Chapter 19

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"What the hell is going on?" Mum asked through my speaker. I was tidying my room as it was kind of messy.

"Nothing is happening!" I explained knowing that she already knows half the things I have been up to.

"I saw the cover of the sun paper and the mirror and you were laying on the ground laughing."

I am going to get Jack! He told me he is going to strip for me!

"What was the caption of the newspaper mum?" Mum let out a frustrated sign.

"The caption was 'Jack's black beauty falls but still looks magnificent!" I cringed at the words. How did the papers know that the title 'black beauty'? Only Jack calls me that.

Well called me that.

"Wow!" I said trying to hide my shock.

"Please tell me what you are doing is legal." I stayed quiet. Was it legal to fake a relationship? Yes but in Jack's case I wasn't so sure.

"It is mum. I am just friends with a wealthy person and because I am a girl they think we are dating."

"You sure that is it."

"Yes mum."

"OK then." The conversation ended there and I finished tidying my room. After I had a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothes. I went to the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. I took a seat by the small table and started to eat while playing candy crush on my phone.

Suddenly, a newspaper was slapped onto my desk and the front cover was a picture of me laying on the ground laughing.

Shockingly I kind of looked cute. As if I was posing. Mr Lee's head on my stomach was cropped out and zoomed into my face. I looked up and saw Kate smiling. She started to laugh as she took her seat.

"You are so hilarious Michelle!"

I looked at her while laughing.
"I know Mr Lee falling on me was the light of the evening."

Kate continued laughing as she held her side.


"To the ball." I finished. Kate nodded in response.

"Don't worry Kate I didn't sneak in Jack invited me." She smiled gently as she squeezed my hand.

"I don't know why but I feel so excited for you."

"I don't know how to feel Kate."

"Jack understood right?" I remembered the car ride back. Jack wouldn't stop laughing. He laughed so hard that he had to pull over to laugh. Which made me laugh too. Jack ended up having to pee in the bushes near by. I turned to Kate. "He understood very well."

"Then that's good. You have nothing to worry about."

"I guess not." I carried on eating my breakfast. "What are you having this morning?"

"I am going out with someone to eat."


"The guy who sprayed me." I started to smile.

"What is his name again?"



"Stop Michelle," but she was smiling.

"So what are you and Gerald going to eat?"

Kate looked down at her hands. "He said he would make something."

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