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The vibrant colors of the sky were setting. The wind was slowly disappearing. Even nature knew this was going to be a good fight.
"It's been a while since I felt like this Ariel."
"Like what?" They both seemed so confident. I'm surprised I lasted against these two, and the fact that I went 0-2 doesn't even make me mad.
"I feel, huh, what's the word. Oh yes, I feel exhilarated."
"I can say I feel the same way."
"Hey you two ready." They both answered yes via nod of the head.
"Begin!" I shouted. My excitement was also pouring through as well. They both started by pacing in a circle, both of them trying to out stare on another. This carried on for minutes, and my anticipation still increased within every second. Then at the moment of a silent rock, Quas lunges at Ariel. First coming at her with a fast sweep that she jumped over. She then came back at him with a quick attempt at a body shot that he dodged. Then they were back at how the fight began. It was like each and every one of their shots had a plan connected to them that failed, just because the other saw it coming. Just then Quas decided to rush her again, only this time she did the same thing and they both started releasing combinations of punches and kicks. This was hard to keep up with since they were both switching roles of offense and defense. Ariel then ducked one of Quas incoming punches, and responded with a quick chance at a body shot, but he caught her hand went around her and palmed her in the back.
"That's a point to Quas. 1-0." That fight was so quick. It only happened over the course of about 4 minutes. My fights took much longer and were slower paced than this was.
"That was tough. You're great Quas, you really are."
"Thanks. You know all of us are great. Even if you didn't win today Lee, you still did better than most did where you used to live."
"True. Lee is great, the fact he could even score against people like us who fought for competition is amazing. But, enough about congratulating ourselves, I have a fight to win."
"I think you meant that I have a fight to lose." They were both ready to fight, and I was ready to spectate.
"3,2,1, begin!" They both started off by approaching each other slowly, not letting their guard down. Ariel then came a little closer, and while she did that I could see Quas backing up, but he wasn't just taking big steps, it was like he scooted his legs back every once in a while. Then Ariel launches herself at him. First with a straight punch that almost made contact, and amazingly, he countered with a sweep taking her down. In an opportunistic attempt he tried to palm her while she was still on her back, but she managed to roll out of the way back on her feet. Quas then came at her with a flurry of palms, and Ariel dodged them by swaying side to side. This continued until Ariel ducked and rolled under one of his strike attempts, then came back at him with a sweep that he jumped. This seemed like he did something good, but Ariel made it feel like she wanted him to jump, because when he landed, she hit him with a drop kick to the chest. There was a silence afterwards with Ariel panting for breath, while Quas was on the ground with a hand on his chest.
"Ariel wins, 1-1." Quas slowly got up from the ground, but to Ariel's surprise and mine as well, he was smiling, even managed a little chuckle.
"Can't believe I got lured into that one. Ha, ha, hahaha." Ariel started laughing too, but I didn't join in. Why were they laughing? I knew it'd sound stupid to ask why they were laughing, so I just played along and laugh too.
"Honestly I didn't think that'd work. Against Lee it didn't work, but now, hmm, I'd say the technique is a keeper.
"Guess I was planning to dodge something else, but you happened to land a missle to my chest."
"Well, that was something. Anyway, are you two ready?
"Yeah, let's go Ariel.
"Fine by me, I'm ready."
"3,2,1, begin." Ariel lunged this time, deciding to charge with a combination of accurate kicks. Quas was able to block these kicks, but each time he managed to block with his arms, there was a smashing impact. Quas had to do something because sooner or later his arms would give in from the pain of having to block her kicks. He made a decision to try and successfully grab one of her legs and take her down. He couldn't get in a clean strike on the ground. He tried to control her legs, but she was able to maneuver them into a position where she was able to flip him over while gaining back her stability. They were both back on equal ground now, neither of them had the advantage. As I analyzed both of them, I could see that Quas was beginning to feel the pain for all those kicks he had to endure. If I had to describe it, he looked like every few seconds, he winced in pain and always moved his arms a little. Ariel just looked like she was trying to retain her breath. That didn't stop her from coming at him, though this time she took a different approach at charging him. She started running at him but went another way, eventually running in a circle around him. Quas tried to keep up, but it looked like his arms were still damaged. Then Ariel took the opportunity to charge back at him again with the kicks, and all Qaus could do was block again. Then in a shocking twist, as she went for a kick that was a for his chest he ducked, and as soon as she turned around, Quas executed a picture perfect one-inch punch. It didn't look effective from my perspective, but for Ariel it looked like it damaged her a lot.
"That's 2-1, Quas wins 3rd fight." Quas fell to a knee, gasping for air while Ariel was getting back up from the ground.
"Uh, you guys okay. You both seem tired."
"Yeah, I'm fine." Quas began to smile a little.
"Man, this is awesome. I'm actually feeling the burn of fighting. It's like I said you two are great and have really brought out the best in me."
"Quas caught me with that. One-inch punch, that right?"
"Yup." All I could do was a watch on. I knew they were tired, but no percent of them said they wanted to give up. The tensity was all still there. It took some time but they both got back up on their feet. Not at a hundred percent, but up on their feet.
"You guys are ready to continue?"
"Ready when you are Ariel."
"Well then in that case, ready."
"3,2,1, begin." With them looking all tired out, I anticipated a slower paced, tactical battle like the last few but that wasn't the case. This time they both just went at each other, and it was fast. Ariel went for a sweep as Quas was coming, but shortly after Quas attempted a jab, Ariel ducked and quickly ended the 4th fight with a punch to Quas' gut that was so impactful that he lost all his breath. He went down holding his stomach, while Ariel, who was seemingly very tired, sat down while she could relax.
"That's 2-2. Ariel wins the 4th fight. Erm, are you guys okay." At this point it looked as if both Ariel and Quas' bodies were ready to give out on them. Basically looking at them I could tell they wouldn't be able to last 3 more fights.
"I'm fine, you should really be checking on Quas. I'm not sure he's handling the gut punch so well."
"Sure thing." I approached Quas' and it looked bad for him because he was fighting for air.
"Quas' are you okay?!" I knew he wasn't okay. Asking him that only probably made it worse. Then he slowed down and tried to take in little breathes at a time. Slowly he recovered his breath and was breathing normally again.
"Whew, I thought you were seriously about to have a real emergency."
"Me too friend."
"Ariel? Hey Ariel?" She was just looking at the sky while sitting. I guessed she was daydreaming.
"Hey Ariel, you okay?"
"Huh, yeah I'm cool."
"You guys both look tired and judging by your last and this fight I'd say we should wait and postpone this for another day.
"Hmm, it is getting pretty late. My parents will wonder where I've been on a school night as well, so yeah I guess we can."
"And how about you Qaus'." He looked at me then Ariel, then back at me and chuckled.
"Sure thing, hey we can't rush it either. Remember we said this was only training for tomorrow." That's when it struck me. I got so into the moment of fighting people for the first time, that I forgot that I'd been training for tomorrow's test.
"Uh yeah, remember that Ariel. This was all just training." I began laughing nervously, but then they started laughing too. I don't get it, whatever I find odd, they just laugh, and it makes me happy too when they laugh.
"Well we should all get home now, see you guys tomorrow, and thanks for training today. Who knows we might just become the best trio at the school." Quas made a statement at the end of his sentence. "Best trio at the school". That seems like that is the real name of the game. To become the best trio. Maybe someday we'll get to test our skills together against another group to see who is the best. But still in our group, the best is still unrevealed.

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