Chapter 12

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I sat on the grass slowly regretting not to bring a jacket with me. I could see Jack from a far and looked back down on my phone.

What did he want to give me?

As he got nearer I couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked in his white shirt and black trousers. I tried to look back down to my phone but couldn't help getting distracted by him again. He knelt down by me as his eyes started shining.

"How are you today Michelle?"

"I am good." I answered. Jack sat down properly next to me before putting his hand in his trouser pocket.

"I was going to wait until the actual ball and give this to you but I think now it the time."

He pulled out a small silver ring before placing it on my ring finger.

"This isn't a proposal ring or anything. My dad got one for me and my older brother. We are supposed to give it to the one we meet. And I am giving it to you." I was shocked that he would do that. He could have just got me a cheap ring and kept this ring for his actual girlfriend. His real girlfriend in the future.

Michelle you are his real girlfriend! My inner voice scream making me cringe.

"Michelle are you ok." Great now I probably looked like a weirdo.

"Yh I am OK.  I am just shocked you gave me out of all people the ring."

"Why are you shocked?" Because we aren't dating!

"I don't know." Jack smiled while looking a bit nervous.

"If you don't like it I can get you another one." I immediately shook my head.

"No I love the ring! It's beautiful."

"I have something else as well." He pulled out a gold necklace. "This is for you to wear to the ball and keep." Jack did the claps and after I reached out and hugged him. He really went out of his way to do this for me. A fake girlfriend. Unless...he liked me which I doubted.

"Thank you for this. Now I am starting to feel even more nervous."

"You would be fine Michelle."

"Aren't these accessories a bit too expensive for me to wear."

"No its fine for you to wear."

"You know Jack we can always go primark and get rings and necklaces which add to a £1," I said making Jack laugh.

"It's 100% fine for you to wear them Michelle. I am sure," I nodded as Jack stood up. He held his hands out for me to grab which I did. One hand went on my lower back and the other hand held my. "You said you want dance lessons so you get them. Are you ready to dance?"

"Yes I am Sir."

"Sir? That's new." He started to lead me during into the dance which made things easy for me. I spent most of the time with my head down as I wanted to see where I was stepping but after a while I was able to keep my head up and eyes on Jack's. I could see excitement in his eyes and something else. Maybe embarrassment I honestly don't know.

He spun me around for a bit before pulling me back into him. Every once in a while he would pull away and spin me around making me have high school musical vibes. My thoughts were interrupted when he said in a low voice.

"My dad might want to dip you,"

"Wait what?"

"As in dip you. Let you go back gently before pulling you back up."

"Oh right." I am sorry Jack I think I am a bit too heavy for dipping.

"Let's practice it." I reluctantly allowed him to spin me around before dipping me. He held me there for a bit and looked at me. I felt like I was about to fall on the ground but Jack's strong grip said other wise. He leaned down towards me and just then there was a big flash which caught Jack of guard making him drop me and fall on me. I stared up at him in shock.

"I am sorry." He whispered as he pushed my braids aside.

Wow things are getting intimate fast! And not only that. I am not getting beastly vibes!

"So adorable let's get a picture!" We both looked up and saw a guy in glasses holding a camera. He looked familiar. He was the one who took my ID picture and didn't allow a girl to retake her picture after she blinked.

Jack must have been surprised because he stood up and went closer to the guy.

"You work for the paparazzi Ned?"

"No," Ned shook his head. "I work for the uni one."

"Universities have paparazzi?" I asked. Ned looked down at me.

"Well they don't but the minute the word went around that Jack Lee was here a local crew were willing to pay this uni if they can get some good pictures of Jack," Ned paused before continuing. "Then people saw you and him together and thought maybe this is why Jack came here to study. Maybe it isn't all about studying maybe it's about his girlfriend." Ned looked me up and down carefully and I knew exactly what he was thinking.

Why did Jack choose you?

Why not the other girls in his lecture?

"Stop looking at my girlfriend like that,"

"Like what?"

"Like she is meat." Ned smirked but didn't say anything. Then it hit me.

"If you work for the paparazzi of this university that technical makes you one too." His eyes widened as he replied his exposure.

"You are right!" He got his camera and started to take more pictures as I stood up and left with Jack.

"Let's go out and get icecream," Jack suggested.

"Isn't it too cold for icecream?"

"It's never too cold for icecream. I love it."

I smiled. I guess that's one thing I know he loves.



"How do you like mint icecream?"

"It just has an extra coldness to it." Jack had surprised me by getting mint icecream. I was shocked because I couldn't believe he was willing to put himself through torture. In case you are wondering yes, I don't like mint Icecream.

"They do nice mint icecream here you should try some." He took some in his spoon and passed it on to me. "Try it and see if you still don't like it." Without thinking I took his spoon in my mouth and got a good taste of his mint icecream.

He was right.

This place know how to make it taste so good. That's when I realised that I had the spoon he used in my mouth. I gently put the spoon back in the icecream and saw him having some of my icecream.

Either we are actually getting close or we are good actors.

How are we sharing spoons when our relationship is fake?

Is it because we feel so comfortable around each other that small things don't bother us anymore. I looked up at Jack to see him looking at me.



"I think I have reunited with strawberry icecream."

"Wait you liked it before?"


"What happened then?"

"I met mint icecream." He said as she took another spoonful of icecream.

"Well I think I am in love with mint icecream. Strawberry and I can still be together but I think I like mint."

"I will tell you what. You finish the mint and I will finish the strawberry."

I smiled at him. "I would love that."

And that's exactly what happened. None of us mentioned anything about using one another's spoon which I was grateful for.

We sat in silence enjoying each others icecream. And each others saliva's!


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