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"Congratulations Mr.Dim, I'm fairly surprised at the performance your team has put up this far. If you guys were to face a team like Mr.Ryon's you'd probably win with if you guys gave it your best. Though in all honesty, they're probably the worst Copper Clan team here and probably across every other school as well."
"Thanks for the unnecessary praise, but you and your team should be focused on Scarlett's chances against my last trainee, Quas."
"Trust me Mr.Dim, Scarlett will not toy around like you around with your student like Aaron and Turner. I give this fight about 3 minutes at max."
"Well I say we both stop talking and let our students finish this session, are you ready Quas?"
"Um, y...yeah."
"And Scarlett."
"Yes! Can't believe I'm doing this. Thanks a lot Turner, I really owe you one after this."
"Your welcome. I just had to give you a surprise today."
"Go eat a worm."
"Who's to say I haven't before."
"Whatever, so I'm facing Quas, you look rather tough, then again you're still a little fish in a great big ocean of sharks."
"Say what you want, I'm ready to defeat you."
"Aaron, we may be in for more come the tournament. Last year we came so close and lost, and now just before we started this we were talking about the almost inevitable chance of the tournament being a landslide in our favor this year. How cliche is that to you, Quas?"
"As 'cliche' as it seems, it is not. The only thing you're witnessing is destiny taking its course. Me and my team are destined to win this year's tournament, and who knows maybe our destiny will stretch to even further heights."
"Monologuing, dude you are really in the moment, well time to shut that down." She sounded really unexcited, like all of us were completely underwhelming to her. My mind is still calming after seeing a tall, thick tree breaking by the power of Turner's chi. But still, they have lost from time to time, even when they've given their full effort.
"I take it you're both ready, so begin." The fight began very differently from the last two, instead of a very fast pace it was slow with each of them taking opportunities to land a strike and Scarlett seemed to be having the most success.
"Let's pick up the pace now." Quas then." Quas then charged at her, but she didn't hesitate to do the same. While they were both running at each other, Scarlett bounced into the air, I say bounced because she went so high she made the mat look like a trampoline. While that happened Quas stopped running and he too jumped. What happened next was so quick so I'll try to summarize it the best I can. While Scarlett was in the air, Quas was able to jump about the height she was at. In an instant she floored Quas with a kick to the side of the face. The collision with his back to the mat didn't help.
"Wow, that actually worked, I didn't have to use any of my chi. Which means... Aaron and Turner, you two are slackers."
"Don't fool around with us Scarlett, you know you used chi to launch yourself into the air like that."
"I meant I didn't need it for attacking or defending. You two used it to lessen the impact of their strikes. How does it feel to lose twice Turner?"
"How does it feel to finally get active in two weeks?"
"Hey, Quas. You're not done yet so get up."
"Ariel, don't shout I think it's over."
"What, but why are we giv-"
"I'm not giving up on him Leon. It's become evident to me what the problem is."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm saying this whole thing was decided before it began."
"What?!" Ariel and I raised our voices in question and amazement. Was he saying that he knew we didn't have any chance of beating them whatsoever. While I was trying to process all of what Mr.Red told us, Quas began to regain consciousness and get back on his feet.
"Let me guess, 'Grr I'm not done yet, you get back here and fight me grr.'" Now she was mocking him, and not too soon she began laughing.
"What are you doing?! Fight her Quas, don't back down." Ariel was shouting at him relentlessly, but to no avail. He was frozen, but he couldn't be frozen in fear, no chance, Unless he truly was. Scarlett then walked over to him, and with a strong gut punch, he was on his knees grasping at his stomach while looking down at her feet.
"I thought this would be fun, but now it's just borderline pathetic and boring." She then walked over to the side of him and kicked him in the stomach."
"It's over Mrs. Dexter we forfeit." He waited all that time to say that. Like he couldn't have said it before. I balled my fist in anger, not at Scarlett but at Mr.Red, this is his fault. I looked over at Ariel, and her face was red.
"Well I can't say we didn't have any fun Mr.Dim. Your students are certainly going to put on a good show in the tournament, but winning seems like a possibility for next year." He stood there with no response to her. Then they all walked off, all of them laughing. As soon as they all entered the building again, me and Ariel both began shouting at him.
"What do you mean this was over before it started!"
"How did you know this would happen, and why didn't you tell us!"
"This is all of your fault!"
"Enough from the both of you! Go help your fallen teammate and follow me back to class, we have something to discuss." Still he was so calm about the situation. I felt like I had a headache, even though we got a point today, it wasn't because I did anything to win, it was because Turner got tired. Ariel and I both walked over to Quas to see his eyes open looking into the sky. Just by his soulless expression I could tell he was feeling all sorts of different mixed emotions.
"Quas? You okay buddy? It's me Leon."
"I know."
"Leon, help me get him up. Hey, Wuas I know you're handling this pretty harshly, but this is just a learning experience."
"In what way, huh. The only thing I feel right now is humiliation. The only thing I have learned is I'm not cut out for this.(Quas, Quas, do you hear me? This is not the time for you to give up, or else I'll end you right here, right now). Wait, on second thought maybe we should do as Mr.Red says and go to the classroom."
"Um, Quas are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm more than sure he's fine Lee, he is back on his feet so that's a sign. Tell you what you can head to the classroom and we'll follow, okay."
"Alright, see ya." I ran back into the building and into Mr.Red's classroom to see him with a huge aura surrounding his entire body. It's color was violet and I didn't know what that meant, but he looked irritated. Also he couldn't see me because his eyes were closed.
"Um, Mr.Red, sir."
"Hmm! Oh, my bad how long were you there?"
"Just a few seconds."
"Where are the others?"
"On their way, Ariel said she'd help Quas to class."
"Not very gentlemanly of you to leave a lady to that job, but if she insisted, I guess you have no choice."
"What is your deal Quas? You know we have to do this or we both die right."
"I know, it's just, these people are different than what I expected, stronger. I've been doubting because if these guys are just minors, what are the powers of the elites?"
"Stop that, we only need to become stronger ourselves. And until the time comes, we have to and I mean it, stay focused and follow the flow, or else the plan will rupture from the inside."
"Okay, but only because I'm completing something that'll restore the honor in my name, my prophecy."

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