can carry me right now, not that I weigh that much, but still, he was just in a fight the other day and he's probably still healing.

Afterwards, I just give up and let him carry me to god knows where. Suddenly, I notice something small underneath his ear; a tattoo.

It's looks like it's an upside down triangle, with a line crossing the bottom part. It looks confusing, but in the same time cool. I decide to ask him about it later.

He walks out onto a balcony and before I can complain, my eyes widen at the sight in front of me; water and sand. It's a beach. I almost laugh at myself, for not noticing that before. I can here the water splashing from the wind and there are only a few people tanning and surfing. The water is so bright, I think I can almost see through it. As always, realization hits me. Before I can say the words, the brunette has to be cocky, of course.

" Is it just a house, Grey?" he says, as his cinnamon scented fills my nose. I look up into his green eyes and roll my blue ones. His lips turn into a smirk.

" No Asher, it's a Beach house." I huff out. Now, he's smirking in satisfaction as his smile lines appear. " Now, let me go." He does as he's told.

" Ready for the tour?" he asks eagerly and I nod in response. I mentally thank myself for wearing shorts, because Florida's weather hasn't been the coolest, lately.

As we're walking I remember the parent conference today, but then I also remember that my parents aren't coming, so there's no point in worrying.

We walk back in and I follow Asher. He stops at this wide space that looks like a lounge, connected with a small kitchen. Almost everything in here is made of white marble or tile.

" First stop, is the living room and kitchen." He gestures to the space and after I acknowledge it, I follow him through a hallway.

Suddenly, from behind him, I decide to grab his unnecessary snapback off, in a quick motion before he can stop me.

He turns back, making his brunette waves, fall right above his eyes. He opens his mouth, about to say somethin, then closes he it and continues walking. I do think it's weird that he didn't protest about his hair, but maybe he's getting used to it, like all the other things I do to him. I put on his snapback and continue walking.

" Is this place yours?" I ask as I break the silence. We stop in front of a wooden door and we stand in front of each other. He starts unlocking the door with a key, that he had in his pocket.

" No," he says with a small voice, " It's my stepfathers, but I'm basically the only one that uses it." He shrugs as the door clicks open and I nod.

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