Chapter 54 (The result)

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Embarrassed and humiliated is how I felt after the ball. I spent the next day few days in bed watching anything on YouTube to try stop myself from thinking about the ball and to help stop me from looking at the news.

Seeing the news is what could possibly kill me.

Just knowing that people would read the articles and see how I was humiliated and caught out for 'cheating' is enough to make me want to hide in a hole for years.

So I guess I now know how it feels like when you can't recover from an incident. I feel hopeless and depressed. My parents kept calling me which means that they must have seen the news and the articles must have exposed everything which happened at the ball. I groaned as I put my phone away and closed my eyes.

Today is results day and there is no way that I would be leaving this room to go and get my results. There isn't any point in doing this.

James definitely failed me.

I know I will definitely get an email from the course leader about this and about why they think I am not doing so great but I have made up my mind.

I am leaving.

Too much has happened and I know I will never be respected here or anywhere but I might as well it give a try and leave. I would rather be somewhere else than stay. I opened my eyes and sat up on my bed. My head was hurting a lot due to stress and over thinking but I couldn't help it.

I reached for the paracetamol pack and a bottle of water before having my medicine. After I had my medicine I lay on my back waiting for the pain to subside.

I needed to check my email but I knew I had to be careful. I unlocked my laptop and quickly went on Google as my home page was news headlines and the last thing I need is to see a picture of myself and it's headline.

I logged into my email and saw that I didn't get a message from the course leader but from Tim. The message said:

Dear Miss Williams I have been through all your exams and have seen the unfairness but from speaking with James I can't change or do anything about this. James is the one who has the power to change your grades and I do think you should speak to him. If you do want to talk to me please come again to my office if not we can talk on the phone.

Tim had left his phone number below so I decided to call it. I needed to be sure on what exactly I have to do and whatever Tim tells me determines it all. Tim picks up the phone on the second ring.


"Hey Tim it's me Michelle Williams," I start to feel nervous about my results which was ridiculous.

You know the results Michelle!

"Hello Michelle I hope you are feeling well," I rubbed my arms feeling uncomfortable. Tim was only asking if I was OK because of what happened.

"I am ok Tim. So I know I have failed the other exams and they weren't a pass but what about the recent exams. Today is the day I am supposed to get my results but I am ill,"

Well I wasn't lying.

I keep having the worst headaches and I am going through the worst feeling of embarrassment.

"I can find out your results Michelle. It's on the system."

"OK Tim please let me know,"

"Yh just give me a second." I kept the phone to my ear and listen quietly to Tim's breathing from the other side.

"Umm Michelle are you still there?"

"Yes I am here,"

"I am sorry but you failed all your exams," I let out the breath I had been holding. Why does this hurt so much?


"Michelle I do believe James has something against you which is why you are not passing,"

"What should I do?" I knew what to do. I just wanted to see if there was other solutions and ways to go around this. Tim stayed quiet on the line before answering.

"You need to change your university," I let the tears spill. I couldn't believe this was real. I actually have to leave.

"I know it's hard for you Michelle I have seen the news and everything which has happened and I am sorry about it. But this is the only way. If you stay he would eventually get you to do what he wants and if you don't do what he wants he would continue to fail you. This can lead to you getting kicked out of the university."

"I know Tim. I know I have to go..." I started to sob as quietly as I could which ended up being louder than I imagined.

"Don't cry,"

"I am sorry,"

"Please don't be Michelle. You deserve a better university. I just hope one day James looses this uni and his position. No one deserves to go through what you are going through," I wiped my nose before sniffing.

"Thank you Tim. I will contact a different university and try get in so by January I am starting a fresh,"

"That's the spirit!"

"Thank you again and goodbye Tim,"

"Goodbye Michelle," with that I ended the call. I got up from my bed and looked into the mirror as I wiped my tears away.

Time to start packing my stuff away and I think it is time I tell my family about all of this.

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