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"Ariel, Lee, Quas, I'm more than sure you heard the challenge made by Mrs. Dexter."
"Yeah, I heard it alright." Quas appeared intimidated, and so was I, Ariel probably shared the same feeling as well.
"Her students decimated Mr.Ryon like it was nothing. I could hear it in their voices, when they quit and the final blow landed. It was like Mrs.Dexter's team gave little to no effort defeating the other team."
"And that Quas is why we need to start training today, and yes all of you did pass today's test."
"At least that's a positive."
To be real, the one person that I felt the most impacted by was Turner Wolf. I wasn't able to see him, but I heard and felt his presence, especially since he used that technique. He said 20 foot diameter and we were in it. If I had to describe it, air was brushing from and past me at high force. Also, I heard that name Aaron before, but I can't be quick to make assumptions that it was the guy I saw earlier today
"Come on, we're going outside, this will start the beginning of our training, which will also be a test."
He brought us outside where we'd been running before we came to do our first test.
"The first thing we are going to do is focus on getting control of your chi. Known there are two different types, Sheng, which represents a peaceful and almost painless energy. Then there is Shi, which is a less peaceful energy that enhances your fighting ability and with one of the two of these, If you train well enough, you can unlock abilities that can benefit your mental, physical, and emotional states."
"Mr.Red, how exactly are we going to figure out."
"To answer your question Ariel, you'll be fighting each other, for the rest of the school hours."
"What?!" Quas and I shouted in unison, just yesterday we were training by fighting each other, but now we'll have to do it for the rest of the day!
"And how exactly is that going to help?!"
"Quas, You'll realize it yourselves, you'll feel it, you'll know you've tapped into it. Now begin training with each other."
"Hey um, Mr. Red I couldn't help but bring up what one of Mrs.Dexters students said about this trio tournament, what is it?"
"Well since you'll be facing her team soon I guess I should tell, the trio tournament happens every year around this time and it determines who's ready for the next level. This tournament is held for those preparing to go to the Copper Clan, and Copper Clan members as a testament of skills that'll determine what rank you go to. The setup, 8 teams of 3, 4 Copper Clan teams, and 4 rookie teams, three versus three action continues until all members of the team are knocked out or have given up, winners advance until one team has been declared the best. In reward if you win the whole thing, you advance to the Silver Clan. For the one team that lost every match in the regular and the losing bracket will be declared a waste to the land and will never be able to try to join again." I almost got a headache from that. A tournament, Silver Clan, never be able to join again.
"Well now that you are fully informed I assume, you should start training, first by seeing how fast you can dodge each other's attacks. Well start with Quas dodging and Lee trying to strike him."
"Yessir." We readied ourselves, I was prepared to hit him at least once, but I knew that he wasn't going to be an easy target. But I also know this is for another purpose, to activate my chi. I don't know what it is, but it sounds powerful and maybe with the right amount of training, we all may learn it and have a chance to beat Mrs. Dexter team.
"You ready just a heads up I'm going full steam ahead."
"Great, I wouldn't want anything less than full effort."
"Begin now!" My first attack was a simple roundhouse kick, which he easily dodged.
"Remember you can't fight back."
"I know, I know." I tried to hit him with a combination of kicks and punches. This continued on for a couple of minutes with me taking short breaths in between, as well as Quas. I then continued with attempted strikes, all of which he was able to dodge until I landed a hit in his chest.
"Keep going, get up Quas, how do you expect to defeat Mrs. Dexter's team if you get knocked down by a single strike, and you Lee, did it really take you all that time and effort just to land one hit. We need to do better, start again." We both were trying to regain air in our lungs, but I knew I had to keep going if I wanted to activate my chi, so right at the moment Quas was able to stand on his two feet, I lunged at him again, this time he was startled and I was able to knock him down again with a punch to the chest again.
"Grrh, this isn't even acceptable, Lee your attacks are too basic. The only reason you landed your strike was because he was vulnerable and left himself wide open. And while we're on that topic, Quas you can't consistently try to just dodge, there are ways you can dodge while landing an attack. Start again." Quas was looking bad compared to yesterday. He was sweating, more profusely than me and I was the one trying to hit him. But that didn't mean I was going to let up, I also needed a different approach as well. When he got up, I charged him once again, but this time I tried not to connect a punch. I was able to execute my plan as I caught his right arm, went behind him, and hit him with a palm strike to the back.
"That was better Lee, we could still work on some things, like your timing, but decent. Still I can see that you've not activated your chi yet. Quas! Get up!" He was getting up slow, but Mr. Red didn't look like he intended on waiting and held a hand for him."
"Hu, hu, hu."
"Why are you so tired? Dodging is a necessity and you're botching it."
"It's because... I am doing two things at once...., I'm trying to focus... so that I can activate... my chi and... I'm trying to dodge... all at once."
"You two are going to do this one more time, and this time I want you to do this, know where you are, who you are, what you're doing, and realize how you feel. Find a motivation."
"Mr.Red how'll that help."
"You'll see if you do it." Quas still looked burned out, but I still had a few gallons before I stopped. But I also had to do what Mr. Red told me, right now I'm in an open field, my name is Leon Genesis, I am trying to take down Quas Blacklin, and I feel determined!
"My motivation is to prove that I'm the best to ever walk these lands!" I began to charge at Quas again, and as I got closer his expression changed and I knew I had to stop. He was going to do something, but what. He then started walking toward me and as he did I wasn't going to give him any chance to try something, so I attempted a punch and as I shot straight for him he dodged and counter attacked by sweeping me onto my back.
"Well done Quas. Lee get up, you should know that even from here I knew what you were going to do. You're starting to revert back to your other form of striking, be complex."
"Yessir." I couldn't help but look over to Quas, he was standing there with his hands in his knees, then he fell to one knee then the other, and in no time at all he was down.
"Quas!" Ariel ran over to him and I joined her.
"Turn him over Lee." While me and Ariel were doing this Mr. Red just stood there. He didn't even seem the least worried. But I could focus on him. I turned Quas over just to see his eyes open and him, smiling.
"Uhh, buddy are you okay."
"Yeah, don't panic... it's just I think my body may have given out on me."
"That's great."
"What do you mean?!" Ariel sounded disgusted and rightfully so.
"Yeah, what do you mean that's great. He could have potentially passed out, but miraculously he is okay."
"Well I was just saying it's great because he just experienced the first signs of his chi activation."
"Wh- what do you mean ch- chi activation?"
"Quas, did you do what I told you."
"And do you think that you were fully truthful to yourself about what you thought."
"Well there you have it. Lee I doubt you did what I told you, considering."
"But, I said everything that I wanted to say."
"You weren't truthful to yourself then, you were being rather cocky as you tried hyping yourself up, which wasn't the goal."
"Darn it."
"Seems we made some progress today, one out of three of activated your chi, Monday I expect all of you to come in here with your chi unlocked, because I will be giving you a test that will definitely require your activated chi. Ariel, since you did not train today, if it is not a problem I ask if you can stay and train with me?"
"Sure thing, hey Lee, Quas, want to meet up on Saturday 2:00 at Beaming Grove so we can train again?"
"Sure, but Mr. Red can I stay as well. I'd like to train some more too if that's no issue."
"Yes you may."
"And Quas do you think you'll be able to train with me and Ariel tomorrow?"
"I'll be there, but first I'm going to need my body to rest properly. I'll just lie here on the ground until it's time for us to leave." We all began laughing. Maybe this all will have a happy ending, but a happy ending doesn't come without pain and hardship, and there's plenty of that to come in the approaching days of our battle with Mrs. Dexter's team. One thing is for sure though, I'm back on track.

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