Chapter 8

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The rest of fresher week went by quick and soon I had started attending my lecturers. I didn't really talk much to others in my lessons but I liked the quiet atmosphere. After each lecture I would spend long lengthy hours revising in the libaray. I loved the library. I tried to keep myself away from the girls and Jack as I still didn't feel too great to talk to them and felt like the odd one out.

I felt stupid and not in the right frame of mind.

I sat in the library and slipped my glasses on while opening my new text book. It had the new book smell. I was enjoying it until a hand reached and grabbed my book. It was Skylar.

"We need to talk Michelle." People around started shushing us.

I mouthed a later to her but she still stood by her grounds.

"No now." She received more shhhhhhh sounds from others around and she glared at them.

"I will leave when Michelle willingly gets her ass up."

People start giving me accusing looks so I quickly got up and took my new book with me. Skylar led the way out before turning to me once we are outside the library.

"I am sorry." She said as she threw her arms around me. I pattered her back gently.

"Why are you sorry Skylar?" She pulls away looking sad. "The only reason you avoid us is because you feel embarrassed right? But you don't need to." I looked down feeling awkward.

"Let's leave campus I think you deserve a tour around Kent." I allowed her to drag me out.

Skylar made me feel better. She showed me around the nearest mall and places to go when in need of food.

"You just need to take the bus to this area. Once here you are safe." She said pointing at the building.

"Skylar this is a Chinese restaurant. How does it keep you safe?"

"It means you won't starve to death." She answered while flicking her hair. I tied my braids up into a ponytail before following Skylar into the restaurant.

"Are you actually going to buy a meal here?" I asked. She nodded before adding.

"I am buying us a meal. We can even sit by the fish tank and enjoy the view."

We walked and took our seats at a table before a male waiter came to us. Skylar smiled at him as he winked at her and licked his lips while looking at me. I couldn't help but cringe.

"What would you beautiful girls like today?"

"You." Skylar answered while flirting with the guy.

"Maybe you can have me after your meal but I was wondering what edible thing would you like from here." He asked while smirking.

"You in my bed," Skylar said. The guy laughed while looking at Skylar in a flirtatious way. He then turned to me. "What would you like babe?" I looked at the menu before picking. "A glass of orange juice and special fried rice noodles please." I folded the menu before giving it back to him. He looked disappointed before taking note of my order and Skylar's real order before leaving.

We sat in silence for a while before I decided to break it. "So do you live far from here." She shook her head. "I live 55 minutes away and I could have commuted but my mum said I will always be late to my lectures so I got an accommodation."

"I live 3 hours away." Her eyes widened. 

"Where do you live?" Skylar asked.



"I know." The waiter came with our drinks and placed them in front of us.

"Thank you," I said before reaching for my drink.

"So you know Jack Lee?" I stopped sipping on my straw and looked up.

"Yes I do."

"Are you two like dating?"

"Yes?" I said like a question.

"For how long?" What do I say?!?

"A month." Skylar nodded and smiled a bit.

"You are so lucky because he is very rich."

"Yh I know. With his parents company joined like a sandwich of course they would be rich."

Skylar shook her head while smiling.

"They have a lot of other companies around the world and in this country. They even wanted Jack to take over one in France but he wanted to go university instead."

"That's interesting."

"Yes it is." The male waiter brought our food and we started to eat. I saw Skylar eating with both knife and folk while I just had my noodles with my folk.

"Do you know how to eat with both a knife and folk?" Skylar asked. I shook my head as the feeling of embarrassment filled me.

"Oh thank God me either." I laughed as she dropped her knife on her plate.

"I thought you did and I didn't want to look uneducated."

"My mum doesn't eat with a knife and folk like the way most people do. Like if she needs to she will but most the time it's a spoon or folk we are using."

"That's the same with me but my dad uses both but I didn't learn."

We ended up laughing at how useless we are with the cutlery.

"I never thought I would meet someone else who doesn't know how to use a folk and knife the 'posh way'. I am so happy!"

We continued to eat our meal and once done Skylar said that we should go to the nearest park. We walked into the park and sat on the grass while enjoying the breeze.

"One thing I hate about parties is that people get drunk and get rude." I tensed up knowing exactly where she is going with this.

"Some people can say things which make you feel embarrassed and even hate yourself but they are the ones embarrassing themselves."

I slowly nodded before interrupting.

"Skylar if you are talking about freshers party then I want you to know that I am not slightly affected by that guy who called me the N word. I don't actually care but I guess you are right. I was embarrassed."

"Well you shouldn't be. He should be the one embarrassed."

"I know and thank you Skylar." She smiled at me before completing laying herself on the grass.

"No problem Michelle."

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