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"The battle between Mr.Dim's team and Mrs.Dexter's team is ready to begin. After you hear the two claps, the match will start." The only sound and movement can from the wind, blow soft and cool. Then, for the only time, the claps came from out of nowhere and the match began.
"Any plans of how we should go about this?"
"We just fight, not alone, but together."
"Ariel how do you feel about that?"
"I agree on the fight part, but I'd rather fight Aaron alone!"
"No wait!" Before I stop her, she was already dashing at Aaron, ready to fight.
"Just let her go, me and you need to focus on Turner and Scarlett."
"I...fine. What's the plan?"
"Take'em on, only then will we be able to make an effective plan."
"Okay, for now, I think I'll try to fight Scarlett, you can face Turner."
"Fine by me." By the time Quas and I finished our talk, I could see that Ariel was already fighting Aaron.
"Stay here, let them finish."
"It'd be best if we don't interrupt, just watch the fight." Once again I had to follow Quas' lead, but this was the last time. I did as he said and watched the ongoing battle between Ariel and Aaron and Ariel seemed to have the advantage over Aaron, just like in their first fight. She hit him with a combination of chest punches, but Aaron fought back by catching both of her arms and using them to attack her with a standing missile kick. With the scales tipped in his favor, Aaron took the opportunity to get back on his feet quickly and attack Ariel again. He attacked her with a kick to the side, but Ariel caught his leg and struck him with a high kick to the side of his face that knocked him down. He wasn't knocked out though, as he got up quickly with ease. Ariel was ready to continue their fight, but Aaron began to walk over to where Scarlett and Turner were standing. I was now confused, from what I was seeing, he must have been talking, but it wasn't about a plan, it looked like they were talking about a casual topic.
"Leon, Ariel, Quas, me and my team have a suggestion for you. How does this sound, you guys give up, save yourselves the pain you might endure if you decline, and wait until the next tournament and get an easy win, with your skill and ability, I doubt any team that participated next time will be able to stand with you three."
"You don't have to hide the fact that you know you're going to lose Aaron. Just now when you were fighting me, I had you on the ropes, and what'd you do, you ran and I let you, so why don't you come back here so I can finish what I've been waiting to do for so long!"
"Well Ariel, if that's how it's going to be, then I have no problem." Turner and Scarlett then got into a fighting stance signaling that they were prepared to fight as well.
"Now is our time to join the battle, Lee. Let's go." Quas began running at Turner, and I followed, charging at Scarlett. Turner decided to meet Quas, but Scarlett stayed still. When I got close enough she finally decided to come at me and attack with a straight punch. I ducked under and learning from my past mistake, I swept her legs, but she didn't go down, instead landing on her hands and back flipping onto her feet.
"Impressive, that was quite the speed."
"I could say the same for you Scarlett." She quickly attacked me again, but this time she was trying to poke me with each of her index fingers. I kept dodging until I caught one of her arms again, but quickly she pierced me in the arm with her other index finger, and I could feel and instant numbness. She took as aid my confusion and punched me in the side, which caused extreme pain due to what happened in the last match. I was able to stand on my feet, but the pain was serious, along with the fact she used some technique on me that made my arm fall asleep. I looked at her hands to see she had chi charged into her hands.
"How'd you do that? I'm not even mad, at the most, I'm intrigued."
"I'll tell you. It's simple really, but complicated. I use my chi to put the Kinect energy of someone asleep. It's only temporary, but for someone as skilled as myself, it's a very beneficial technique."
"Amazing. That only makes this fight all the more difficult."
"You're strange, not as strange as Turner and Aaron, but at least one tier under." I'm surprised, guess there's more to Mrs.Dexter's team than what meets the eye. Ready to continue, I attempted to gain the advantage by using my chi to jump high into the air to attack, but like always, she followed me. Luckily I had a plan, the Genesis Trap. I had already charged it while me and her were talking, all I had to do was find the perfect moment to launch it. Just when she met me in the air, I launched the Genesis Trap at her, but she punched it with her chi, causing it to break and vanish. While in the air, she took the opportunity to kick me in the face, knocking me back down to the ground. I landed on my feet, but I had to react quickly as Scarlett planned on continuing her attack. I saw that she was preparing to do a front jump kick while she was heading down, so I did what only to mind and blocked my face. When the kick landed, the impact of her combined with the momentum behind the kick left my legs wobbly and shaken. I slowly uncovered my face to see she was now on the ground looking at me.
"You looked better in your previous matches, I'm curious, what happened in between then and now?" She was right, I've been fighting differently this entire time. Last match definitely left me in pain, but this, it's insane.
"I'm sure it's nothing, now let's continue this fight." I lunged at her, and then I felt a sharp and quick pain right by my side area. I only acknowledged the pain for a quick second before I returned my focus back to Scarlett, who was now jumping backward while I was running at her. I quickly realized what she was doing, so I took another opportunity to use the Genesis Trap again. I didn't even try to charge it, as soon as I had enough chi to form it, I launched it at her, this time leering it get close then making it go up. I was still running at her while the beam was in the air, then I made it go down and straight in front of me. While running, a brilliant plan crossed my head. It may work or it may not, at this point I'll take anything. The plan was that while she is backing up from the beam, I'll use my chi to propel myself toward her and attack. The likelihood of the plan working against it not working was almost half and half, but what is life without risk. I stopped running and charged chi to my legs, and while the beam was chasing Scarlett, I forced a powerful dash that sent me soaring toward Scarlett, and while I had momentum, I formed a fall kick that she wasn't ready for. She had enough time to block, but with the chi charged to my legs, the impact sent her flying toward the stone wall. I fell on my hands and quickly got up to see how effective my plan was. All it seemed to do was create space between Scarlett and I because when I looked where she was, she stood with no problem to show.
"You've got to be kidding me."
"Kid you not. This is all real. I mean, you really should have accepted our offer, we gave you the chance to leave here with your spirit intact, and what do you three do, you go chuck that chance straight out the open window.
"That's because we know we can beat you."
"Whatever floats your sinking boats." She began charging at me, but suddenly stopped, as did I. We both turned over because someone was shouting. It was Quas, he was charging a Cannon Blow, and Turner was just standing there.
"You're all talk! If you're so much better than me, take this head on, and if your still on your feet, then you get to keep bragging about how strong you are!"
"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you, doing this, you may just cost your team a member, and maybe even this match."
"Shut up!" With those final words, Quas launches the attack at Turner, who just stood confidently with his hands folded.
"Turner, BLOCK THE ATTACK!" Aaron shouted a bloodcurdling scream at Turner, and afterwards, Turner put his arms in blocking form with just a moment to spare before the Cannon Blow collided with him. The aftermath? Turner was standing there, arms still blocking him, then he fell to a knee, and finally fell on his stomach. I looked over at Quas who looked like he was going to faint too, so I ran over to him as quick as I could. When I got to him, I did only what I could and punched him in the stomach.
"Ow! What...was that...for?"
"I thought you might lose your consciousness so I had to make you experience pain so you didn't." Ariel ran over and joined us. The referee began to run over to Turner, and confirmed that he was out of the match. The referee tried to help Turner up, but Turner popped straight up onto his feet.
"What!? Aw dude, guess I'll leave this to you two. By the way, you should watch out for Quas, he's strong and will surprise you, only if you give him the chance. Long story short, don't underestimate Quas, other than that, I'll go take a seat." After he began walking away, I only had one question on my mind. How? How could he take something so powerful, fall for like twenty seconds, then get up like nothing happened?

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