Chapter 55(The end of the cornflakes diet)

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"Oh Michelle how can you be so stupid?"
My dad screams on the phone as I scratch my head.

"Why didn't you tell me you were faking a relationship with some guy and why didn't you tell me about that idiotic lecturer of yours?!?"

I didn't say anything. There was nothing to say. I messed up because I got carried away. You can even say I enjoyed the fame and attention too much.

"Talk to me Michelle," I felt the tears threatening to spill.

"I am sorry dad," I started to cry on the phone. This was the second time doing this today.

"It's okay Michelle I am sorry for being harsh I just don't like the fact that you were miss treated. I hate it!"

Once I calmed down I spoke to my dad for a bit "can I move universities dad?"

"Definitely! No hesitation on that choice. I am not leaving my princess in this hell hole. If I had my way you would be home now but I don't," I smiled at my dads protective behaviour.

"It's OK dad by the 9th I would be home and safe with you guys,"

"And we would be ready to get you. I can promise you thay. Just hang in there. Be strong and brave for me Michelle,"

"Hmm," I didn't want to say anything in case I cried again.

"We love you sweetie,"

"I love you all and you dad," I whispered. My dad ended the call leaving me alone in silence. I got myself out of bed into the bathroom to have a shower so I am feeling refreshed and better. I quickly finished up before getting changed into comfortable clothes. I then went to open the door slowly to go to the kitchen.

Believe it or not but I was still doing my crazy cornflakes diet and hadn't really eaten in days due to not wanting to me seen by anyone but I am hungry.

There is one thing I refuse to die from and thats starvation. I get a bowl and start preparing my cereal when I accidentally dropped my spoon on the ground which made a sound. Now you are probably thinking Michelle when a spoon makes contact with the ground it isn't that loud but in my case it was very loud.

I didn't want anyone to even think anyone is in the kitchen. That is how quiet I wanted to be. I started to hear whispers causing me to mentally groaned because I knew even if I left the kitchen I would see someone.

Just then some people walked into the kitchen and they were familiar. It was Kate, Skylar, Bradley and Gerald. When they saw me they just stood there starring at me as if they haven't seen any other human apart from themselves in years.

Ignore them Michelle they probably all laughed at you when you weren't there!

I picked up my bowl quickly before leaving the kitchen. "Michelle wait!" I heard foot steps so I rushed and pushed my door open before going in. I tried to push the door close but someone was leaning on it and preventing me.

"Please leave me!" The person didn't listen and soon I was pushed away causing my cornflakes to spill a bit as the person entered my room and closed the door.

It was Bradley. "Damm you are strong! You almost over powered me."

I ignored him as I sat down on the ground and started to eat my cornflakes.

"Cereal at this time?" I nodded slowly not wanting to be awkward.

"How come? What happened to lunchtime?"

"I missed breakfast."


"Don't swear here!" Bradley laughed at my response.

"Well I have to swear when you try and pull the cover over my eyes with the 'I missed breakfast' crap." I frowned at what he said, "Bradley I am not trying to pull anything I am actually having breakfast because I missed it."

"But why not lunch?"

"I like cornflakes," I carried on eating as he watched me.

"Skylar and Kate told me you are doing a cornflakes challenge," he started as he scratched his head.

"The challenge is for a week Michelle no more and no less. I guess a month isn't bad but you have lost a lot of weight."

My eyes snapped to him. I didn't notice I had lost weight. Bradley could be lying to me to get me to stop because I looked in the mirror and I could see that I was fat.

But why would he care. Let's just say he was lying, why would he bother?

"You can eat properly you know. You don't have to be scared of gaining weight. Maybe we can even get you plan so you are eating certain foods only but please stop with this cornflakes nonsense," I put down my spoon.

Bradley was right I needed to stop but I don't think I want to.

"I will try something new tomorrow."

"No today," he took his backpack of his shoulder and opened it. He then pulled out the wrap of the day from McDonald's.

"Now Michelle I know it's not heathly but to break a diet especially a horrendous one like yours it's always best to eat something unhealthy that way you don't become too obsessed with healthy food when you start eating properly."

I reached for the wrap as he took the cover of it.

"Take a bite in one, two-" I just quickly took a bite because I was very hungry. I looked up at him to see him smiling in approval. "Well done Michelle." He sat down next to me and pulled out a blackcurrant caprison.

"Who doesn't want a caprison," he says handing it to me. I thanked him before finishing of my wrap. I drank some of my caprison and sat still on the ground, looking into space.

"Now for the last part of your meal. Dessert."

He pulled out a fruit salad in a container and handed it to me. "I know the fruits look like they are swimming in a suspicious liquid but don't worry it's just orange juice. I poured it all over the fruits to make it taste better."

"Thank you."

"You welcome," Bradley got up and made his way to the door.

"Oh and in regards of Jack don't worry about it. Give yourself a few weeks and no one is going to mention anything that happened. I am pretty sure Kim Kardashian will happily release a nude and gain her spotlight again."

So people are talking about it. I rubbed my head suddenly feeling stressed.

My. Life. Is. Ruined.

"Your going to be fine Michelle," with that Bradley took my cornflakes bowl with him before leaving my room.

I dont know if I am going to make it through this embarrassment but at least I have overcomed this stupid diet.

I couldn't help but feel relieved that the diet is over.

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