Chapter 61 (Christmas part 2)

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My little cousins were running around the house while their parents were having a conversation with my parents. Jasmine was sitting in the corner using her new tablet while I sat in the opposite corner drinking my Purdey drink.

My curiosity about the last gift was increasing and I was slowly getting mad about it. I reached for the gift but was stopped by Jasmine.

"No not now!"

"When then?"

"In five minutes,"

"Why five?"

"That is just the way life is Michelle."

"What is in the parcel?"

"Weed! Now be quiet," It was then that we realised how quiet the room had become. Me and Jasmine slowly turned to face mum and dad who looked ready to kill.

"What did you say Jasmine?" My aunt askes as I slowly sink into my corner.

"Michelle asked me to give her an example of a drug so I said weed," My aunt nodded and turned to continue with her conversation but my dad wasn't convinced.

He picked up the present and started to unwrap it.

"Dad no!" Jasmine shouted as dad pulled out a DVD.

"I hope this isn't porn Jasmine!" Dad shouted as he examined it. Jasmine stood up and grabbed it from dad before throwing it at me. I took it and rushed upstairs to my room while my dad chased me up. Once in my room I quickly closed the door and locked it.

"Open up now Michelle!"

"Dad I think it is a recorded message for me," he stopped banging on the door.

"Who from?"

"Don't know. Just let me listen to it. I will let you know what is on it." Dad let out a sigh.

"Fine but remember Williams do-"

"-don't keep secrets," I interrupted. Once I was sure he was gone I quickly put the disc in my laptop and waited for it to play.

I held my breathe when I saw Jack's face.

Wait a minute.

How did know where to send this disc?

Did he kidnap Jasmine make her give it to me?

Why would he make a DVD for me?

The video started and Jack took a seat in front of the camera.

"Hey Michelle. Now I know you don't ever want to speak to me in person so I decided to make a DVD. This way you don't have to talk to me or feel awkward. But please just hear me out."

He leaned a bit forward looking straight at me.

"I am so sorry Michelle. I feel like there is nothing I can do to take away the pain you went through and I wish I could. I know your leaving so here is what I want to tell you. Before I met you I was  racist but you changed me. You made me see the beauty in you and I tried to make my mum see it to and it didn't work."

He looked back as if someone was calling him. Then he turned back at me.

"My dad wants me to take Lucy out so I kind of have to go. I just wanted you to know that I love you Michelle. When I said that on the phone to you before I didn't just say it. I mean it. I love you so much and I know you have left but please call me. Let's talk about what happened. Enjoy your Christmas break Michelle. Bye for now."

The video ended there but I wanted to replay it so I did.

Jack said he loves me!

Wait why am I excited about this?

 My Black Beauty Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora