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I got off-track. I forgot about my main mission. I'm surrounded by other tasks. So which is it? I don't have time for both. Either I spend all my time today searching another starred place in the valley or I sit down and discuss everything that has happened the 3 days. I must make a choice.
"Come to the dining room. You have matters that I want to talk to you about." I know this wasn't my choice anymore either. One of those side tasks was today. I went into the kitchen to see grandma had already prepared dumplings and had a chair pulled out for me by the small table.
"Go ahead, I prepared these because I know we have much to discuss."
"You're right. We do have a lot to discuss, and if you want me to be honest, I'm feeling conflicted."
"Well, that's why we're here. I want you to tell me about everything that has happened since that Sunday you came back from home to yesterday."
"But what is it going to solve if I tell you, it's like I said the things I'm looking for and trying to find out are very important and it is up to you to figure it out on your own."
"Hmm, I see you are in a pit of despair and you seem to be running out of momentum and inspiration, right?" I just shrugged and looked down.
"Well if inspiration and momentum is what you need, then this is the time to show you."
"Show me what?"
"The gift."
"You say this like it has a special meaning toward it." I kept talking while my grandma got up and left into her room.
"There is no gift that can help me find what I'm looking for." Then she came out of the room with an 8x8 picture.
"Leon, you said you were looking for something very important, something worth not telling me, something that you did for hours just to get nowhere and try again the next day. And it looks like you are out of spirit. So take a look at this." She showed me a picture with a man, a woman, and a baby in a basket. The man was dressed in the same type of clothes as that Platinum Clan member I saw. The woman had on some type of coat with a necklace on. Then I set my eyes on the child. I started to get angry because I didn't know what messages my grandma was trying to relate to but my patience was wearing thin. Then I looked deeper and on the basket it had a name tag with a note that was kinda messed up to read but I managed to see the words. It said take care of our son, his name is Leon Genesis.
"It spells my name, doesn't it?"
"Have you figured it out yet?"
"If that's me in the basket, then that must mean?" I didn't feel any emotions, for seconds, until a burst of excitement ignited inside me.
"I'm sure whatever you are thinking, I know it's right.
"Those are my parents?!" I was breathless. I thought I'd never see them, ever, but there they were, in that picture."
"Wow, that's them."
"Their names are Luci Genesis and Beon Genesis. My guess, they fused their names together to get yours."
"Wow, you know you were right. I needed this. Thank you and, once again, sorry for my selfishness."
"Oh, don't feel sorry, you were in a pit hole and needed help. But, there's another reason I showed you this. What are you doing in the school right now?" I felt as if I accomplished all I needed, but now there is more. Well my school matters are what's next on my agenda, and if I manage to get through that, I'll most certainly get more leads to my parents.
"We just got separated into trios and the kids that hungover on Monday were my partners, and supposedly new friends."
"That's great, you've already started."
"Started what?"
"Training, what for? The instructor said he was going to put us through a series of tests, not training."
"You need to und-"
"Wait, don't tell me anything else that's going to give me an unfair advantage. What I do want to know is, did my parents both complete these tests?"
"Yes, they both did, they were very quick in fact, they caught wind of the development process well."
"That's great. Well thanks for inspiring me but I think I'll rest, read, and eat some of these dumplings." We both laughed while talking about the things I did growing up like digging for days. Finally, I learned about my parents, but there are still mysteries for me to uncover. What's the "other side" and why is it prohibited? Were my parents in the Platinum Clan? These are things that are still a mystery, and I want to solve the rest for myself. But for now I'm going to enjoy my Wednesday and prepare to train hard for tomorrow and get ready for my first test.

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