Chapter 45

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I jogged around the campus for 30 minutes before having to take a break. I sat on the bench and drank some water before leaning my head back. A week had passed since the fire happened and me and Jack hadn't been in contact soon. From the newspapers I read and videos I watched based on Jack and I, very close sources said that Jack is awake and is talking to family and I am breaking down due to almost loosing my 'lover'.

In the articles they had described how I had rushed into the building and got attention through the window, saving my life and Jack's in the process. Now people were calling me 'the British born hero Black beauty!'

I got phone calls and various of messages informing me about attending interviews and making appearances on shows but I knew I could never. Not without Jack as cheesy as it sounds. I remember my mum calling frantically and threatening to come over and I had to ensure her I am OK.

"If this university is such a distraction and you keep being the main focus maybe it's best you move."

"Mum relax I am good," I couldn't imagine leaving.

I got up onto my feet and continued my jogging. I could see flashes but was able to ignore them. In this week I got my test results and saw I failed it all. I made eye contact with James when I saw this.

"Congratulations Michelle,"

"Thanks sir," I said sarcastically with a eye roll.

"Did she pass this time sir?" A mixed race guy with a afro and big lensed glasses asked. James shook his head and the guy let out a sign.

"I feel like your revision is wacky," he said with amusement. James smiled at the scene before taking his stuff and leaving.

"You know you should probably go see the exam expert and check with them. You may not deserve to fail. I feel like you are being marked harshly." I nodded at what he said before leaving him alone in the room.

I jogged all the way back to my block before going to have a shower. After my shower I got changed into suitable clothes. I had to see the exam expect and see if they can notice the unfairness I am experiencing.

I shoved all the exams I did and failed into my backpack before leaving my accommodation. I went into the exam office before asking the receptionist for the exam expert. The small Asian woman looked up at me before point ahead.

"Keep walking straight ahead until you see a blue door. It will have the label 'exam officer' on it," I nodded as I proceeded to follow the directions. I have always been bad at following directions but if I am told to walk straight ahead I can do it!

Once I got to the door I stood still on the spot, unsure about doing what I am about to do.

Did I really want to ruin James?


Just then the door opened and I was faced with a familiar person.

It was the guy who was made to stand behind me in case I faint due to seeing my bad results. It was Tim. He looked at me quietly before smiling shyly.

"Wait your the superwoman right? The one who saved Jack," I smiled as I nodded.

"I wouldn't really say that I am superwoman. More like a girl trying to get her friend out of the building," Tim frowned me.


"Jack is my boyfriend and friend...we discuss everything and anything,"

Wow. What a weird description of my fake relationship.

Tim pushed open his office door before gesturing for me to come in. I took a seat on the chair in front of his desk before opening my bag and pulling out my evidence. I placed all my exams on his desk. He sat down before putting his glasses on and looking through the exams.

"What are these?" Tim asked as he looked at them.

"My supposed to be passes," I said quietly as Tim lifted his head up slowly.

"You failed these papers. Are you trying to insinuate that you should have passed?" I nodded as he looked back down at the papers.

"Take one of them and check the marks scheme Sir."

"It's not out yet," I rolled my eyes.

"All members of staff can get access to it. I know my facts," Tim let out a loud sign before taking all the tests papers and putting them together. He then placed in them his packbag. "I will check the answers to see if your grades are fair if not I will be speaking to James about it. Is that ok?"

I smiled at him before thanking him and leaving his office. I sang quietly to myself the new version of a high school musical song.

"It can be the start of something new. It feels so right to know James is screwed oh. But now looking at Tims face I know for fact that he won't let this go!" I laugh before existing the building and heading to my block.


"One spoon won't hurt Michelle!" I leaned further away from Kate as she tried to force me to try Ben and Jerry Icecream.

"I would rather have someone's vomit blended with strawberries than this." Kate slowly moved away from me as I chuckled.

"That's disgusting Michelle."

"Life is disgusting," I said as James face popped up in my head.

"Sometimes," Kate said as a response.

"Food is disgusting," I said and Kate folded her arms.

"You love food Michelle. I don't like this new you and you look like you have lost some weight," I opened the camera on my phone and took a peak at my cheeks and neck.

No. I still look and feel big.

I reached for a bowl and the box of cornflakes before making my cereal. Kate watched me quietly as sadness started to cover her expression.

"Your beautiful Michelle. You don't have to do this," with that said Kate left the kitchen and went of to her accommodation.

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