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"Busy today?"
"Yeah, I'm going back to the Light Plains."
"And why is that?"
"Well let's say someone I met their last Sunday can help me with something I've been having trouble with."
"I take it you view said person of high standards, right?"
"Yeah, and if you really want to know it's because he is part of the Platinum Clan." She then turned around to look at me, shocked was her expression.
"Platinum? Clan? Member? Well, that's new. And what is it that you're going to be taught."
"You see today I'm taking a risk, I hope he will help me finally activate my chi, or at the least train me."
"Activate your chi? You guys are moving at quite the pace, are your friends going to join you there?"
"Nah, they've already activated their chi, tomorrow we have another test that requires our chi activation and I know that if I don't get it done today, I'll be worthless to the team."
"Well it seems you have a lot on your shoulders, and the more time you have, the easier it gets so I won't keep you here much longer, you're free to leave when you want."
"Thanks, and I won't need any food, I have to focus on clearing my mind for this to work, and food does the exact opposite." I ran out the door and ran my way to the Light Plains. Believe it or not, this week has been one up and down, right to left adventure. Just for more excitement, I know that all of this is just the beginning of another big story, that is if I make it one. While walking, I kept my mind occupied by thinking about the far future, if all this actually worked out, if I exceeded all my expectations, who would I become. It took about 45 minutes, but when I began to see the white swishing grass, it became apparent that I was there.
"Hello! It's me, Leon who you met last week." I was beginning to think I got there a little early.
"You know shouting out loud, especially including your name, is no way to properly introduce."
"You're here, but where are you?"
"Try to- no, you haven't learned that yet, just follow my voice." I did as he told me, and it led me right to the area we were in last time.
"I think I've got it."
"Excellent, now walk, walk to what you sense." I then began walking to the big tree that he was standing behind last time. When I arrived at The tree, I was surprised not to see him there.
"Are you having trouble finding me? Like I said follow my voice."
"Yes, and I did follow your voice, it led me to this tree."
"Seems you require some assistance, turn around." I followed and he was standing right there, just inches away. How'd he get so close, I swore I didn't hear a thing while walking to the tree and I looked back about 2 times. This time he just had on a black suit, complete with a silver colored hat.
"Amazed are you? Well let's be real, it's common stealth and anyone with the slightest bit of experience in that area would have known that I was behind them. I'm glad you came though, shows me that you can be trusted to an extent."
"Not to be rude sir, but I want to cut to the chase, why did you ask me to come here?"
"Why did I ask you here, hmm, you see, it's not everyday someone of my tier takes someone like you, a common at most under his wing."
"Wait, are you asking if you can become my mentor?"
"No Leon, I'm not asking to be your mentor, you are effectively immediately my student."
"But I didn't sign up for this."
"But you still came here didn't you, and you're on my time as well. Also I can sense your not here just because I told you to come, you have a desire as well. Enlighten me on what it is."
"If you insist. Since you're a Platinum Clan member, wouldn't you know a thing or two about chi?"
"I know what you came here for. Chi activation. Ahh, I remember the days when I had trouble activating mine. But if you are looking for me to help you unlock your chi it is a most simple task."
"Simple?! I've spent two days ruining myself just to do it an-"
"And that's why it hasn't happened. You've let your anger get the better of you."
"It's not anger, it's determination."
"They are both two different things. You've simply confused them. Determination is when you have the motivation and willpower to keep going. Anger is simply sadness in a case of disappointment, a flare up if you will."
"Anyway, can you help me?"
"Well, like I said you're on my time and I did want you here for a reason. I'll help you, but first you have to show me that you're even worthy."
"What do you mean?"
"Activation of your chi is serious and even after you need to know how to master it like I've done. Using a special technique, I can analyze your life's energy to see what your chi is made up of."
"Shi and or Sheng right?"
"Correct. You're smarter than you let on, now hold still, this may hurt like a thin needle being stabbed in your chest." I prepared myself, and when he did it, I felt like five explosives had just gone in my chest.
