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"Good Morning class." There was a deafening silence.
"What happened? I distinctly remember all of laughing on Friday, what possibly could have happened over the course of two days?" There wasn't any real tension that included me, it was really just Ariel and Quas with me and I guess Mr. Red stuck in the middle.
"Darn it, I can't take this anymore, can you two stop being selfish. We're all on equal level now."
"After you and Quas activated your chi, yesterday with some help from another "friend"."
"Cool, see Ariel my comment was just a joke, I didn't insult your ability to become stronger I was just confident."
"Fine, guess I can be mad at you another day, anyway what are we doing today Mr.Red."
"A test, and have all of you activated your chi, right?"
"Great, so that means we can start the first lesson of you controlling your chi, without control over it, having it really doesn't matter."
"Will this require us to be outdoors?"
"No Leon, we can do it all in here. Your first test will see how well you can concentrate your chi into a ball of energy." We were all shocked. I didn't think that we'd be getting into that part of the training so fast.
"Mr.Red, how exactly are we even supposed to know how to do this?"
"Here is the thing, I'm skipping through a lot of the basics, we've already activated all of your chi, which is far from the expectation. I want to see how good you can concentrate the life energy within you, into a ball of energy."
"I'll go first, take notes Lee, and you too Quas."
"Roger that." I also nodded in approval to Ariel.
"Remember this word, concentrate." Those were the last words of advice as Ariel closed her eyes and held out her hand. I couldn't sense how she felt, but she did look focused and calm. Seconds of still silence passed with all eyes on her, then suddenly a tiny ball of the color red-violet began to slowly form in her hand.
"Wow, is that chi?" I tried to whisper in fear I might break her focus.
"Yes." To describe how it looked bright and amazing. And that wasn't all as Ariel continued to focus, the ball of chi energy continued to grow in size as time went by. By the time it stopped, it was the size of a baseball.
"Great Ariel, now while you're still focused, try to concentrate the chi energy into your hand and don't try to force it." I was still in complete awe at what I had just seen, but now she has to focus it back into her. It took sometime, but the ball's size slowly decreased, but Ariel looked like she was having some trouble.
"Don't lose concentration, control the chi, don't let it control you." Her struggling continued until the chi quickly faded away and Ariel began gasping.
"Good job, you exceeded my expectations Ariel, you passed today's test."
"How was it, how'd it feel?" We were all amazed by that display, I couldn't believe we had all of that stored in us.
"You won't believe it Quas, it felt lively. Like, hmm I can't even find the right words. For me, the only way you can truly know how it felt is to try it yourself."
"And with that being said, Leon your turn. And remember like I said concentrate, don't let the chi control you."
"Got that." Just like Ariel, I put my hand in front me, closed my eyes and tried to clear my conscience. I kept concentrating not letting anything distract me.
"Woah look, he can do it too Ariel."
"That's what it looks like, it's beautiful." I could hear them, but I didn't think about it, overwhelming myself would cause me to lose focus.
"Good job Leon, now with the same hand you're using to hold the energy ball, try to focus the energy there." I slowly processed what he said. I tried to relax the hand I was using so I could make it easier to transfer the chi there.
"Why is it disappearing Mr.Red? Is he-"
"Yes, he is doing it. Excellent Leon, now open your eyes but keep your hand where it is." Following his orders, I slowly and calmly opened my eyes to see a blue aura surrounding my hand.
"What the? What is this?"
"Fantastic job Leon, you pass along with Ariel." As my confusion grew, the aura disappeared slowly.
"What happened, where'd it go?"
"You lost focus, and with that you lost control of your chi."
"Guess that seems right." I didn't know how to react after that experience, it made me feel different, in a way i can't express.
"Quas, you're turn."
"Alright let's see if I've got what it takes to do this, get ready to be impressed." I wanted to do it again, but now wasn't the time. I'm sure there is plenty more to chi than just creating a ball of it. Quas did the same routine as Ariel and I, arm in front of him with his eyes closed to focus. He was able to make a ball of energy just like me and Ariel, but his chi was also a different color, red.
"This time, try to see if you can channel the chi to the arm you aren't using."
"Why did you tell him to try something different?"
"Well Lee, if I told him the same direction as you and Ariel, he'd have a good time since I'd what to do. It may make little to no difference whether he could do it or not, but that'll be decided by his performance." It took time for me to understand what he meant, but as soon as a red-violet aura was surrounding his hand I caught wind of Mr. Red's idea.
"Amazing, Quas you can now open your eyes."
"Alright, Hmm. Woah!" His astonishment came from his sight of chi withdrawn from himself.
"I am enlightened at your progress today students. You've shown me that not only can you handle the use of your chi, but also that I'll be able to teach you how to use it for defense and combat."
"Mr.Red, I don't mean to bring on a different topic, but you never told us when we'd be facing Mrs.Dexters team."
"I'm glad you brought that up Ariel, that sparring contest will be held here on Wednesday at 2:00. That will leave us with tomorrow to train. If you'd like we could do some additional training today before you're dismissed. What do you three say?" I thought about it. If I did stay and train along with the rest of them, it would raise the team morale as well as our knowledge of our chi.
"Let's do it."
"Hmm, I'll train too. The more we train, the better our chances of beating Mrs.Dexter Team."
"That's a yes from Lee and Quas what about you Ariel?"
"I'm all for it, but before we do leave to go train, please explain one thing. Why were our chi aura's each a different color?"
"Simple. The color of your chi represents the balance between Shi and Sheng that your chi holds. Lee's was blue, which is not common and means he has complete Sheng chi. Your chi color was red-violet, meaning you contain more Shi than Sheng. For Quas, his being red means that he has complete Shi chi, which like Lee's isn't common. There is a lot more meaning to it as well, but I don't want to overwhelm you. It's best you take it in part by part. Some of it I will tell you, the other part you'll have to experience and learn for yourself."
"Now that I know, best we get out there right now and use all the time we have." We all got up and left to the outdoor land of the school to start our training. I just have to admit though, this is all happening too fast. Wherever they are, whatever they're doing, they know that I'm on this journey. One thing leads to another, that's why I'm doing this. What is their motive though, they must have one. They can't just be running on blind determination, at least not at this point. Everyone, everything has a purpose, and until they've carried it out, they'll keep trying to conquer it, no matter what they've got to do.

Leon INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