Chapter 3

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My dad had parked the car in the parking lot and was opening the window's as today was quite warm. I had to quickly run and find my way to the student Hall to get my stuff so I left my dad, mum and sister in the car.

I followed the crowd of students to where they were walking. Once in the student Hall I went to a member of staff who took down my details before giving me my key to my accommodation and my otherstuff in a box. A guy in thick rimmed glasses came to me while holding a camera.

"You don't have a picture for your ID card so let's take one now." I nodded before taking my seat on the stool.

"1 2 3." There was a big flash and I tried to smile through it. When I got my card I looked at the picture and saw that it wasn't actually bad. I actually looked good. I looked up from my picture and saw another picture in front of me. The girl in the picture had blinked and the picture looked dodgy.

I looked up to see and girl with long brown hair.

"I blinked in my picture and the stupid nerd didn't allow me to have a retake."

I frowned at what she had said.

"That's unfair."

"Yh I know. I just hope I haven't entered myself for a cheap university." I laughed as I shook my head.

"No I don't think it's cheap. It seems too good here."

"I know I can't wait to party today evening!" She squealed and ran off. I do hope I meet more people like her. I went of back to my car and got in.

"Right Michelle where are we going?" I looked at my map and saw that I was going to be in the north building.

"North building."
"I think I see the signs." My mum added. "Let's just follow it."

My dad drove slowly and followed the signs until we saw a big building which said north building on it. My dad drove to the nearest car park and parked the car before turning off the engine.

"Right me and your mother would stay in here and look after the car and you and your sister go and find where exactly you are staying. When you have found the place just come back and we would start unloading." Dad said. We argeed and me and Jasmine got out of the car.

"Follow me follow me!" Jasmine sang. "Do you even know where we are going?" I asked.

"Yes. The north building which is right in front of us." We got to the door which was locked. There was a card scan which said tap card so I quickly tapped my id card on it and the door unlocked we walked in and were met with stairs. I checked my details which was given to see and I saw that my accommodation was door 10. "I think we climbed up one flight of stairs" We got to the top of the first flight of stairs and were met with two doors. The first one said rooms 1 to 5 and the second said 6 to 10. We pushed the door only to find it locked. "Try one of your keys." Jasmine said. I put my key in the door and turned it which caused the door to unlock. We walked down the corridor to the door number 10. I used the other key to unlock the door.

The door opened.

Me and Jasmine walked in together and looked around. There was a bed at the side which had pillows on it and extra bedsheets folded on it. There was a wooden desk with drawers at the side and on the wall was a whiteboard with a marker on top of it.

I loved the room. Inside the room was a door so I opened it and was met with a bathroom which looked absolutely neat. Jasmine walked to the toilet before pulling the lid up and jumping back.

"Oh my gosh! What is that?" I rushed and looked down.

"There is nothing Jasmine."

"I know I just wanted you to make you look." She closed the lid and we closed the bathroom before she sat herself on my bed. I immediately pulled her up. "We have to go now and get my stuff then you can rest." Jasmine let out a groan of frustration as she allowed me to pull her up. When we got back to the car mum and dad had taken out the suitcases I had bought and had place some of my boxes on top of the car boot. "Jasmine take two cases and Michelle take one. When you get back you Michelle can get the last case and Jasmine you come for the box OK?"

We all agreed and she got the cases while I handled the one case. When we dropped them of I took the case and one of my big bags while Jasmine carried two big boxes at the same time. Soon we were done and my dad insisted I lock my accommodation door so we can walk around the campus. There was a fair on campus and they were giving out free popcorn and candyfloss. We got some and sat on the grass and ate it. "Wow this is great. I think after this I am going to go get another." Jasmine said while shoving some candyfloss in her mouth.

"No you are not." My dad said. "It isn't good for your teeth. Jasmine rolled her eyes as she ate her candyfloss. I smiled at my mum and dad while they looked at me proudly.

"I am going to do you proud guys. I am going to work my ass off." My mum finched.

"Please don't use the word ass."

"Ass." Jasmine said smirking while dad just laughs.

We finished our popcorn and candyfloor and sat there still enjoying the weather.

An hour later.

"Just come home with us." Jasmine said.
"What the point you guys are going to have to leave me sooner or later." I stated while looking down. I hated goodbyes and honestly didn't want this to be dramatic.

"Fine." Jasmine said as she hugged me. "You better not go partying before someone drugs you." I pulled away before looking her in the eyes.

"There is no point in me going. I don't have friends to go with." She snorted at what I said and I leaned forward to hug mum and dad.

"Bye mum. Bye dad." My mum let's out a cry. "My little girl ain't so little anymore."
"Was she ever little?" My sister askes as she attempts to grab my stomach.

"Jasmine!" My dad yells. She let's go of me before moving back. We all stood there awkwardly as we watched people walk past us.

"OK. Umm bye guys!" I turned to start walking when my dad shouted for me to stop. I turned around to stop and looked at him. He was recording.

"Bye sweetheart I love you."

"I love you too dad." I said walking slightly backwards.

"No drinking!"

"Yes dad!"

"No smoking!"

"I know dad!"

"No having sex till your 35!" A guy walking near me stopped and looked at me. "That's your plan." I was about to interrupt him and explain but he quickly added with his hand on his chest. "That's my plan too. I am 30 years old."

I frowned at him before taking a step away. He shrugged his shoulders before walking away.

I was right. University is going to be one hell of a journey. I turned and ran of towards my accommodation.

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