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"Welcome, I assume this is your new assigned classroom, due to the fact I haven't seen your face before." This guy, being the only adult in the class, was supposedly my new instructor as well.
"Hey. I don't mean to skip introductions, but why exactly am I assigned with two other students now. Why is it different from last week?" He then began to approach me, then leaned to my ear.
"You aren't making good first impressions, you know. Keep in mind both of these students are new from the other side and they don't know the rules here. You are here to help, not cause trouble." What did he mean the "other side", I wanted to ask, but I knew if I did, he'd just ask if I read the sign so I responded appropriately.
"Now you will be sitting in the middle, and while your at it, I remember you saying you didn't want to introduce yourself, but that doesn't mean your new class partners shouldn't. If you will please introduce yourselves." There was a boy and a girl and I think I remember their names being Quas and Ariel. The girl stood first and proceeded.
"Hey." She said calmly," I'm Ariel Sable. Nice to meet you."
"Hey, my name is Quas Blacklin and to receive your help is a pleasure." My eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Cool. I guess it's right now to refer to you two as my new assigned friends".
"I guess so". Ariel approved as well with a nod of the head. I knew this was most certainly going to be interesting. Before I could spew out any more words, the instructor redirected our attention.
"Excuse me, well time to introduce myself. I am your instructor, Mr. Raymond E. Dim, or you can call me Mr. Red for short. Now I am sure you are all unaware of why we really have this new system, right?" We all agreed with a simple nod.
"Well, I guess you all want to know as well, right?" Again, all three of us nodded attentively.
"Okay I'll let you know, as soon as you complete a series of tests constructed by me." I had to ask.
"Sir, how long will this take to get the information?"
"Hmm, let me see, oh, as long as it takes." We all leaned forward and shouted,
"This series of tests will let me see who makes the furthest progress and who lacks behind the most. Through this system, it will let me know whether or not to let you in on the new system information and if you're ready for the next level. Your first test will take place on Friday. That way you can process all the information I've told you and give you three days to prepare, four if you start today." Quas chimed and sounded confused.
"Why do you think us three would need three days, much less 4 days to prepare for what can be a lousy test."
"Lousy? Do you know what the test is about?"
"No, bu-"
"Then how can you assume this test can be lousy? It could be very tough and painful if I choose to do that, and who's to say I may not. As long as I have time to instruct you, I'll be in charge of putting you through as many test as I want until I'm satisfied with your progress." When he finished that sentence, the only thoughts that crossed my mind was how long would this take, I began the day, just ready
for another average day of school and now I'm in for a series of tests and challenges. But, he did say he'd offer up more information, which is really my main focus.
"Mr. Red, I accept your series of challenges." When I did that I looked at the others and I could see right away that I was going to be a great helper.
"We accept it as well." Mr. Red slowly grew a grin across his face and proceeded to say,
"Very well, I'm glad to have seen you all accept, with that being said, class is dismissed. You are now welcome to leave." Well today was just an introduction to me to a very long process toward finding more information. One thing I hope, these tests don't interfere with Sunday, that's what I don't need to happen. I also thought about the others. Seeing as they are from that other side, I can get some details from that place from them, and me being their helper, they'd really have no choice but to say something.
"Hey, Ariel and Quas, wanna hang out today, ya know, so we can learn more about each other and become better friends." Ariel responded first.
"Sure, I'd like that. My parents wouldn't mind me coming home late."
"And you Quas?" He looked at me, giving off a weird vibe, it was like he was trying to tell me something.
"Sure thing, just as long as you have good food."
"Good food?! I live with my grandma. The food is guaranteed to be amazing."
"That's great to know, because I haven't had a good meal since I moved over here 3 months ago."
"Well my home is just a thirty minute walk from here, and I live in Sunshine Valley, so?" Ariel chimed in and said she'd stay a while longer, Quas agreed with her and stayed to explore the school a bit more as well.
"Catch up with you guys later, say around 5:00."
"Sure thing." Quas said.
"Positive." Ariel added. I then left the school, leaving them to explore it for themselves, although I really didn't care. This is going to be a lot to digest, I have to tell my grandma all about this on Wednesday, then I have a test, On Friday, that I don't even know how to prepare for. Then the icing on top of the weighted cake is I have another meeting with that Platinum Clan Member who I think knows something about my parents. I don't know what to even think, what crazy two days it's been and there are still five more adventurous days left till a new week. Well I need to get ready to hang out with my two new assigned friends.

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