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"You left yourself op-"
"So did you Quas."
"You all did now stop boasting in the middle of training and get back up."
"Yessir." We all answered and got back up on our feet. I can't let today go like the others, I've got to try something new.
"Hey, Mr.Red? I was wondering if I could try out a new technique I've been experimenting with."
"Really? I'm quite intrigued, and with that you must show me what you can do."
"I think I speak for myself and Ariel when I say we want to see as well."
"Alright, but I'll need some assistance, if it is not too much for one of you to stand just about, 10 feet from me or less."
"I'll do it. As your instructor this move of yours will more than sure cause me less pain, if that is involved than it would cause either one of you two."
"Thanks Mr.Red." I wasn't too sure I could pull this off, the only practice I ever had trying to do this was outside my own home, and even then I was just able to focus chi to my hand. As Mr.Red stood there I did the proper procedure to get my chi energy moving and focus it to my hand. Now came the hard part, I had to now focus it to my fingers and it flowed easier than I thought. Now that I did that all I had to do now was release it all.
"Make sure you're watching, I name this one, GENESIS TRAP!" After I shouted the name of the attack, a beam that was the width of a rope shot out of my left hand, it's color matched that of my chi. At first I was amazed, this was the first time I was even able to use my chi energy output for attack. While it was amazing though, I had to keep focus and as Mr.Red stood there I could see his anticipation grew as well. As the beam was soaring, I was able to maneuver it left using that same finger. Then I circled it around Mr.Red's body. To finish it all, I directed the beam back to me where I grabbed it to make it stop flying and like that Mr.Red was trapped in my beam. I heard applause on the sidelines, and when I focused in on Mr.Red's face, I could clearly see once more that expression of approval from him.
"Awesome job Lee."
"Quas is right, and I must ask how'd you do that?"
"I prepared myself mentally for it, even a little physically. To be honest, I thought it'd be a complete screw up, but no. Looks like that training did pay off those past three days." As I was holding Mr.Red in my Genesis Trap, I could feel my chi slipping away, just little by little amount. If I had to measure, I think I could only hold him for about another 10 minutes before my chi finally gave out on me.
"Most amazing Leon. We finally have something to focus your training on. As for Ariel and Quas, now that I know I've trained you all to an extent where you can expend your chi energy into attacks formed by its very shape, we need to focus on training each of you to find a technique of your own. Now if you Leon and which you should, can you release me?"
"Sure thi-"before I could finish the sentence, he broke the beam around him with a swift chop.
"A simple flaw really. All I had to do was focus the littlest amount of chi in my hand to break your 'trap'"
"If someone else who's chi power was weaker than yours attempted to use your beam, then it wouldn't work, but since I'm your instructor, I mean the rest explains itself."
"That does sound like it's correct."
"Not 'like', no it is correct."
"Okay now that I've demonstrated what I can do with my chi now, why don't we get back to training and this time I want Quas to try and attack my while I have my Genesis Trap ready, we'll see if he can dodge it while he's attacking me at the same time."
"Challenge accepted." He activated his chi, while I charged another beam into my right finger as I prepared to dodge his attacks.
"I'm ready, don't hold anything back."
"I don't intend to." He charged at me and I could see he was running faster than usually, but I had no time to figure out why because I just dodged a punch and sweep. Now all I could do was back up, I couldn't throw my Genesis Trap and even if I could maneuver it, he'd just be able to dodge it easily. I had to get an opening. I had to let him get in close again, that way I could finally have a clear shot at launching my beam at him. I stopped dodging and he played right into my truck coming in close. He attempted another strike, but I was able to catch his left arm and had him where I wanted him. That's when I knew he could still attack with his right arm, so quickly palmed him in the back and using every moment to my advantage, I launched the beam right out of my left index finger, and Quas wasn't aware of the fact I had it circling around him. Just when he turned around, the cycle was complete and I already had the Genesis Trap surrounding him.
"What the?! Hey?! You shoved me!"
"I never said I wouldn't take any offensive moves did I."
"I guess so, but still."
"AHA! I did!"
"Great job Leon, once more you leave me amazed. As did you Quas, even though Leon countered the possible situation of you attacking with your open right arm, you still had him looking for a very clear opening."
"As interesting as Leon's new ability is, I much rather focus on developing my own."
"Fine by me and if you want I'll help you, Leon and Quas can train together in hopes of Quas developing his as well."
"Thanks, I'll make the best of my time training with Lee."
"As will I while I'm training with Mr.Red."
"Alright then, Quas and myself should head over there by the trees while you two train so that way we all of us have space."
"Good, we'll all meet back in the classroom to discuss who you're facing Monday at about 4:30 PM, so that leaves us with, hmm..., two hours for you three to give it all you've got."
"Yessir." We all responded and Quas and I headed over to have a rerun at him trying to attack me while I tried to trap him with my beam. Right now I'm feeli-, no wait, I know it, I'm in the driver seat. I have the wheel, my foot is on the gas. I am the strongest now.

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