"Gah! My chest!" I began breathing heavily, but at the same time I didn't feel out of breath.
"Huh, you're different, only two out of ten of this land's population are born with this type of chi."
"I sensed your energy movement, your chi is all Sheng."
"Is that good?"
"It is only good if you know how to make use of it. You can either waste this or take full advantage and become a great asset to this land."
"So does that mean you'll teach me to activate my chi?"
"Yes, on one condition though, try to strike me. Only then will I help you."
"Okay, but what happens if I do connect with a strike?"
"That's a what if scenario, just focus on now." I didn't know what he meant, but I followed instructions and began attempting strikes and different attacks, all of which he dodged with ease.
"You're basic, you limit your fighting style to just striking, try something like this." He quickly grabbed my arm, tripped me, and like that I was on my back.
"Were you expecting that?"
"No! What was that for?"
"Simple demonstration of a different attack style, you should take notice, now try again." I was still a bit ruffled after that "demonstration" but I wasn't going to disappoint my new mentor, so I tried again this time going for a variety of Ariel attacks. I did this because I was building up momentum for an unexpected attack he wouldn't see coming.
"Is this all you intend to do?"
"You just wait." After I landed on my feet for a flying kick, I knew he was standing right there, and I saw the perfect opportunity for a spinning step kick.
"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk." He caught my foot, and then rocketed his foot into my mid-section.
"AH!" I was holding my stomach in pain, though I had him that time, he more than certainly looked vulnerable to an attack like that.
"Like I said, your attack style is too basic. You waste so much energy dancing around, and finally decide to go all out for yet another basic attack. You know the word I'm using, basic, whenever you use that word it lingers in your mind for a while like a bad odor, use your determination like an air cleanser, freshen that bad odor lingering in your mind." How can I land a strike on this guy, it's like he can calculate my every move, of course because he is years ahead of me. It took me a while to get back on my feet and the pain to go away until I realized it was time for a different approach, grapples. I have little to no experience in that region, but it was worth a try.
"Anytime now." I tried to think, If I could get his arm, I'd be able to twist it. Too basic, darn, guess it's that time I throw caution to the wind. I tried to approach him with no plan, and he immediately responded by gut punching me. I fell to my knees and in unbelievable pain, pounded at the ground.
"Another lesson to be learned, don't leave yourself wide open."
"This is pointless!" I could feel my hands searing in pain, but I didn't know how else to react, my frustrations and humiliations couldn't stand it anymore.
"You'd better stop." He then came over to me and knelt while I was on the ground.
"This isn't any appropriate way to conduct yourself, if you want to prove yourself you have t-"while he blabbered on, I remembered, go for the unexpected approach and I punched him in the gut.
" left yourself...wide open. I took advantage...of the opportunity."
"Yes, you did, and I'm pleased."
"Wha... what?! How are you still standing?"
"My access to, and lessons of control my chi allow me to use it for things like enhanced durability. That punch you landed in my gut was a mere tickle."
"Amazing, so chi does that much for a person."
"Correct, and that is why we're going to activate it right here, right now."
"You're bluffing."
"Stand up, the process of this is very painful, people have compared it to that of the feeling of being burned to a high degree due to the fact that your body hasn't felt the temperature of the chi in you, which is then shortly after followed by numbness of your limbs, then you fall asleep."
"Whatever it takes, I'm ready."
"I want you to meet me here again. And once you've learned more at the school, show me what you can do next week. Your determination is what creates your potential, and I can see you have a lot of both, get ready because from this point forward, things are going to get different." He looked like he was concentrating for a while, then immediately pushed his hand against my chest, and instantly I began feeling cooked. I then started sweating profusely. I was burning, in my mind, I could hear ringing noises, I then grew weary.
"Leon, where do you live?"
"Sleep for now. You've earned your rest, but next time won't I won't be so easy."

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