Chapter 40

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While me and Skylar were walking around Primark I couldn't help but think of Jack. I don't even know what stage we are at.

Is there even  stages in a fake relationship?

We faked our relationship and he cheated on me.

Was that even cheating?

Skylar quickly rushed in front of me and picked up a long sleeve soft pajama top and soft warm pajama trousers. It had the image of bears all around it making it look so cute. I just couldn't image someone like Bradley seeing Skylar in this pyjamas though he really shouldn't be in a room during the late hours.

He seems like the type of guy who would have Skylar wear a crop top and shorts. I shivered at the thought. It's too cold for that!

"This looks warm," Skylar said as she held the bear pyjama.

"I think this is my seize," I helped her look at the label and saw it was a seize ten. I am sure Jacks mother would want me to be a seize 10 but even I know that it would take months or even year of hard work and dedication.

I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"I know Michelle! I can't believe they don't have a seize 8 just 10 and the bigger ones," my eyes widened at what Skylar was proposing.

"So your seize 8?" Skylar nodded as she looked through the pyjamas on the rank. Wow just knowing that my friend is a seize 8 makes me want to eat cornflakes forever.

How did I get this big?

"I guess size 10 isn't too bad. I can still wear it," I nodded slowly before we continued to walk around a bit. That is when I saw a gold necklace. There was a lot of gold necklaces and it had different names on it but one caught my eye.

One necklace surprised me.

It had the letters 'J&G' on it.

I picked it up and looked at the package to see at the back a picture of me and Jack smiling as we walked. It was taken by the paparazzi. This definitely wasn't on sale.

Someone saw me and put it here so I can see it!

I turned to look at Skylar and saw her busy looking at the other jewellery. I examined the package of the necklace and saw a message written on the label of the necklace.

Very very truly sorry. We need to talk.

I pinched myself very hard. I don't want this to be a dream I want it to be real. I actually want Jack to want me. I want him to tell me he is sorry I want him to beg me not to go because as much as I find it uncomfortable to say I...I like Jack.

But it's best for you and Jack not to talk. Remember James!

I cringed at my inner voice for reminding me about James.

I took the necklace and tucked it away before going back to Skylar. She was holding the bear pajamas and a crop top with shorts. I went up to her and pointed at the crop top and shorts.

"Aren't they cute Michelle?"

"It would pain me to see you in those in this weather Skylar," Skylar laughed at my response as I tried to keep a straight face but couldn't. I ended up with a goofy smile on my face. We went to pay for the stuff before leaving the store. The paparazzi were outside Primark and when they started taking pictures of us we walked quickly and got onto the first bus before leaving them behind.

Skylar turned to me as we stayed standing on the bus, "So you find wearing shorts and a crop top unusual in this weather?"

"Well we are in November so it's kind of cold for it,"

"Bradley said it's OK," Skylar whispered making me turn my head to her direction. So she was going to freeze over a boy? Is she mad?

OK now I sound like my mum.

"Oh hell no! No way you are going to freeze for a guy! When we get of the bus we are going to talk to Bradley," I said as I moved down the bus to stand nearer to the door.

"Oh my gosh you are not doing that!" We got to our bus stop and I smirked at Skylar before saying "watch me,"I started to run towards our block in fast speed. I continued running and looked back to see that Skylar was far behind. I ran into our block and ran up the stairs before turning into the boys corridor. I started to shout on the corridor.

"Bradley sweet Bradley! Come out with your arms up!" Nothing happened then Skylar ran in and tried tackling me to the ground.

"Nooooooooo! Don't you dare Michelle!"

"How dare he make you freeze! You could die if you continue!" Just then one of the doors opened and out walked Gerald.

"What is going on?"

"Where is he?" I ask-shout


"Bradley," Gerald started to close the door slowly. "I have not seen him today," I quickly got up and put my foot out so Gerald couldn't close the door. "Why are you closing the door Gerald?"

"Nothing it's just-" suddenly he pushed the door taking me by surprise but I used my strength and pushed the door open. Gerald stopped trying to close the door causing me to stagger into the room.

Then I saw him. Bradley. He was sitting by a desk on his laptop with his glasses on. He gave me a confuse look and I looked back at Skylar and saw that she was slightly pale.

"Watch and learn," I said to her as she came closer  to the door.

"Right Bradley! Why are you making Skype freeze?"

"Excuse me!"

"You heard me!" Skylar placed an arm around my shoulder.

"She is very protective Bradley!" Skylar stated. Bradley gave her a small smile before frowning at me.

"You need to leave now! I have revision to do."

"What if I don't?" Bradley smirked before reaching for something which looked like a gun. He handed it slowly to Gerald.

"Its full dude.Do your worst mate. I only warn people once!" Before me and Skylar could take in what was about to happen we were sprayed.

With cream.

We both screamed as we tried to leave through the main door but ended up falling over each other in a disgusting heap of cream! Gerald laughed before high fiving Bradely. They both walked back into the room before closing and locking the door behind him. I stood up and looked down at Skylar to see her rubbing her nose.

"I think I sniffed some cream Michelle!"

Just then the door next door opened and the same boy who saw us here and told us about Gerald came out. He gave us a geeky smile, "so ladies would I be allowed to join in with the fun?" We both shouted 'NO!'

The boy turned and walked back to his room looking slightly miserable.

But seriously there is no fun in being sprayed in cheap whipped cream from Tesco!

Why does he want to join in?

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