Chapter 60 (Christmas part 1)

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It has been roughly over a month since I left university and let me tell you one thing.

This has been the quietest time ever.

Luckily my mum and dad didn't try and ask questions but I knew they were just waiting for this day to pass because today is Christmas.

I didn't really sleep properly. I was awake most of the night thinking about what would have happened if Jack's relatives liked me. After over thinking for a few minutes I got out of bed and had a bath and brushed my teeth before changing into my Christmas dress.

Me and Jasmine would normally wear a Christmas dress on Christmas day because it just sets the Christmas mood and we have been doing this since we were kids.

After I was ready I pushed back the curtain and saw that it was snowing. I didn't know whether to be happy or not. Since I left university I hadn't really talked much or showed any emotion and I didn't want to be the part pooper on Christmas.

I needed to act or try and be happy.

I went into the living room before putting on my Christmas hat. I sat near the tree and started to feel the wrapped up parcels. I didn't really know what I wanted specifically for Christmas. I guess Nike trainers would do. I have the sliders but never actually got the trainers so maybe that would impress me.

I honestly don't know.

"Your awake?" I looked up to see my dad standing near the door. I nodded in response to his question.

"Well your mum and I are going to be preparing breakfast soon just give us a few more minutes." He turned to leave but I decided that it is time to talk and it looks like my dad would be the first to hear me.

"Thank you dad," he turned around and looked at me with a shocked expression then gave me the biggest smile ever before going upstairs.
I got my laptop and decided that I am going to check my email.

By check my email I mean check the news to see how much my reputation has been destroyed. I typed up my name onto Google and saw that Jack had been to an interview recently. I plugged in my earphones and clicked on the video. Jack was sitting on a chair in front of a older man and looked extremely uncomfortable.

"So Jack there has been some rumours going on that you and Michelle broke up. Is it true?" The old man asked looking interested but worried.

"Unfortunately yes," Jack looked down at his hands and started playing with his fingers.

"Oh no! Why Jack? You guys didn't even give us enough time to come up with a couple name!" 

Everyone in the audience laughed including Jack but I couldn't help but feel like his laugh was forced.

"Since you two broke up have you guys been in contact?"

"Not really?" The old man slowly nodded as Jack continued.

"When a break up like this happens and the media keep steaming it this then becomes hard to deal with. I feel like Michelle blames it all on herself and because the media put everything out there and it wasn't all true it made her look bad. Now she is gone." Jack kept his head down as the audience stayed silent. It was then I noticed my eyes were becoming watery.

Stupid interview! I grabbed a tissue and wiped my eyes before going back to the video.

"Do you mean that she left because the drama was too much?" The old man asked leaning slightly forward in his seat.

"I think so. There was some other things I have found out but I think that's between me and her. I don't blame her for leaving. She wasn't treated the way she deserves and it's my fault." Jacks hands started shaking.

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