Chapter 57 (My last message!)

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I got a text from Jack.

Well it wasn't a text it was more like fifteen essays he had sent explaining to me that he knows I didn't cheat and he knows that James was up to something and he knows that his mum was in on the plan and he knows this and he knows that...I was pretty tired of knowing what he knows and I didn't want to reply.

I am about to sound extremely annoying so be prepared.

I KNOW that this isn't his fault but let's face reality.

What is the point in us dating now?

His family clearly don't like me and his mum humiliated me in front of everyone. I even checked my Twitter which I know I shouldn't have but curiosity got the best of me and I saw that I lost nearly all of my follower and I was down to 100 followers. People kept tweeting to me calling me a whore, gold dinner and black trash.

I mean call me anything you want  but don't bring my skin colour into it. One person even asked me how I can cheat on a Lee after they helped me make my catch phrase 'go atmosphere' famous.

How did Jack help me?

It's not we went interviews together and he showed me off to the press. We were always caught by the paparazzi together. Then one time I just told the paparazzi that I go atmosphere and the next thing I know it's a famous phrase. People made me famous!

I just kept being walking around and doing what I do and they liked it. I ignored Jack's message because I knew one thing for fact.

Jack can't pick me over his family.

He just can't.

I put my phone away and started packing the rest of my stuff into my suit case and into boxes. I took out the clothes I would like to wear tomorrow when leaving which was a white thick jumper and black jeans. I placed them away and packed everything else apart from a spear underwear, bra and shower stuff. I hadn't got everything packed away yet already my room looked bare.

I needed to tell them.

Bradley, Kate and Skylar deserved to know that I am leaving permanently and they deserved to know why I am leaving it's just...I don't want to cry.

I hate goodbyes!

Which is weird because I have never actually said goodbye to anyone. No one has ever left me permanently but like I always say and keep hearing from people "there is a first for everything.'

I looked around my room already feeling bad that I wouldn't be back from Christmas.

I decided that it would be best to go out today and get some "goodbye' cards. I think it's significant I write down what I want to say because I don't think I can say what I want to say with sounding like I am choking.

I even got a spare card in case I see Jack which is less likely. If his parents pick him up they would make sure we don't ever see each other again. I wore a big over sized hoody, black legging and used a rainbow scarf to cover around my face. I didn't want anyone to see me. As I left my block I saw the paparazzi but they weren't looking in my direction.

I guess my disguise worked. Either that or they hate me too.

I made my way to the nearest card factory and pulled out five good bye cards and paid for it before leaving. Once in my accommodation I sat by my desk and planned what to write for each person. I have no idea why but I decided to start of with Jack. I guess with him I have a lot to say. I just have to make sure no anger is shown in my written words.

I mean this guy hasn't come forward to say I didn't cheat and is allowing the media to spread the lies and bulls...


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