Chapter 37

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I had done 2 laps around campus and I was tired. By tired I mean dying. My heart was beating fast and I felt like I was about to pass out. I leaned against the brick wall behind me as I tried to catch my breathe. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out to see that I got a message from Jack.

I know you wouldn't be happy to see this message but we might need to go see my family again. We have another ball in a few weeks time and my mum wants to see you there. She wants to see you today to 'prepare' you but don't worry I am NOT going to leave you this time. Be ready by 4pm.

I couldn't help but groan at the thought of being with this family. I really did not need that right now. I put my phone away before jogging all the way back to my block. I was so happy that the paparazzi didn't catch me today. I didn't want them to see me sweaty and struggling to do simple jogs. Once I got to my block I made my way to my room but was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Michelle? Where did you go?" I turned around to see a concerned looking Kate. She was wearing a blue crop top and shorts which showed of her super small figure. I leaned against my room door for support.

"I went for a jog around campus," I replied as I tried to sound normal about it.

"Really? Why?" I frowned at her response.

"It's a bit obvious Kate," her eyes widened at my response and I turned around and went into my room. I quickly rushed and had a shower before applying Vaseline to my skin. I got into comfortable clothes before quietly making my way to the kitchen. I made my cornflakes before taking it into my room to eat. I am going to try the cornflakes challenge for a week just to see what happens.

If it goes well I am going to do it longer than a week. I really need to loose weight. I know I shouldn't be letting other people's words get to me but I think loosing some weight would help me. I finished my cereal before putting my bowl away and going back to reading my textbook. Since the day I failed my exam I have been revising very hard to ensure that in my next test the answers I put down are right. I have made scans and taken a lot of pictures of my exam to ensure that I have a lot of evidence of passed work being failed.

James your so screwed!

I started reading the notes I have managed to get from my textbook and started to memorise it. I even started making songs out of my notes which was fun. If James wants I can sing the song to him when he gets caught for what he has done. I look at my wall to see I had printed out a picture of my whiteboard with my plan written on it.

I needed to record James saying something a lecturer shouldn't say to a student. I managed to get him before when I was in his car saying that he will continue doing what he is doing if I don't listen to him. The only issue is if I show that to anyone they would ask exactly what he will continue doing so I need him to say exactly what he wants I'm exchange of good grades. I need to get him to say exactly what he would do.

He doesn't mention it so I can't use the recording.

I picked up my phone and saw that I still had his number. I needed to do this. I have passed exams which have been failed, I still need to find a student to compare my work with. A student who passed their exam and lastly get James recorded. I started to ring James and on the third one he picked up.

Knowing James he would have picked up his phone on the first or second ring but I am guessing he didn't want to seem too desperate.

"Hello Michelle how are you doing?" I quickly clicked the record button my phone so I can have our conversations recorded before answering.

I let out a sign, "I think you have won James." I heard him chuckling, "In what way Michelle?" I took a deep breath to prevent myself from laughing.

"You can do what you want. I need the grades," he remained silent for a bit.

"What do you think I want?" Oh great he is deliberately making me go around in circles to make me seem like the bad one. I had enough.

"Your the one that failed me so what do you want? What does it take for me to pass?" He started to laugh at my mini outbursts making me feel even more angry.

"Listen Michelle I want a lot from you and I know that you wouldn't be able to give that to me."

"Tell me maybe I can work on it," I said quietly.

"I need some documents from Jack and I want you once a week here with me," I stayed silent for a bit before breaking it.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Stay over for the night,"

"What exactly am I doing?"

"Sleeping with me." Wow that was easy. James may be a lecturer but he isn't smart at all. How can he even for a moment believe that I would change my mind and actually want to be with him.

Why was it easy to get him to talk about it?

"OK James. Can we meet tomorrow to discuss this? Maybe in the library."

"No you can come over to my place and don't worry I will not do anything until it is firmly agreed,"

"That's okay. Bye for now James."

"Bye Michelle." I ended the call which automatically ended the recording. I shake my head at his stupidity. Surely he knows that calls can be recorded either that or he has a plan up his sleeve. Well whatever it is his plan will never top my plan because after it gets out that he sleeps with students before marking their work properly not only would James loose his job but his reputation would be ruined.

I smiled as I uploaded the recording to my laptop. I pushed back my chair away from my laptop and spun around in my seat until something caught my eye. It was a paper sticking out of the drawer. I opened it and pulled the paper out to see three sheets of paper stabled together. At the top of the first paper it had Jacks name on it. I skimmed read it and saw the first sheet mainly had his details on it.

I turned the page and saw a newspaper article with a picture of Jack and a blonde girl. Jack looked like he didn't want to be with her and the girl looked very happy. I read underneath the picture 'Jack Lee has claimed that Jessica is a loverly girl but he sees her more like sister and friend. Jack said that he is tired of pretending to be in love with girls the media matches him with.

Jack had tweeted on Twitter that:

'I know it sounds cheesy but I want to go out and find a girl myself. Maybe even bump into her but I don't want to be pressured. There is no love when being pressured. I just know that whoever I fall for is unique because I don't fall in love easily."

I looked at the type up paragraphs and read it slowly. It was mainly about his mother's requirements to be jacks girl. She had a list of things but Jack had crossed it out and left out some. The ones which wasn't crossed out were 'polite, funny, independent and trustworthy'. I smiled at this. I looked at the crossed words and tried to read through the scribble. I saw some which caught my eye like:

Long natural hair
English origin
Lovely skin
Blue eyes/green eyes

Wow I don't think I passed any of them. Now a days I don't feel beautiful and after reading this I feel worse. I guess his mum just wants her family to not have a new face because she probably feels like it might ruin the family image. I photocopied the papers and decided to read the rest later.

I went to lay on my bed while I thought about everything that has happened so far. Soon I was consumed by sleep.

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