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"I can walk now, I'm still hurt, but I can walk on my own now."
"That's good, for you and me because I have my own battle wounds you know. "
"Luckily enough for all of you, we're almost at the mansion."
"Hey, Mr.Dim, remember what you said at the tournament, you know about flying, why don't you teach us now?"
"It takes a lot of training to learn how and even more how to master flying. I simply can't teach you over a short span of time."
"Sucks for three, because myself, Aaron, and Scarlett can all fly on low ground with ease." He then jumped into the air and stayed afloat.
"One question, how?!"
"Don't pressure yourself into learning something new yet, Quas, instead take time to enjoy the day that you won the tournament."
"Okay." Turner then slowly came back to the ground and we all walked for another couple minutes before finally arriving at the mansion that'd we'd be living in. From the outside, it was bigger than any building I'd ever seen. I knew Mr.Dim was rich, but I didn't know any amount of money could buy something as big as what I'm seeing.
"I...I'm going to be living here?!"
"Yes, Scarlett, and today I'm just giving you all a preview of the building, you won't be staying today, but tomorrow I expect for you all to have bags packed, ready to move into here."
"Can we go in?!"
"At your discretion, Leon." He handed me the key and I quickly unlocked the mansion door and entered. When we got in, the first thing I saw was a hallway and at the end some stairs. As we walked through, the right side hallway had doors labeled, the first being bedroom one, then next to it was the door labeled indoor training area, then to the left, there was a door labeled bedroom two, and next to it was the room labeled entertainment area.
"What you've all seen is the first floor of eight in the mansion, I've already appointed all of the rooms. Aaron, you'll be in bedroom one, Quas, you'll be in bedroom three on the third floor, Ariel you'll be in bedroom four also on the third floor. Scarlett, bedroom five, Leon, bedroom six, both on the fifth floor. Turner, you'll be in bedroom seven on the last floor of the mansion. You are now free to explore the mansion for an...let's see." He looked at a nearby clock, it had roman numerals on it which told me in itself that the rest of the floor would not fail to disappoint.
"Okay, you'll be able to explore the mansion for an hour before you head back home, pack your bags and move in tomorrow, clear?"
"Okay then, enjoy." With that he went into the second bedroom and all six of us were free to explore the mansion with no limitations.
"I say we don't stand around any longer. We should start exploring this mansion that we'll be living in for the rest of our training years."
"I agree, first we should see our rooms, that should be key. Afterward we should all meet up at room two, there should be a kitchen or living area there. It's like Aaron said, we should explore now to at least see what we're all in for." Aaron then went to his room as the rest of us went up the stairs to find our room. As we made our way to the second floor, we found a dining room that had a red carpet, it smelled like cinnamon, and there were gold plates and utensils prepared on ten tables with twenty chairs. Next to it was a kitchen, only it had breakfast items like doughnuts, pancakes, waffles, and eggs.
"Is this a breakfast room?"
"I believe so Ariel, and if it is..."
"That must mean there is a lunch kitchen, and a dinner kitchen." Scarlett picked up on my sentence, and I had no doubt her guess was correct. I mean there's simply no way Mr.Dim would let us only eat breakfast, but even if he did, I wouldn't be able to thank him enough.
"Let's keep going, the sooner I get to my room, the faster I can just sit and rest my body." The bruises of the tournament were alive and as excited as I am for the mansion, I can't fully enjoy it with the pain I'm enduring.
"Okay, let's get to the next floor. I'm ready to see my room just as much as Leon is."
"Believe me, I have an entirely different reason for wanting to get to my room." As we began making our way to the third floor, Quas tapped my shoulder and signaled he wanted to say something to me.
"You've forgotten something important, I can tell."
"You acted strangely when we were heading to school in the morning, I just wanted to remind you that whatever you were thinking about, you should do something about it."
"Umm...okay thanks."
"No problem." He then ran in front of me and began talking to Turner. He may not have known why I was acting "strange", but for him to at least know, I have to watch myself. While I'm on the topic of something I forgot, I do have to go back to the Light Plains, I have to tell my mentor about everything that's happened, that is if he decides to even want to be bothered with. We arrived at the third floor, it included Scarlett's room and my room, along with a men's and women's bathroom. I fastly entered and shut the door behind me. The room included a forty-eight inch TV, king size bed, a great window view, carpet floor, and lastly, a lava lamp. The first thing I did was sit on the bed. I looked all over the room and I found on the shelf, the toolkit Mr.Dim told us about. I opened it to find a mini shovel, a hammer, a blue wrench, and the last thing I found inside was a letter.
