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"Hang in there Lee, don't fall on me now."
"I...won't. You word in that."
"Good, all I need is one last thing from you, a Genesis Trap."
"If you can't do that, then the other option would be for you to attack Aaron with me. Either way I can't do this alone."
"Maybe I'll...just have to try...and attack, because...I don't think I'll be charge my chi with the...amount of fatigue and pain that...I've taken."
"That's fine, we do have the numbers advantage after all, and if we get lucky, maybe he'll go down after one good strike."
"Maybe." Ariel helped me back up on my feet, and even then I almost feel back down. Aaron stood there, several feet away from where we stood, glaring, building tension, building animosity for the battle that was soon to take place, guess you could call it the final battle.
"It's now or never." Ariel began running, and I tried to keep up with her, despite my pain. Aaron started charging at us too, and instead of going for Ariel first he headed straight for me, but before he could attack, Ariel stepped in front of him and they began fighting once again. While they were fighting, I saw a quick opening to get a strike in and so when Aaron shoved Ariel, I jumped into the air and tried to attack him with a flying kick. Noticing me, he grabbed my foot and threw me face first colliding with the ground and picked me back up and threw me toward Ariel. She dodged me and ran up to go fight Aaron again. I tried to get back up on my feet quickly, but my bruised body wouldn't allow me. Eventually I got back up on my feet and hurried to rejoin Ariel in the battle. Just before I could try to help Ariel, she took a forearm smash to the face that put her on the ground. Luckily for me it gave me another chance to strike Aaron. This time I went for a simple punch to the chest, and when it landed, Aaron didn't even seem phased. He then grabbed my left arm and pulled me in to knee me and the stomach. He then grabbed my head and began to knee me in my face multiple times. After he did that he shoved me down to the ground and began stomping on my left arm. My nose was already bloody and my mouth was bruised, and now he felt the need to stomp on my arm. This was no longer a fight, this was torture.
"I think I want to test a theory, how many jumps on an arm does it take to break it?!" I prepared to suffer an unimaginable pain and before I could, Ariel saved me once again by kicking Aaron just as he was about to come down on my arm.
"Don't give up Lee, don't."
"I'm...not fin...finished yet." At this point, I was struggling to form words. Ariel helped me back to my feet again, but I fell, twice, before I could regain some stability. I looked over at Aaron who was lying on the ground, apparently that kick from Ariel must have had some chi power in it, to keep him down like that. Though it bought us time, he confirmed that he wasn't knocked out by kipping-up back on his feet.
"There's...just no end to...this gut."
"I could say the same for you Lee."
" making...a joke or...are you serious?"
"Both, also Lee, I remember Mr.Red teaching you how to sense one's chi and strength."
"Why reminding me...of this."
"Focus on Aaron, we need to sense how strong he is. If we can do that, we'll be able to see through his bluff, that or he may just be unbeatable."
"Okay...I'll try." I focused on the energy movement of Aaron, and when I was able to sense him, his power didn't feel overwhelming. Infact, it felt weak and deteriorating, slowly.
"He's...getting weaker!"
"That's great, so he was bluffing. I bet he wants to end this right now."
"I say...we don't keep...him waiting."
"Now you're speaking my language."
"One last thing...don't forget...he may use...the Combat Clairvoyance any time while we're just be aware!" This time I was the one who started charging at Aaron, even if I could only rely on my right arm, I still had a fighting chance. When I attempted a punch to the chest, Aaron caught my hand, but that was my plan. I then swept his legs, and with a perfect follow up, Ariel kicked him in the side of his face while he tripped. Ariel and I quickly got back on our feet to attack Aaron, this time he got back on his feet quickly and punched Ariel in the gut, but it didn't even phase her as she grabbed his arm and flung him toward me.
"Lee, attack him with your chi." The only attack I had in mind was a bicycle knee, so I charged my chi to my legs and while Aaron was flying toward me, I jumped into the air and executed a picture perfect bicycle knee to his face. A miracle must have happened to me because after that rush of adrenaline, I didn't feel like collapsing, yes I was still in severe pain and aching, but I still felt as if I had some fight left.
"Lee, I think you did it, I think you may have won it for us." The referee came running toward Aaron, who lay on the ground, hopefully defeated.
"Aaron, do you give up."
" never had a chance, hahaha..."
"No! Tell me it isn't true. There's no way he's still got fight left in him, not after that attack." After laughing off the attack, he got up quickly and while I was still in shock, charged his chi, and delivered a high kick to the side of my face, that not only sent me to the ground, but at least a couple of feet from where he and Ariel were standing. After that kick, all the weariness and pain returned, only this time I was drained of my chi energy, and I felt like fainting right then and there, but I knew that Ariel still needed my help. I tried to get up as fast as I could, but my body wouldn't allow that. As I was trying to get up, I saw Ariel, fighting Aaron alone, she was struggling, and just before I could even, he connected with a powerful elbow to her gut that had chi charged with it. The referee ran to check on her, and when he did, what he said about her left me with only a world of hopeless despair.
"Ariel is eliminated, by knockout." I was all alone, to fight Aaron. My body aches, I can't use my chi energy, and I can barely stand on my two feet.
"Well, well, now it's only you who's standing in my way of victory, I gave you a chance and you denied it, like an idiot. And now you're going to face defeat, looking like an idiot."
"This fight isn't over yet!" I got back on my feet and while trying to run to Aaron, I fell down to a knee.
"Look, you barely fight me anymore, give up now, you've already embarrassed yourself and your team."
"Shut up!" I got back up again and this time I was close enough to hit him, right in his stupid face. I almost got him, but I missed, and when I did, he made me pay for it by landing a strike to my already bruised side, and while I was trying to get back on my feet, he kicked my arm so I fell flat on my face.
"Face it, you can't go anymore, your fight is over. Unlike you, I've got enough stamina to last me another match."
"Stop lying."
"You heard me...stop telling yourself you...can do this...and you can do that...because in can't."
"So what if I told you, I can beat you. Is that a lie?"
"Let's give that question an assured answer." He picked me up by my shirt, and he began headbutt relentlessly, he also kneed me in the stomach multiple times, almost to the point where I began to cough up blood. He then shoved me back to the ground and stepped on my chest.
"How about now, do you still think you can beat me."
"You're just hurting yourself." He then stomped on my chest, and now I was coughing blood from my mouth, and that's when it occurred to me, my body gave up on me, I didn't lose, my body did. I couldn't fight back anymore. I lost. Like an idiot. All that was left was for me to give up. There was no point in continuing this senseless pain I was taking.
"F...Fine, you win. I g...giv-"
"Wait! Before you admit your defeat to me, did you think you could beat me?"
"Do you think you could beat me now?"
"If you had another chance in the future, got stronger, learned new techniques, do you think you'd have a chance to defeat me?"
"Wit...without a doubt, I'!"
"Hmm, interesting. You've helped me make my decision."
"Hey referee, if my team loses this match, aren't we still in the Silver Clan?"
"And if...Leon's team won this match, don't they immediately move into the Silver Clan?"
"Okay then, I give up."
"What?!" There was a loud response from the crowd of teams who were listening, they just heard it like I did, Aaron gave up. And judging from what he just asked me, it was because of me. He gave up so he could have another chance at fighting me. All that aside, the biggest thing that just happened was that my team won.

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