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I feel stoked. Right now I have the chance to show Mr.Dim the result of my relentless training. Combine it with that of the power of Quas and Ariel and I say we have a golden chance to defeat our instructor.
"Now!" As Quas shouted that we all broke apart. Ariel charged straight ahead, while I Quas and I swayed left and right. Mr.Dim just stood there in anticipation of our attack. As soon as all of us were near we all attacked him at once, which went well. He managed to dodge all of us, but Ariel backed away to get space, and I knew exactly what that meant. She was going to try to slow Mr.Dim with her Slug Attack.
"Quas, right now we have to distract Mr.Dim, Ariel's going to try to slow him."
"I noticed and we have to just fight him. Ariel's got good accuracy, trust me we just have to try and fight Mr.Dim."
"Okay." I didn't know what the plan was, but as long as there was some type of confidence lingering, we had a chance. Mr.Dim began walking toward us.
"Here's the plan, we both rush him and distract him to the point he completely forgets about Ariel, got that?"
"Yeah, let's do it." I did as he said and we both charged at Mr.Dim, Quas just inches in front of me and when we were close enough it became a game of how long could Mr.Dim dodge. It was like every time I tried to hit him, he had enough speed and reflex to use his arm to block. Quas experienced the same trouble as myself and that's when he backed away himself. I didn't know what he planned on doing exactly, but whatever it was he needed to hurry up with it. Why, because that left me all alone to fight Mr.Dim.
"Leon! Get out of the way!"
"Right!" I did as Ariel said and I could see a ball of chi energy soaring at Mr.Dim. I thought he was going to dodge it as well, but it actually hit his arm.
"Hmph. You actually managed to get my arm. That means now I'm only going to be able to fight the three of you with my left arm. That's still unfair for you, but hey I didn't propose the challenge."
"Good shot Ariel."
"Now that he's on one arm, I may not have to use my Cannon Blow now."
"So that's what you call it. Anyway, I say we see how good he can block us with only one arm."
"You say that like I'm the one with a disadvantage. Well allow me to show you how you've all really been at a disadvantage all along." I looked back at Ariel and Quas to see a confused face and I was just as confused and as I looked back I could see he was in his mastered chi state. He also made it apparent that Ariel's chi power was weaker than his because he demonstrated that he could now move his right arm regularly again.
"Now should we try this again?"
"Yeah, and I say that the three of us use our chi too."
"We may have not been able to take him down with our own chi strength, but with a combined effort, we should be able to phase him just a bit. That means don't hold back Quas or Leon." I nodded in approval and I began to channel my chi into my arms, Ariel and Quas followed and we all met each other in a line.
"So what's the plan now?"
"As I see it, it can go either way, fifty-fifty."
"No, even if we were to risk our chances, the possibility of winning is close to none."
"Well do you have any other plans Lee?"
"Yes, I can try to trap him, that way he can't move anywhere. That all sets up for you Quas, you could use your Cannon Blow at your fullest and that may take him down. Ariel you're role is to try and face him head on, I'll help you from the beginning, but then I'll have to step back to charge my Genesis Trap, sound good."
"I think I could do that, only because I know it doesn't take you long to charge that thing, and you've also gotten better with your aim, am I right?"
"Yeah, so let's put this plan into action." With that, Ariel and I now had to try and fight mastered chi Mr.Dim. We both looked at each other a final time and gave a nod of significance for the plan before we both rushed him head on. I thought he was going to go for the usual and just dodge, but this time he actually tried to fight us and I was able to dodge a few strikes here and there, Ariel managed to dodge a few strikes as well, but after a few seconds she managed to land a pretty nice combo sidekicks and a spinning kick that hit him in his chest. I thought for a minute it'd have an effect on him, but no he took it all to the chin. He was now focused on Ariel, and as I looked at her she nodded at me again. This time I took it as a sign to get my Genesis Trap ready. Before I began to charge it, I looked over at Quas, who looked like he was charging every bit of chi energy he had into his hands. I could tell he took me seriously when I said use it to your fullest. I then focused on charging my beam and as I watched the ongoing fight between Ariel and Mr.Dim, I was astonished to see that Ariel was actually holding her own. I managed to keep calm so that way I could charge my chi energy, but she really was showing Mr.Dim what she could do. She landed powerful strikes with her fist to his stomach, and when it looked like she was in a bad predicament, she was able to counter it. How? Mr.Dim had both of her hands, but then he made a mistake of lifting her in the air, and I could only suppose that she used his own momentum against him and while she was in the air she kicked him in the chest, backflipping just to add a little spark. Now I had the perfect chance to trap him. He was down on a knee and his back was turned. Seizing the opportunity, I launched the beam at him and he turned around as fast as the speed of light and began running from the beam. I thought he'd be slow, but with his mastered chi form activated, he was able to increase his speed so immensely, he began making distance from my beam. I thought it wouldn't catch him, until Ariel stopped him and forced Mr.Dim to have to fight her. Now that he was distracted again, that gave my beam time to catch up and I successfully maneuvered it around the both of them.
"Quas, are you finished yet?"
"Yeah! Here it comes!"
"Ariel activates your chi to your chest, that way you don't get hurt as much."
"Cannon Blow!" I looked over and I saw a huge amount of chi in both of his hands. He had one hand in front of him, and another ready to punch that hand. After he did that, a fast moving, bulky, energy ball came out of his hand. I couldn't even follow its speed and after it hit both Ariel and Mr.Dim, they both went flying, from what I could predict they probably flew about ten feet away from where they were standing.
"Ariel!" I began running over to her. I knew I shouldn't be worried about Mr.Dim because I already knew he could easily get up from what he just handled, but Ariel could have gotten seriously damaged by that, which could potentially mean she wouldn't be able to compete at the tournament tomorrow.
"Ariel, you okay."
"Yea...yeah. You sho...should be checking...on Quas. He  really...exhausted himse-"
"Save your energy, I'm going to go check on him." I looked over to where Quas was, and I could see he was almost on the verge of collapse. Freaked, I ran over to him as fast as I could, screaming his name to no response. I was able to make it over to him and I tried to talk to him as well.
"Quas? Are you okay?"
"No. Haha." I could only look at him with a blank face. Here I thought we had a trip to the hospital and he was able to laugh.
"Great job students, you all managed to make a plan, execute it, and win. That's right, you all win. If you all can, I'd like you to gather here." It took Ariel and Quas some time, but they were both stable and back on their feet and we met Mr.Dim where he said to meet.
"You've all shown me today that I have nothing else to teach you at this point. There are many more things to learn, but right now, it can be easily said that you three exceed the best expectations for a trainee team, and may even surpass the expectations of that for the average Copper clan team. In other words, I'm saying you three are almost guaranteed a spot in the copper clan, and have an even better chance of shooting straight into the Silver Clan."
"I like that, and you know what that means even more, free mansion." We all began laughing at Quas comment and started talking about some of our favorite moments as a team before the day that determined possibly the rest of lives.

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