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"We'll see you in an hour." He dismissed us to freely explore the school, or get in a little training. I wanted to train, but exploring the school might just help me find out some things that I've been seeking out.
"Hey Lee, Ariel and I want to explore the school. Maybe if you do come, we may find something interesting." I had to think, maybe they weren't calling me weak, but in fact thought highly of me. It crossed my mind again, that lesson I learned, being open minded. I can't be so quick to make assumptions.
"Yeah, I'll join you. But where do you think we should go first?"
"Well I was thinking we should go to the different halls." I thought about Ariel's suggestion and it may not be half bad.
"I mean it could be a good start and I can't really think of any other places." We all began walking to the next hallway to the other classes. Here, we were arranged by our age groups, so it was only made since we went to the 15-16 hallway.
"So guys about that test, with the way Mr.Red explained the whole thing, it sounded like it was meant to be one big competition don't you think?" I couldn't help but think what she said was right, maybe this was just one big competition.
"I think so, but if it were a competition, wouldn't they've already started it."
"Wait, Quas didn't you say that back where you and Ariel came from, there was sparring constantly at your school?"
"Yeah what about it?"
"And did they keep track of your records?"
"Well, disagree with me if you may, but that sounds like they were secretly testing you guys for the amount of skill you had." I wasn't sure that I was right, but I felt like I was on to something.
"I guess so, what other reason do they have to pit kids against each other for an outcome. I don't know."
"Yeah, but why wait until we've gotten older. Back from where me and Quas came from we started as kids. Why should it have been any different here?"
"I don't know." Quas' facial expression showed that he was feeling very clueless, and it looked like it was making him a little irritated too.
"Well we can't just sit around and wonder if we only have, or had an hour and we can't waste it trying to figure out the mystery behind whether this is a competition or some group marathon, we have to find something or this hour he gave us will just go to waste." I had to get us to regroup. If I'd let that conversation carry on, we'd probably have been late to get to class.
"Alright, so I was thinking we should split up and look inside each classroom. I'll take front, Quas you can take the middle, and Lee can take the back."
"Sounds good, we meet back in about 5 minutes and share the details we found. Well, see ya."
Quas headed off to the middle of the hallway, then Ariel and I both went to our sections. As I walked to the first door of 4, I noticed something instantaneously. There wasn't any type of furniture. Only a board. Then as I glanced over to the left of the classroom, I saw 4 people, I could tell that 3 were students and one was the instructor based on their attire. They were also doing something, an exercise. From my perspective, they looked like they were taking a stance and all had a hand out. I just couldn't take the fact that they looked so focused off my mind. Maybe that's how this test is preparing us for more to come. I then looked up at the clock and saw that I'd had only 2 minutes left to peek in the other 3 rooms. I quickly ran to the other room and saw almost the exact same thing, except in the second room they had objects in front of them and were also very focused dry. Then in the third room they looked like they were practicing combat moves, but it looked different from what you'd expect. It looked like they were being taught some type of techniques, all of which I could not name cause I haven't seen them before. Then I went to the 4th room and it got bizarre. When I first glanced I could see just 2 students looking at the ceiling, the instructor, and one student standing with their eyes closed and both hands up. I tried to get a view of the ceiling and when I did, I saw a ball of light just above all of them. It looked like the student who was focusing, undoubtedly hard, had created that thing.
"Hey guys, time to meet back up."
I didn't want to leave yet, and as I kept watching the ball slowly shrunk and disappeared.
"Lee, why were you so late? Is there something really important back there?" Ariel sounded like she'd seen a lot in her area too.
"Yeah, it was crazy and definitely not what I'd expected to see."
"Same here."
"So, both of you boys were amazed at what you saw huh. Well it's only fair that Lee tell us first since he had the first room."
"Well to be honest, the first 3 rooms weren't as interesting as the last. In there, and before you say you don't believe, always consider the impossible, a student was harnessing a ball of light." Both Quas and Ariel looked at each other then back at me.
"I can believe that, considering what I saw." Quas signaled in agreement to Ariel's belief as well.
"Well, Quas you next, then me."
"Hmm, let's just say that my area was very physical. In the first two rooms all I could see was three students trying to fight their instructor, but couldn't lay a hand on them. Then in the third room, I saw them using wooden swords with dummies. Finally in the last room, I saw them sparring with armor on and wooden swords on their arsenal."
"That's cool, so you basically saw advanced combat training. Heg Ariel now that it's your turn and you sound really anxious to tell us about what you saw, go ahead and spill it."
"I'm going to keep it short and basic, I think I saw a bit of necromancy."
"Necromancy!" Quas and I were shocked, and because of that reaction I'm pretty sure he knew as well as I did that necromancy was basically communication with the dead as well with armies.
"Why would they teach that here?" Quas sounded daunted.
"You idiots, don't you know there are good and bad types of necromancy."
"Yeah I knew." I didn't, I just wanted to feel smart.
"Then what is the good type called?"
"Um, good undead."
"Funny, but no, it's called the following of the White Path for intellectual communication with the dead." I felt like I'd just taken in a load of information, and I know that there is testing miles ahead of what I got a peak at. If this is what's to come when or if I advance to the next level, I know I'll be ready.
"Hey guys we got about another 20 minutes, I don't know what else to do but we could race outside until it is time to go back to class."
"I second that idea."
"Count me in." We all left the hallway deciding we'd taken in our fair share of information for the day and went into the open fields to race. I was honestly happy, I felt on level ground again all because of that lesson I reminded myself of, open mindedness, and that may be the key to my ultimate success.

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