Chapter 7

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I woke up early and decided to go for a run around campus. I brushed my teeth and got changed into gym clothes before setting of. I placed my headphones on and started my jog.

My music suddenly changed to 7 things by Miley Cyprus. Now let me explain myself! Jasmine wanted to make a fun video of us miming to a good song and she was looking for an old Disney song and picked 7 things. I decided to go along with it because it was just good old fun. That is why I have the song on my phone.

As I was in deep thought i didn't see the figure in front of me and I collided with it before falling to the ground and my headphones falling completely of my head. "Oh no." I said as reached for my headphones and placed them around my neck. The figure stood up and held their hand for me which I took. When I looked up it was Jack. "What are you doing up so early Michelle?"
"I am jogging."
"Why at this time?"
"Why are you up at this time Jack?"
"I am the one asking questions." He said back which made me roll my eyes. I started to walk away when I felt him pull me back.

"They are here," Jack said.

"The paparazzi?"

"Yes." I looked back to see a few distant flashes.

"Let's jog together." He nodded and we started to jog in sync. We jogged around the field twice before I started to notice that the flash had stopped.

"I think they have gone." I said after we stopped to rest. He stopped and looked back.

"Your right."

"Well I guess I will see you later Jack."

"Wait!" Jack grabbed me and pulled me back to you gently.

"Are you free in 2 weeks?" I frowned at his statement.

"You might as well ask if I am free in 2030?"

"I don't understand." Jack said looking confused.

"I wouldn't know if I am free until the time comes near."

"I love your sarcasm." He said while smiling.

"Why would you want to know if I am free by then?" He started to scratch his head while looking uncomfortable.

"My parents saw the headlines yesterday and want to meet my 'girlfriend' immediately." He looked at me while I stood there shocked.

"Do you really want me to go?" He nodded slowly. "They are having a ball so you can come to that. We don't need to get close you just have to say hello, smile and hold my hand that's it." I frowned at this. I was quite shy at times and hated meeting new people it made me feel and act awkward.

"Please Michelle just once." I looked away the feeling of dread feeling me.

"I will buy you a new dress and shoes for the evening." I remained looking away.
"Fine I will get you a dress and some sneakers to match." I looked at him feeling slightly better. He seemed to notice this because he started smiling.

"Now smile Michelle you look so sad as if I told you your pet poodle died a few hours ago." I frowned as he started poking my checks.

"Smile. Like omg smile!" He said sounding like an American girl. I started laughing which resulted in him joining in and that's when I saw the flash. Only it was up close.
A camera guy was in front of us. "Aww are you two love birds exercising?"
Jack put his arm around me before giving the guy a small nod. "Yes we are."
"You guys are awesome." The camera man said as he started to take more pictures.

"Now tell me Michelle is that Gucci you are wearing?"

"Yh it is actually. I said gesturing to my T-shirt. "It was actually £1.50 at a clothing stall." The camera man laughed while looking at me in admiration.

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