Chapter 14

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I spent two hours in my lecture which was great as it gave me more ideas on what to include in my essay. Two hours of concentration wasn't as easy as it seems because my mind kept trying to wonder around and I had to keep warning myself to remain focused which didn't help because that alone caused me to be distracted.

When the lecture was over I quickly got ready and was about to leave when I was stopped. It was the lecturer.

"Hey Michelle how are you doing on the essay?"

"It's going great but is it possible for you to check it tomorrow morning. Just to see if I am going in the right direction?" He smiled looking very happy that I wanted his help.

"I would love to help you. In fact why not this evening in the library." I didn't really want to see this lecturer again today and especially in the evening as he seemed a bit of. But I promised my parents I would work my ass of.

"That's fine Sir. What time should I see you there?"

"Around 8:30. You live on campus right?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then it should be OK for you to come see me right?"

"Yes I wouldnt mind." He went back to behind his desk and started packing his stuff. Everyone was gone by now and I was about to leave when I felt an arm pull me slightly back. "Oh and please call me James." I pulled away gently before smiling and running of.

What is wrong with him? A lecturer isn't suppose to do that right? They can't touch you like that even if you are 18. I wanted to go to the library and get on with my essay but I decided not to. I left campus and went to the park near by. The one me and Skylar once went to. I sat on the bench and got my phone out and listened to drakes song known as nice for what. The song was slowly moving me which I didn't want because the last thing I needed was attention. I turned around and sat properly on the bench tucking my legs in and leaning on the table while pretending to text. Then I saw a flash. I looked in the direction of it and saw a bunch of men with big cameras.


Now I can't even go to the park without being bothered. I decided to ignore them and continue with listening to music. Then I heard the paparazzi chanting: "Atmosphere! Atmosphere! Atmosphere!" When I looked over they weren't outside the gate they were in the park! They quickly surrounded me and flashed their camera's in my face.

"Michelle give us a smile."

"Where are you from?"

"What professions do your parents have?"

"Are you into any sport?" I looked at the guy who asked. Why the hell is he asking? It's a bit obvious the only sport I do is the speed walk to get my McDonald's.

I looked up at the paparazzi. "If I answer some of your questions will you leave me alone?"

"Yesss!" They all shouted as they started to record me.

"OK first question ask away."

"Where are you originally from?" I knew what that question meant. Not what part of the UK I am from but where I am REALLY from.

"I was born in Essex but I live in London and my parents are originally from Ghana."

The flashes increased which I didn't understand because if anything they should be recording me.

"Do you live here on campus?"


"How old are you?"


"So you are technically younger than Jack." I nodded trying not to show any shock.

I am fake dating an older guy!

"Do you really shop in primark?"

"Yes." I paused before continuing. "What's so bad about the store?"

"We just thought that Jack Lees girlfriend wouldn't want to shop there and might want to go to a more expensive store." I didn't respond as I honestly couldn't be bothered to and these questions were draining the life and light out of me.

"What are your parents professions?"

"My mum is a nurse and my dad works in the bank."

"So how do you feel about what Jack's aunt said last week?" I got up from the bench while holding my backpack. I looked at my phone pretending I got a text. I needed to leave because I didn't know what they were talking about because this is all fake!

"I kind of have to go."

"Please stay to answer the question."

"I am sorry!" I started to walk away and they followed so I ran and they chased me. Members of the public were watching and some were recording the scene.

"Michelle! Michelle! Michelle!" I continued running hoping for a miracle. Just as I was about to cross the road a car stopped in front of me. The window scrolled down and I saw Jack.

"Get in." I opened the back door and threw myself in. Before I closed the door Jack drove of.

"I have always wanted to do that!" Jack shouted in excitement.

"Do what? Save a life?"

"Actually driving like an animal." He made eye contact with me in the rear mirror. "And save a life."

"How did you know I was stuck in a mob?"

"Well I wanted to scare you so I followed you to the park but I saw the paparazzi so I quickly went into my car which was hidden in the corner outside the park. I saw them walk in and I waited for you to come out. Then I see you running and them chasing and let me just say you are fast on your feet."

I laughed as he continued.

"I drove after you so I could get you and I went through Carniets road so I could get to you on time and I did."

"Thank you Jack."

"Anything for a fake girlfriend." He continued to drive and that's when I noticed a car following behind.

The paparazzi. I assume.

"Oh shoot." Jack suddenly said.

"You see it too?" I asked

"Yes. I think my car has a scratch on it." I shook my head at his cute expression.

"No we are being followed."

"Oh real shoot." Jack started to drive faster. "I know exactly where we can go!"


"I won't say Michelle but just trust me."

I trust you fake boyfriend.

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