Chapter 5

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"Hello...hello." I opened my eyes to be met with blue eyes. I sat up immediately and banged my head against the individuals. "Ouch." Me and the person said in unison. I looked at the individual and saw that the person was familiar.

The person was Jack.

"Jack." He looked up at me. "What?"
"You are from the was on a..."

"Sunday. I saw you in Select." He finished dully.

"Yh." I whispered. "So how come you are here? Did you just come for the party?"

"No I actually attend this university."

Pardon you!


"And you are in my accommodation."
I immediately looked around properly and realised this wasn't in my place. I got up and made my way to the door.

"Wait." Jack said as he got up and took my bag out of his wardrobe.

"Your keys and stuff should be in there." I nodded before taking it and leaving.

Just as I walked out of the block I saw a guy taking pictures of me.

"Hey there smile." He said as he flashed his camera in my face. "I am not a model."

"I know but I am pretty sure you can pull something." I carried on walking as a small smile played on my lips.

Once I got in my accommodation I took a deep breath before looking in the mirror.

Then I screamed. My hair still looked neat but my make up was ruined and I looked awful.

The guy took pictures of me like that?!?

And the pictures would probably be going on the university magazine or something. I should try suing!

I let out a frustrated groan as I went to have a shower. I needed it. After I had my shower I moisturised my skin with coconut cream before wearing a oversized hoodie comfortable jogging bottoms and small ankle socks. I got out my phone and saw that I got a text from Lucy.

School is near and I am worried.

I replied to her message.

Me:How come?

Lucy: I just feel worried.

I can't remember how I felt like when having to go back to primary school but it understand where she is coming from. Instead of texting her back I decided to make a video. I got my camera in position before starting the recording.

"Hey Lucy I just wanted you to know that it's OK to feel worried but trust me your going to love your first day back. Be brave Lucy. You can do this."

I sent the video before putting my trainers on and leaving my accommodation to walk around the campus. I got to the grass and sat down on it. I put my earphones on and listened to my music while watching the scene unfold in front of me. People walked by excitedly, some cycled and others just ran or jogged. I felt a shadow over my head and looked up to see Jack holding something in his hand.

It was a newspaper which had a picture of a guy in a hoody and baggy jeans carrying a unconscious girl in a furry jacket outside on campus. I realised that the picture was of me and him. I cringed as a read the caption of big.

"Jack Lee plays knights and shining amour as he carries his new girlfriend to safety!"

I looked up at Jack and he knelt to my level. "We need to talk. Now!" I got up on my feet and followed him as he led me away to his block. He pulled me up the stairs and into his room before closing the door and locking it. He then leaned on the door and I went to sit on his bed.

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