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"No way, I clearly won that Quas, even Ariel knows."
"I think you meant I won that race. Either that or we tied, there was no chance I lost."
"Well considering you gave the probability of a tie, it shows that you're unsure that you won or not."
"Say what the both of you too want, all your doing is competing for second and last place anyway." We just came from the open fields in the back of the school. We were racing and Ariel won out of all of us, while me and Quas were debating who came in second. That's when it clicked.
"Hey, what time is it?" They both looked at me and shrugged, then that's when Ariel then caught the reason behind my question.
"Guys, we have to get back to class now, we may be late." We may have gotten a little carried away while racing that we forgot to keep track of time. We all began to run, not even thinking to stop until we got to room 23.
"Hmm, all of you are early by approximately twenty-one seconds. I'm guessing you're ready." We all nodded, but I didn't want to take the test now. For some reason, I lost my motivation for today and got a unexcited.
"If you'll follow me we will be doing this in a "different" area." He directed us from the classroom and we followed him to wherever he was taking us. A couple seconds later we arrived outside again, but there was a mat laid out.
"You'll sit here behind me and meditate in front of this mat, simple. No, then it wouldn't be a test. While you meditate, trainees from 2 higher classes will compete in a spar session. Now how does this affect you, well don't you want to see the outcome of the battles, the intensity. Well you can't, or you fail simple enough." He just made this 200% harder than what I first thought it to be. I really wanted to see the type of skills these people were being taught, but if I did, I'd have to risk failing and falling behind, big time.
"I accept." This time it was Quas who said it first.
"Me too, and Lee?"
"I'll do it." My anticipation slowly raised, then the trainees and their instructors came in. This just consistently got harder and harder.
"Well take position, And start meditating now. Mrs. Dexter and Mr. Ryon, your students may get ready."
"Thank you, Mr. Dim, and to you Mr. Ryon, I hope you've been training your students new techniques, or just like last time it'll be a clean sweep.
"That was just a mere rest day for my students, this time they'll show your underlings what true training pays off for."
"Well it's now or never send in your first, for my first I send in Turner Wolf."
"Okay, for my first I give you Synar."
"Synar, Turner, are you ready."
"Yeah old man, just call it already, it's not like the results are going to be different from last week."
"Say what you want Wolf, I've learned something that you could never prepare for, I'm ready Mr.Dim."
"Okay 3,2,1, begin."
"You know Synar, as much as I like fighting, why should I waste my time if I know the outcome."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm implying that I should show you my new ability."
"What?! Never, I won't give you a chance to use it ."
"Good thing it is windy out here."
"Ah! What was that!"
"You see over the course of the week, I trained intensely with my chi to even learn how to maneuver air around me. With all the training I did until now, I've learned how to manipulate air within a 10ft diameter. Seconds ago, I did it to force a strong force of wind at you in the form of a punch."
"Ow! Even if I tried to come close you'd just knock me over! This isn't fair!"
"I think I have a great idea that'll benefit you and me. Give up so that I win, and you will stop feeling the need to fight back. Seems like a load off for both of us am I right."
"How?! How could you... have learned to concentrate... your chi like this in just... a week?! It's impossible!"
"Well certainly I didn't do it all alone, I mean if I did I'd probably be doing better, but still I'll give recognition where it's due to my instructor Mrs.Dexter. Maybe if you had her too, you'd probably be able to give me a proper challenge for once, but we both know at this point you've got no chance of winning."
"Sorry Mr...Ryon, I really have... no choice, I... give... up."
"It's 'bout time, really didn't think I could go a few more minutes , my chi level is definitely low now, but hey I'll only get better from here, which is scary for you."
"I didn't even get to attempt a strike, I'm worthless!"
"Tell us something we don't know about Synar. Hey Dim, why don't we get on with the next round, I'm waiting to see if the rest of you can carry your weight."
"Okay Turner, Mrs.Dexter, Mr.Ryon send in your next competitors.
"Ryon, I hope you're ready because I'm sending in my prodigy, Aaron Silver."
"I hope you're ready Dexter, because I'm going to let my star student Ray Heart bring us back."
"Are you two ready."
"Yes Mr.Dim."
"You're going down this time Silver."
"You may begin in 3,2,1, go."
"I'm not going to waste anytime, I'm going to finish you now."
"Before you go and do something stupid let me warn you, and this isn't any bluff, after last week's sparring, I learned that when I fought Synar, I had a calm state in the face of a tense situation. It took me time while I was training, for me to realize that I'd learned something outstanding, powerful, I'd learned how to control my Sheng to an extent. And with it, an incredible ability."
"No way! No one has ever done, at least not our ages! Oh, wait a minute, hahahaha! You are bluffing. You think you're special, well let me tell you something I'm not Synar, and I'm definitely no pushover.Huh! What?!"
"I told you so."
"Gah. Darn it. You think one little arm flip is going to change anything. Well it's not! I'm going to destr- AHH!"
"You left yourself open. Hey Mr. Dim, I hit him pretty hard, doesn't look like he's going to be able to fight me anymore after that."
"I agree, therefore you win by K.O."
"Great job gentlemen, and since we've already won two, a third match would be senseless, provided we won two fights in a row, unless you wish to fight Scarlett."
"Nah, I rather not, I mean I did make my opponent submit last week, and I doubt Crystal got any stronger."
"Scarlett, what did I tell you about insults."
"It's not an insult, it's a fact."
"Well, Ryon you heard it, your team, once again, fails to even touch mine."
"I get it. We're no match for you guys, but if it's not us, then it'll be some other team, with even more potential than yours."
"Hah, pathetic, just look at 'em leave. Though about that other team, the closest thing to a challenge for us is whoever makes it to the finals with us in the tournament."
"You may be right Wolf, but for the sake of me getting a proper fight, I hope there's someone who is just on the same tier as us."
"Turner, Aaron, we can't start thinking about the future yet, we still have more training to do, and know that you guys have somewhat established abilities, it's time to expand on that learning.
"You know, for a Copper Clan teacher, it's like you're prepping up for the Platinum Clan."
"Trust me Scarlett, there are years worth of things for you still to learn, but if you progress at the level you are now, you might be Platinum Clan Leaders at a very young age."
"I like the sound of that."
"Leadership is your forte Aaron. With all this over now, I think we'll be taking our leave, thank you Mr.Dim. And for those students behind you, once you train them to a worthy extent, bring them here so they can spar with my team."
"Gladly, see you soon. Okay well since that's over, you may stop your meditating."

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