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"He's waking up."
"Good, after what happened yesterday, this was the perfect time for you to show."
"I don't know though. What if he ignores me?"
"Trust me, all he'll do is welcome you." I woke up, sluggishly, and I remember getting attacked, and here I am. I heard talking, I recognized one voice, my grandma's, but the other's, it was unknown. If I had to describe it, the voice was young and innocent. I opened my eyes, and what greeted them was a young child and my grandma.
"Who is that?! Who knocked me out?! I have to get my bags packed!"
"You will, but first me and you need to talk."
"What about?"
"This kid here. We need to talk about him and why he is here."
"I'm sure that whatever he's doing here, it's completely irrelevant to me."
"It's something to do with your parents." That's when my train of thought stopped, I regathered myself, and I turned my attention to what my grandma had to say.
"I'm ready to listen, but please make it quick, I have to start packing my bags."
"Okay, but I won't be the one talking to you, I'll leave it to him."
"Hey there, my name's Lail, and I was the one who knocked you out."
"You did?! Why?! Wait a second, that must mean the person who helped you grandma."
"Yes I did help him, and I had a great reason, if you just came in the house and I had some random kid, you'd completely ignore his existence with what you have on your agenda."
"Forget the reason you attacked me, why are you here?"
"I'm here because...well, I'm ten years old, my mother is Luci Genesis, and my father is Beon Genesis, and I'm your brother." Those words echoed in my ears, and they wouldn't leave. This kid, who knocked me out with his chi, at ten years old, claims to be my brother.
"How did you get here, how did you find me, and where'd you come from?"
"My- I mean our parents told me that I could find you living here, with that being said I flew over and that's when me and grandma made a plan of how me and you would be introduced. As for where I came from, mom, dad, and myself have all been living in the Shades of the Shadowed Sand for the past ten years."
"Why were you living there?"
"Mom and dad had issues they had to settle, so that's why when you were born, you were brought here, then five years later I was born, and ten more years later, here we are."
"Well why are you here?"
"Our parents wanted me to congratulate you."
"Congratulate? What does that mean?"
"They wanted to commend you for the work you've done over the past three years."
"How do they know about that?"
"The thing is, they've been keeping an eye out for you, grandma's even been reporting to them how you're doing, and yesterday I heard that the Trio Advancement Tournament was being held and I knew that you would be taking place. I'm curious now, how'd you do?"
"My team won, we're now part of the Silver Clan, and today I'm supposed to be moving into a mansion to begin my training to move onto the Gold Clan."
"Impressive, I didn't expect any less."
"Why do you sound so typical?"
"I mean, to be quite honest, I activated my chi a year ago, and I almost to the point where I can become a mastered chi user."
"At ten years old?!" I was unbelievably livid at the fact that he had the same strength as my instructor. No wait, just because he's close to mastering his chi, doesn't mean he's as strong as me.
"Well, now that you've started your business, I think I'll get packed."
"Well thing is, I've already packed your bags, and mine. Long story, short, I've been told that I must come with you."
"No. No you can't come with me because mom and dad will maybe need you."
"They told me that if I came and trained with you, we could both get into the Gold Clan faster."
"That's not how it works, you have to be on a team of three an-"
"I know, and you should know that I'm already a member of the Silver Clan."
"What have you not done?!
"Plenty of things, that's why I'm here."
"Well, I guess I can't stop you from coming with me, but you should know that my instructor doesn't intend on giving us light training."
"Trust me I know that, you should be watching out for yourself though. If anything, I'm stronger than you."
"You're so confident aren't you, well I say once we move into the mansion, the first thing I'm going to do is challenge you."
"Um...okay. Okay!"
"Well if you two are done with your discussion, you should get dressed to get you and your bags to that mansion."
"Alright!" I quickly got out of bed, but the bruises of yesterday still were present, but I was able to get through the pain, get clothed nicely, and make sure all my clothes and items were in my suitcase.
"Well, grandma, guess this is goodbye for now, I mean I'll still be able to come here occasionally, but it won't be the same without seeing your smile everyday."
"Don't say that Leon, just be happy for yourself and make sure that you keep an eye out for your brother."
"Don't sweat the last part, I can and pretty much have been defending myself for quite some years."
"We'll see about that."
"Heh, I can't wait to see how much stronger you two will be after your training." Before we left, Lail and I hugged our grandmother and procrastinated as we finally got out of the house and made our way to the next chapter of our lives. As we walked to the mansion with our bags, all I could do was think, this month was crazy, from meeting Ariel and Quas, to finding out I could use my chi, then having to participate in the most enduring event ever, and now I just figured out not to long ago that this kid named Lail is my brother. But, the real icing on this very huge cake is me knowing that my parents are out there, they are alive, and they are waiting. This may be the end of a great chapter, but the next is guaranteed to be an even greater challenge, and it's ensured to not be the last.

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