Chapter 4

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It was 10:00pm and I could hear the song psycho by post malone which I loved. My new neighbours have good taste.

I had changed into a white body tight dress and was wearing a black and white furry jacket. I left my braids out and applied some makeup. I was going to go to the freshers party. It was a week of partying but I was only going to go for today. I picked up my small hand bag and wore my boots on.

Let's go and have some fun alone Michelle!

I laughed silently to myself before locking my door and leaving. I heard a loud scream and leaned against my door. "Please don't pour that on me you are going to ruin my outfit!" Just then a girl quickly unlocked the main door and shut it behind her. She looked up at me as I still remained leaning against my door.

"It's a 'tradition' to ruin the freshers clothes when they are going to freshers party."

I looked down at what I was wearing. I didn't want it to get ruined.

"What do we do?" I asked her.

She stood up and grabbed my hand as she pulled me to her accommodation. "We get prepared." I looked carefully at her and saw that she was wearing heels aims had a tight dress like mine only hers was lilac.

She pulled out two water proof coats. "We can wear these when going there but when we get there we loose it and when coming back we put it on."

"Wow thanks!" I put the coat on as she put hers on.

"So are you going with anyone?"

The girl asked. I shook my head and she smiled.

"That's brilliant I had no one either. We can go together." She held out her hand and I smiled.

"My name is Kate."

"My name is Michelle."

"Well it's nice to meet you."

"You too."

She let go of my hand and did a little dance.

"Let's go have some fun."

"You need id ladies." The security guard said.

"The fact that this club is on a university campus and we go here should be prove enough." Kate said

"Nope some people from outside the university can walk in at any time you know."

"Please." I begged. The security guard turned to face me and smirked.

"Maybe I can let the both of you in if you wouldn't mind helping out my little friend." Kate frowned.

"That's gross sir." The security guard looked confused.

"How is it? My little friend needs help see." He pointed at a short guy who was struggling to carry two big boxes. We both went to help him carry the boxes to his destination and the security guard allowed us in.

Kate laughed as we walked in. "Why are you laughing Kate?"

"The guy said to help his little friend and I thought he meant his..." She leaned against the wall laughing even more.

"...His willy but he meant his friend." I joined in with the laughter I also just realised what happened and I just couldn't believe she used the word willy.

Who still uses that word?

We took off our water proof coats and she pulled me into the dance and used my hand to spin herself around. The song solo by Demi Lovato played loudly.

"I do this solo!" Kate screams while dancing wildly. I joined in and waved my arms around widely. The chorus ends and the second verse starts and I start moving my hips to the song. "Geeze Michelle you sure know how to move your hips." I start spinning around in circles as Kate screams excitingly. Soon I feel hands on my hips and turn to face a man with brown hair holding me. He smiles down at me as Kate looks at my direction with shocked look on her face.

The chorus starts again and I start moving around as the music moves me. The guy holds onto my hips and guides my movement. Soon the music ends and I look back to face Kate and see she is gone.

Great. I have just humiliated myself and have no help whatsoever. As I walk away from the dance floor a hand grabs my and I hear the song hard 2 face reality by Justin Bieber start.

"Let's dance." The guy said as he pulled me into his arms. My arms immediately goes around his neck as I sway my body to the music. As the song ends he grabs my hand and spins me around. I try to pull away because I needed to find Kate but this guy kept a strong grip on my hand. He leaned towards my ear. "Let's go upstairs." He didn't wait for my response and pulled me out as I tried to look around.

We turned into a corner and I saw the stairs which looked so special. The type of stairs a girl in a wedding dress would run up not a girl being forcibly dragged. As we got nearer to the top I tried pulling my arm away but the guy pushed me onto the bed.

"You can't be dancing around and acting sexual then not want to have sex."

I sat up and moved towards the backboard of the bed as the words of my dad ranged in my head. "No sex till your 35!" I bursted out laughing and the guy in front of me quickly jumped on me and lay on me making me laugh even more because he was trying to act seductive and I personally thought he looked like a goose.

"I am glad you have realised how stupid you were before." He pulled out a syringe making me freeze. "Now your laughter has stopped too."

I tried to push him off as the needle came closer. "Stop! Get off me!" The needle pricked me and I started to feel my heart beat faster in fear. "Stop..." I felt hands trying to pull my dress up as my body weakened. Just then the door opened and in walked a guy who also had brown hair. He was wearing a big hoodie and baggy jeans.

"What the hell?!?"

"Please help me." I said my words slightly slurred.

The guy came and pulled the guy who was one top of me of before throwing him on the floor. Just then my head started to ache and I lost consciousness.

Number 1 rule. Stay safe at a freshers party!

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