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"It's almost time for the match to begin. We should start making our way down to the battleground."
"Alright, but before we do, I feel like we need a team symbol."
"Really Quas?"
"Now that I think about, it could boost our morale just the slightest."
"Fine, then what should it be?"
"We each use our right hand, our pinky finger, and thumb. Then we connect them and charge that hand with chi."
"Doesn't sound bad, okay I'm in."
"Told you Ariel, feel that boost of morale."
"Let's try it." We all followed the procedure of our team symbol. I connected my thumb with Ariel's thumb, and my pinky finger with Quas' pinky finger. Quad connected his thumb with Ariel's pinky finger and we formed a sort of fusion between the shape of a triangle and a square. Then we all charged chi into our hands and it created this vibrant aura that fused the color of all of our aura's into one color that looked purple with a hint of red.
"Doesn't look bad, I approve of your team symbol. Now that you've done that I think it's time we make our way down."
"Okay!" That symbol that represented our team's union brought back my previous confidence. And as soon as we arrived on the battleground I was ready to fight. Mr.Dexter's team soon came as well, and with that the match was set to begin.
"The third match of the tournament is ready to begin, Quas, Leon, Ariel, are you ready?"
"We are!"
"Neto, Claces, Chaner, are you three ready?" Instead of a respectful and verbal response, they gave a nonchalant nod.
"The match is set to begin." The official signaled to another official to give the two claps, and the match began. I had a plan of how I wanted to go about things, I wanted to test the base of their strength, that way I could already know what their limits were. Unfortunately for me, my teammates were too eager to get into action that they forgot we even needed to plan.
"Come on, I'm ready to fight. I've got Neto."
"Okay Quas, guess that means I Claces."
"You two don't hold anything back against them, they want a fight, you give them a fight!" Chaner encouraged his and my teammates to go instantly into battle. All I could do was watch on or decide to join them.
"Hey Chaner, me and you, let's go!" I started rushing at Chaner, alongside Quas and Ariel. They decided to wait and see what we did and then they all separated. I tried to track where Chaner was, but instead I was attacked by Neto in a surprise attempt at a slide kick. I quickly glanced over at Ariel and Quas before I had to turn my attention back to fighting Neto. Ariel was now taking on Chaner, and Quas was landing strikes on Claces. I turned my attention back to Neto who was ready to strike me. He attempted to side punches and I dodged both and found time to counter with a kick to his side. While I had the advantage, I swept his leg and he fell straight on his back. I was able to get back on my feet just before him and now I could see he had chi charged to his hands.
"Are you ready to get knocked out?"
"I was ready to ask you the same thing." As confident as I sounded, I knew now I was clearly outmatched in raw power. I can't rely on using my arms and legs to block either, doing that would be the equivalent of me taking a punch unguarded.
"You're done for!" He went for a direct hit and I ducked. Now was the perfect time for a counter, only he was several steps ahead. I wanted to use the opening I had to elbow him in the gut, but instead, he slammed his elbow onto the top of my head. I stumbled away from him in pain, but he wasn't done with me yet. He charged at me, and this time I was phased by that elbow to the head to even notice. He kicked off the ground, into the air, and topped it all off with a chi enhanced double axe handle to my stomach that sent me crashing on my back into the not so soft grass covering the arena floor. This was bad. I could feel myself fading, and to make matters worse, I could see the Neto standing there next to the referee.
"" I heard the referee's voice. I knew what he was asking me, even though I couldn't make out more than half the words he was telling me, I understood him anyway.
"No! I can...s-still fight!
"Grh!" Neto grande me by the shirt and lifted me with his two hands.
"Still got some fight left in you, eh? Don't worry I know jus-
Gah!" I couldn't stand his voice anymore, so I decided to do the absolute last thing I could, headbutt him. He turned me loose, I could feel ringing in my head afterwards but I tried to ignore it and capitalize on the opportunity I had to strike. I charged my chi into my hands and I ran at him. I could see he regained his focus and that headbutt dealt some visual damage, he had a thin stream of blood trailing off to the left side of his face.
