Chapter 35

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"We are so stupid," Kate cried as we both ate our big Mac's. I know I ruined my hard work too! It's just when you are in McDonald's with a contactless card full of student loan...there really isn't a good excuse not to get a big Mac and I am ashamed of myself.

We were sitting at the kids section eating and watching children running around happy.

"Look at how happy they are," I said to Kate and she rolled her eyes.

"Look at how much they have eaten. All those empty boxes of quarter pounders," I saw the empty boxes of the burger and two women sitting near the boxes and the children's bags.

"Oh Kate I think the burgers were for their mothers," Kate looked over at the women and squinted before looking back at me.

"No its for the children. Those two women have been chewing that dry boring salad since we got here," I laughed at her reaction to them before thinking about other ways to loose weight.

"I know exercise is key but what else can you do to loose weight?" Kate suddenly looked up from her phone.

"I just remembered something. OK so a few years ago there was a man and he wanted to loose weight so he ate just cornflakes for a month and he lost a lot of weight." My eyes widened at this. I couldn't imagine having just cornflakes for weeks.

"How much weight did he loose exactly?"

"He practically lost everything. He lost his belly, thighs, arms, cheeks, EVERYTHING. Before he even had a big butt and he lost it," I shook my head at what Kate said but couldn't help take this plan into consideration.

"I could never just eat cornflakes Michelle. The only reason why is because I never really liked it."

"I understand Kate. Let's just finish this burger before thinking of anything else," Kate picked up her big Mac and started eating it. I looked to started to finish my burger and felt like someone was watching me. I looked at my side and saw one of the women eating salad starring at me.

"How can you two eat that stuff?" Kate and I stopped eating.

"What do you mean?" I asked hoping she wouldn't say anything about me needing to watch myself.

"It has a lot of  calories which is why me and my friend Dawn have salads," the woman took a bite out of her salad and Kate frowned at her.

"Who goes McDonald's for a salad? That's why we have Tesco," Kate said as she took a big bite out of her burger. The woman's eyes widened as I put the last bit of big Mac in my mouth. She kept her eyes on me.

"I understand why you are eating away at that horrible burger but you young lady shouldn't be doing that," the woman said to me making me want to vomit.

First Jack's mum and now this woman.

"How freaking dare you! Your slim and ugly as hell! You think eating salads with Dawn is going to fix up the mess you have created then think again. Your going to need more than salads and make up to ever look like any of us!" The woman gasped as she held her chest and she started rocking in her seat.

"I think my heart wants to-" Then suddenly she fell backwards. A McDonald's staff came into the area where we were and asked us what happened so Kate explained everything and we left the place.

As we walked out Kate turned and stopped me in my tracks.

"You ok?" I let out a strained laugh.

"Yh that was kind of funny what happened umm I think I need to be alone," a worried expression covered her face.

"Are you sure? I can sit with you and not say a word."

"No its fine. I am going to go now. See you later."

She tried calling out to me but I continued walking. I found a small park and sat on the swing. This place seemed familiar then I remembered. This was were Skylar and I went. I sat on the bench not bothering to push myself or anything. Just then a camera man came and jumped in front of me, capturing my sad face. He pulled the camera down as he stared at me.

"Are you OK Michelle?" It was then that I realised that there was tears running down my face.

"Not today. I think you should find someone else to stalk," he started pressing buttons on his camera and showed me what he was doing.

"I am deleting the picture sweetie," I wiped my eyes carefully as he did this.

"Has someone said anything to upset you?" I nodded without looking up.

"And you actually believe them?"

"Well in my case it's kind of hard not to believe it," I stated as he stayed quiet for a bit before saying "Even if you feel like it's true don't allow someone else saying it to upset you and if you feel like they have been hush say so. I personally feel like you are too young to be judged by someone." I looked up at the sky as I felt a drop of rain.

"I have a daughter and you reminded me of her. So when I was told to photograph you in my head I was thinking : 'woah is this girl from a famous background' but it turns out you are dating someone from one." I nodded again not really wanting to say a word.

After a while I decided to break the silence. "Thanks for trying to cheer me up," I looked at him and he smiled gently as he gave me a pat on my back.

"Well I hope my rambling made you feel slightly better and I do hope the person who upset gets punishment." I smiled as I remember the woman falling over.

"Yh she did get punished right now as I talk she is probably in the A&E." The
camera guy stood up from the swing before turning to me.

"I don't agree with attempt murder sweetie," I laughed at what he was proposing.

"I didn't try and murder her my friend insulted the woman and she had a  shock and fainted."

"That's what she gets for messing with a William!" He says as he starts to walk away.

"Thanks for the help!" I shouted to him and he turned to smile before leaving me alone on the swings.

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