Chapter 10

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"I have to do what?"

"Just dance with him."


"Come on its only for five minutes."

"I am not that confident."

"This is why I got you converses so your very comfortable."

"If only I had known it was so I can dance well with your father..."

"Please." Jack had told me that I was going to dance in the middle of the party with his dad. At one point of the party we would be the only ones on the dance floor as it would be the special part of the evening.

Jack told me that it is part of tradition but it looks like this tradition needs to be broken. Like now!

"Jack I have never slowed dance before. What if I trip him over? What if I trip over my own feet?" Jack chuckled as I freaked.

"Relax I am going to teach you each and everyday until the day comes."

"OK." I stood up. "Lets start today. Teach me now."

"Wait what?"

"You want the paparazzi to see how loving we are so if you teach me you would be giving them what they want and you would be giving me what I want. My dance lessons." He stood up and took my hands in his.

"OK Michelle. Your left hand would go on my father's back and your right hand would be holding my dad's right hand. I nodded before putting myself in position. Jack placed his left hand at the bottom of my back.

"OK so I am going to lead the way and you just try following me without tripping over or anything." He took a step back and I took one toward him. He took one step the side as I followed him. I soon realised that I was making a big deal out of nothing.

"See this isn't so bad," Jack said as we continue our small routine. Jack spins me around slowly before we continue our routine. After a while we sat back down on the bench.

"That's all you are doing. My dad would be the one leading so you just have to follow him."

"OK and what happens if I trip?"

"Nothing. Just get up and continue." I groaned at his response before he got out his phone and started typing.

"I am just telling my mum that I have got you the dress and trainers."

I nodded as I straightened my top.

"Right we need to discuss other rules. On the evening of the ball if anyone askes you to dance with them you have to agree. People need to get to know or feel like they are but if you do feel uncomfortable just excuse yourself and come to me." He looked through the paper and pointed at the next rule. "This might be uncomfortable but we must keep our arms around each other and every once in a while we have to kiss each other on the cheek. We may be expected to kiss on the lips but I will give you a signal if that's the case."

Jack's cheeks looked slightly red as he said this.

"That's fine Jack I am pretty sure we can pull this off. People actually think we are dating right?"

"Yes they do."

"Are there any other rules?"

He showed me the two pages he had in his book. "These pages are mainly about us having to show affection for each other and just being polite to others at the ball."

"Then I guess the rules are easy."

Jack nodded as he looked briefly at the papers. "They are but there might be times when it is hard but don't worry I will try make it easy for you. After all I kind of pulled you into this. The night I carried you."

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