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"It all goes down tomorrow."
"Yeah. And a funny thing for me this wild adventure began just a month ago and here I am standing with you two."
"One day. It all changes for us after tomorrow. If we win or lose, it changes. After tomorrow we'll all be different people, no matter the outcome. Myself, Leon, and you Quas, we'll all become... a different version of ourselves."
"When I look back on my past, I wouldn't have it any other way. This adventure I've had in this month was more fun than anything else I've experienced in my life."
"I'll bet it's because when you were a child you spent your days in the pages."
"Yeah, Yeah I get. I used to be a bookworm, but now I have potential, we all have potential, and to let it go to waste, it'd be a crime that could not be forgiven." Me, Quas, and Ariel were on our way to school for hopefully the last day as trainees. The climax to this was all coming, and it all came so fast. I met so many new faces along the way and...
"Oh no! How could I?! Forget?!"
"What are you talking about?"
"It's nothing Ariel! I mean, it was just a simple item I left at home, I just had an impulsive reaction. It's nothing more."
"Okay, if you say so." As we all kept walking, the thing I had an "impulsive reaction" about was the fact that I forgot to go back to my mentor. I got so caught up in my training. Now there was nothing I could do, especially with all that's happening. I felt dumb. That was it. I could only keep walking with my mind wrapped around the fact I forgot about someone who saw something in me. But even then, even if I forgot, he'd still want me to continue, wouldn't he, no he would. I know it, so I will keep going, for him. Hopefully, hopefully I get the chance to see him again and say sorry. We all arrived at the school and made our way to room 23, and expectedly we were greeted by our instructor.
"As you are all aware, the Tournament begins tomorrow. Eight teams of three, seven matches, six teams advance, one team becomes the ultimate graduates, one team becomes disposable. What do I want from you? I want you Ariel, I want you Leon, and I want you Quas, to become the ultimate winners of this tournament. We trained countless hours, days for tomorrow and for you guys to lose in the first round, it shows me all of you aren't worthy, and that is how I know it isn't going to happen. Because all of you are worthy, I know that years from now, all of you are going to have the power and ability to defeat me without even trying too much. That is how I know that you guys are capable of winning and how you will win the tournament."
"Now I can't let you down. For you, Ariel, Quas we will win. That I promise you Mr.Dim, I promise."
"Leon's right we didn't waste days and hours of our lives training just to make it this far and come up short. We will win, the possibility of us losing is to compare that to the possibility of an ant lifting a human, it just won't happen."
"Lastly, the thing we have over all the other teams is our spirit. If any of the other teams want a chance of winning they'll have to knock us out, because there is not a chance any of us will utter the words I give up!" This is what passion felt like, we were ready for tomorrow, I didn't know about the others, but at this point I felt completely untouchable.
"Well since it is our last day of preparations, I think we should go outside and make sure you're all in good shape come tomorrow."
"That sounds good to me." Ariel and Quas agreed and shortly ourselves and Mr.Dim made our way outside. I really can't believe though, this month, it was just an up and down journey all the way to tomorrow. And to think it all started with a map. Now that I think of it, maybe now I have an idea of what is going to happen after the tournament.
"Alright here we are. What plans do you have for us Mr.Red?"
"Today we're going to be simple, I'm not going to tire you out, today will be a simple test of strength. What does this mean you ask, well it simply means that you are going to charge all of your chi into the strongest punch you can, and I'll let you strike me in the chest and then I'll let you know how much I'm affected, simple?"
"Alright, who's first?"
"I'll go."
"Alright Quas, I'll tell you when I'm ready."
"Alright." It wasn't even five seconds before that violet aura I knew began to surround Mr.Dim. I then looked over at Quas who had his red aura already charged into a fist.
"Give it all you've got."
"Okay!" After Quas shouted in response, he indeed gave it all he had because after he punched Mr.Red in the chest there was a loud thud like sound. Like thunder colliding with the ground. What's even more surprising, Mr.Dim stood there, took a chest caving punch and didn't even move afterward. From what I could see he was smiling.
"Very nice, nice indeed. Had I not used my mastered chi energy, I'd be extremely damaged. You pass Quas."
"I'll take it."
"Okay, since that is done, who's next."
"I'll do it."
"Okay. You know the routine Leon."
"Get ready." Over the course of my training for the tournament, I've really adapted to being able to activate my chi instantly. As soon as I was ready I had to get some space. My plan was to run to him that way I'd have more power and impact. After I did that I began to put my plan into action and as I got closer, Mr.Dim continued to just stand there, hands behind his back, smiling. When I was close enough, I punched him in the chest as hard as I could, and I could feel the force of the punch myself. There would be no way any living person without chi could survive. Yet, Mr.Dim stood there unphased.
"Hmm, slightly less impact than Quas, but a great plan. You also pass Leon, which means that lastly, it's your turn Ariel."
"Alright, I've been waiting." While Ariel went to test her strength, I went over to Quas, who had his arms folded with his head down. I could also see him murmuring something.
"Huh?! Oh, it's you."
"Yeah, and I hate to ask but what were you whispering to yourself."
"Okay you really want to know?"
"Yeah." It sounded like he was holding back something serious, something that could be potentially dangerous.
"I was whispering to myself in these exact words, 'mind your own thoughts' that the answer you were looking for." I really didn't know if he was being sarcastic or serious, so I just left without another word. As I was turning around I could hear that now all so familiar chi punch to the chest, signifying Ariel just did it.
"Nice you had just a bit more impact than Leon, but just short of that compared to Quas. In conclusion, you pass. Okay, all of you return here please."
"Okay." I looked over at Quas and I could see he was still murmuring to himself. At first it was a little off, but now I'm overly suspicious of Quas.
"You've all again impressed me. Here I thought you'd guys might be another average team, but no. You've shown me what you can do, tomorrow it's your time to show everyone else."
"You're right. Hey Mr.Red something else, you never told us where the Tournament was."
"I haven't!? Oh, it's going to be taking place at the Arena of Skill. It's a fifteen minutes walk from here and is used for every tournament we have."
"Thank you for the confirmation."
"You're welcome Quas. Well, I guess that is all for today. You guys are dismissed for the rest of the day."
"Wait that's it? No we have to have some fun. How about this we see how good you really are when you face myself, Ariel and Leon three on one until we or you can't fight anymore."
"I gladly accept. I'm happy your enthusiasm to fight me, although this still won't be as fair as your usual teacher vs student fight. Reason being although you have the numbers advantage, you have a minor chance of winning."
"Don't worry, as long as Quas can cooperate this time, Ariel, Quas and I will have you beat."
"Okay. Fight me as if I'm the last person you have to beat to win the tournament."
"Okay team, he asked for it so, don't go easy on him!"

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