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"Leon, Leon?!"
"Wah! Ow!" I just fell on the floor after being woken up by my Grandma's shouting.
"Coming, just give me a second."
"Someone's at the door."
"Wai...What?! Who is it?"
"Don't know, that's for you to figure out.
"Aw come on." Now I had to hurry to dress myself out of my pajamas just so I could see who's at the door. It had to be another 2 minutes after I finished putting on some black shorts and a white red t-shirt. I then walked to the door opening it only to see Quas and Ariel.
"Dude, what took you so long?"
"Yeah we were waiting out here for like almost 15 minutes, thought we might've had to wait another day to come by."
"I know, I know, I'm late. But before you keep telling me about that, why are you here exactly?"
"Quas came by me first saying he wanted to get back on track after everything that's happened. I was reluctant at first, but if we're ever going to be a fully operational team then we must be able to release any tension we have for the better."
"Hmm. That's not what I had in mind, but at least it is better." I thought they were coming here to tell me they wanted to do extra training and stuff, but just having a chill day is more than wanted. We all went to my room and this time Quas didn't even ask, quickly turning on my television and LSconpro 2 at first sight.
"No way, you really have Found for Forgotten?"
"Yeah, I don't really play it much, I'm more of a book person."
"Well it can play up to four people, and you do have four controllers."
"Like I said, I don't really play it much."
"And it looks like you have a save data file right here. We should all play together." There really wasn't any getting out of it at that point as Ariel joined him. I agreed, we all got a controller and started the game.
"See now that wasn't so difficult was it?"
"Still a book person."
"And we still have issues to talk about. I'll start, firstly what happens after the tournament?"
"Um, isn't it clear already, Mr.Red, mansion, even more training, clans, yeah it's pretty much already planned out."
"Not what I mean Quas, I'm talking about what roadblocks come next. We are only thinking about these next four weeks and facing Aaron, Turner, and Scarlett again. What comes after them?"
"We can't be sure that someone or something comes after them, but there is always the possibility, and that is why we always need to be prepared."
"Well that's the future, we need to keep our heads focused on these next 4 weeks and the tournament, then we can discuss the other things."
"No." I then paused the game to look over at her. She looked nervous, but what for I don't know. There really weren't that many things to be nervous about. The only nerve triggering event we have is the tournament, and even then I'm beginning to come to terms with it as each day goes by.
"We have to discuss it now, what if something unexpected happens at the tournament. What will we do?"
"Trust me, I know that if anything happens we have our lines of defense in the Platinum Clan members. Really Ariel, the only thing we should be focused on is preparing for this Trio Tournament and using these four weeks to our advantage."
"Yeah speaking of, how are we going to manage that time?" We all took a brief period to restart the game and while we were playing, I tried to think of how we're going to use these 4 weeks. Of course training non-stop would be senseless because come the day of the tournament we'd all be drained of all energy.
"I've got it. Lee, you may not think this is the brightest approach, but trust me on this one. Ariel what do you say that we do things like this. Tomorrow will start the second week, right?" I nodded in agreement.
"I believe that we should use that time to practice team strategies and techniques, once we have that established, for the third week we should train ourselves with our chi. How do you ask? We continuously test our limits, we train to unlock new abilities and try to master them. Then for the last week we try to get in any last minute training and use the last two days for complete rest and or meditation."
"Quas you said I wouldn't like the plan, and you're right. I love it. I didn't think you were quite a time manager."
"It's no big deal. I just see it as one of my natural gifts."
"Hey before we continue the game, I have something else to ask, and this is just for you Lee. How did you activate your chi?" I felt a jump in me, I don't know why though. I remembered how it happened, when my mentor did it for me. Now that I look back, it's like I cheated to get it done, unlike Ariel and Quas who did it naturally.
"Does it really matter Ariel? The only thing that matters is that he did do it."
"Ye... yeah that's all that matters, heh."
"Hmm. Guess you're right Quas. Anyway, while I'm on the topic of chi, yesterday Mr.Red was able to activate his chi aura all around him."
"Yeah, he also told us that if he were to fight Aaron, Scarlett, and Turner at the same time with it activated, he'd win no doubt."
"Well can we really be sure about that?"
"What do you mean?" Quas really was questioning our instructor. I mean I get why we all know Mrs.Dexters is extremely talented, we got to learn it first hand, but like us, they're just trainees, whereas our instructor is a former Gold Clan member with years of experience.
"You see here is the thing, one on one with any of them, he'd smoke them. One on two, Mr.Red still could beat them. But all three of them, at the same time, I just don't know."
"I think we may be able to find out the outcome of that situation." Now I think right about now me and Ariel were having one of those are you thinking what I'm thinking moments.
"Ariel do you mean that we should-"
"But how do you know he'll say yes?"
"Leave that part to me Quas."
"Alright, guess we've got ourselves a good one. Mr.Red versus Aaron, Turner, and Scarlett."
"Well if we don't have anymore to talk about I guess we should just focus on the game now." As I made that comment, Quas leaped in laughter.
"Oh dude, you say that like this is the last time you're going to touch any game. Come on be real with yourself, books or entertainment like this."
"Books, the joy and excitement I get from a 3D virtual world is great and all, but there is a variety of books, and when it comes to gaming, you can only be amazed so much."
"Aw whatever dude. Video games still rock."

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