"Now! You've! Done it!" He charged at me too, but I was one step on top of him, literally. While he was running at me, I used my chi to jump high enough to step on his head with my right foot. Now that he was confused, I quickly used the speed increase I had from having my chi charged to my legs to deliver a flying kick to his back. Surprisingly, he was still on his feet afterward, and that's when it clicked me to use my Genesis Trap. While he was still phased, I was able to charge the beam fast enough, release it, and wrap it around him.
"What?! What is this?!"
"You really want to know?! This is where your fight ends, GET UP FROM THIS ONE!" While I had him in the beam, I charged as much chi as I could into my right hand, and as soon as I was ready, I pulled him while the beam was still wrapped around Neto, and I delivered what had to be the final strike of our fight to his face. The referee came running over, and as he did I fell to a knee, trying not to fade away while the referee was near.
"Neto is knocked out, he is eliminated." Those were the best words by far I've heard today. What had to be the most difficult fight I fought, I won it, with some chi energy left to spare. I suddenly realized, Ariel and Quas we're still fighting too. I looked over to my right to see that Quas was charging his cannon blow. I remembered back to yesterday, when he did it against Mr.Dim. He was going to take himself out if he used that, him and Claces. Claces didn't look like he was standing around though, it looked like he was charging an attack himself. Only, it looked like he was intensely charging chi to every part of his body. I tried to sense his energy, and when I was able to, I got overwhelmed, it was too much to handle. It didn't matter who won the battle between Claces and Quas, because in the end, they both would be exhausted.
"Leon! Kick him in the air with your chi!" Ariel, who wasn't to far from me fighting Chaner, was shouting at me to help her finally finish him. She had him stunned and from his position, I could tell he just took a kick to the side of his face. I got up as fast as I could and I began running at him with my chi charged into my leg, that way I could gain momentum and even more power behind my kick. When I was in the combat range, I connected with a heavy hitting high kick, sending him into the air. Ariel followed him by jumping into the air, and perfectly brought him down with an axe kick that sent him back down to the grass just like I did. The referee began running over once more. I could see it clear as day, Chaner was down for the count, and it was all because of myself and Ariel's combined attack.
"Chaner is knocked out, he is also eliminated." Now we had the advantage. Three against one, all we had to do was find some way to take out Claces, but evidently that was somewhat difficult saying, and an even more difficult thing to get done. Luckily, Quas was ready to release his Cannon Blow. That's when Ariel stepped in front of me, and did the smartest thing anyone did today. She and I must have both remembered that she can slow the energy and movement of anyone within her power range. Why was this so important? The fact that Claces was to focused on charging his chi into what could be a devastating attack, that he didn't even realize yet that two of his teammates were defeated, and Ariel was charging her attack just to slow him to let Quas have an advantage. Quas must have knew what our plan was because he shouted for her to release her attack and then told myself and her to get out of the way. For Claces, it was too little, too late. By the time he realized Ariel had released her attack, he was turning around as slow as a sloth. Now Quas had perfect opportunity, and he took it releasing what seemed like not his regular Cannon Blow, but a Spiking Cannon Blow that sent Claces soaring so fast that his back smashed on impact with the stone wall of the arena. The referee ran as quick as he could and as soon as he reached Claces, he called off the match instantly.
"The match had been decided. The team of Leon, Ariel, and Quas have won and will advance into the second round of the tournament. They will face the winners of the fourth match between the team of Mr.Velril's team and Mr.Huyugo's team. For the team of Mr.Dexter, they will go into the third bracket of the second chance rounds. We will take a brief break before we come back with the fourth match ready to start, thank you." Mr.Dim began running to the three of us, and hugged us all.
"Congratulations to you three, you really impressed me, if not all of the instructors during your battle. Now that you won a fight, that means you all instantly move onto the Copper Clan after the tournament, but if you win you go straight into the Silver Clan." We all smiled, then Quas held out our team symbol, I joined in, then Ariel did as well.
"Make some room, don't forget I'm part of the team as well." We all laughed a little and Mr.Dim joined in. We all charged our chi and made that purplish glow emit from all of our hands together. The only reason we won that was because of our ability to work together. That was the mistake Neto, Claces, and Chaner made. They were not prepared to, no they actually never wanted to fight alongside each other. They wanted to do it independently, instead of helping one another like Ariel and I did or like Quas and Ariel did. That's why we're going to win.

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