"'All of this will be used for your future training.' Future training?" Mr.Dim did say the tools it would come in handy, but for training, I don't possibly see how this could help me get stronger or more skilled, but if it's intended for those things, I guess maybe it'll have some use in the future. After I finished exploring my room, I decided to lay on the bed and rest my body a little, I even turned on the TV and watched some silly cartoon to let time pass. I then looked at the clock in my room to see that while I was watching cartoons forty-five minutes had passed, which meant we only had fifteen minutes left to explore the mansion. I quickly got out of the bed and exited my room and began a search for my partners. I went back to the breakfast kitchen area and when I got there it was empty. I then quickly ran up the stairs leading to the fourth floor just to find an empty, but spacious living area. I was just about to hurry to the fifth floor when I heard shouting and commotion downstairs. I wanted to doubt the possibility that something bad was happening, but then again, it was a possibility. I made my way down to the first floor as fast as I could and when I heard the shouting again, the sound led me to the entertainment room. I slowly opened the door and found that Aaron, Mr.Dim, Quas, Scarlett, Ariel, and Turner were all playing a game, and they seemed really competitive about it.
"Why are you two double teaming!"
"I'm not Ariel, it's just I'm trying to attack Turner, but you keep getting in the way!"
"Doesn't make a difference who attacks who, I'm just going to win again!"
"You just have luck Quas."
"Hey Mr.Dim I say we double team Quas, make sure he doesn't win again."
"Good plan Scarlett." I felt stupid, but somewhat relieved that something bad could even be happening. I wanted to join in, but instead I was eager to see what was inside the inside training area. When I entered, it was just an empty room. Nothing was inside, no equipment, no mat, no windows, just a big empty room. I didn't even feel like a training room, it was just normal. Even compared to normal, it would rank the lowest if scaled. While I walked around the room like a deer in the headlights, I heard Mr.Dim calling from all of us. As I left the room, I took one look back to make sure I wasn't missing anything, and all I saw was the same, empty, room. When I exited the room, Aaron, Ariel, Scarlett, Turner, and Quas were already gathered by the door. I hurried to join them and hear what Mr.Dim was saying.
"I had fun with all of you today, from the beginning of the tournament all the way till now, but tomorrow, once you all move in, that day starts the long journey of all of your paths to the Gold Clan."
"Question, what do we have to do to enter the Gold Clan?"
"You ask Leon, and I shall answer. The requirement you have to meet to join the Gold Clan, is simply, to defeat a member that is already part of it." There were mixed reactions from almost all of us. Aaron and Turner gave off a confident laugh while Ariel and I shouted in shock. Quas and Scarlett stayed silent, but I knew the announcement had some impact on them.
"So if I'm correct, to join the Gold Clan, you have to defeat one of theirs to become one, am I right?"
"Yes, and that's not the only requirement, the second and final requirement is to display an ability with your chi that is deemed worthy by prestigious Platinum Clan members."
"I guess you're telling us this because you want to convey the message that our training here will be more intense than anything we've endured yet."
"Leon, you keep the ball rolling, you're correct again. The months and maybe even years that you guys spend training will not be easy, in fact I won't sugarcoat anything from this point forward. The training that each of you go through here will make you sweat, it will make you bleed, it may make you cry, but it's all for a purpose. That purpose being for all of you to achieve your maximum potential, and if any of you aren't committed enough to donating the time and effort, I'm giving you the opportunity to step forward now, and leave." I waited for just one of us to step forward, but after a full minute, it was decided that everyone was dedicated to training with Mr.Dim.
"Well that's all for today's joyride, tomorrow is the start of a new era, a new chapter, perhaps a new adventure. I'll see you tomorrow hopefully, goodbye." We all walked out of the mansion and all six of us headed our separate ways home. Mr.Dim said himself, tomorrow would truly be the beginning of a new chapter, and today was the end of an era. Though, I can't help but feel that I lost a piece of my original self, it's like I'm a completely different person.
I quickly made my way home before it got dark, and as I tried to open the door, it wouldn't budge. I then tried to call my grandma to come unlock the door, but it was minutes and still no answer. I thought maybe I was going to have to use my chi to break the door down, but before I could, someone grabbed me from behind, covering my mouth and another person, from what I saw, had their chi charged into their hands. I tried desperately for my life to fight back, but the person knocked me out with a chi enhanced punch to my stomach.

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