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"Hey, Ariel I want to talk to you for a second, if it's okay."
"While you two discuss, Mr.Dim can we go back up to the seats, I'm understandably tired and I could relax a little."
"Sure Leon, while we're at it, you should eat too. You can't go into battle again on an empty stomach."
"That's what I like to hear." I was able to walk fine, my mid-section was still damaged, but overall I felt in decent condition. Ariel and Quas went over to the food stands, and myself and Mr.Dim headed back to our seats. After we got there, when I sat down, I instantly fell asleep. My body must have shut down, that or the chair was really that comfortable. While I was sleeping, I began what wasn't a dream, nor a nightmare. It was a vision. A vision of my parents, who looked the same as they did in the picture my grandma showed me. They were staring at me. I walked closer in what seemed like a black and cloudy atmosphere just to see them walking closer as well. While we were getting close, I could vaguely hear them whispering and murmuring things.
"You have to find us. We are waiting."
"What?! What do you mean?! Where are you?"
"You have to explore, you have to find us. We are waiting."
"Ngh! Tell me! You aren't being clear!"
"Go places. Places you've never been. Places you've never thought of. Only then will you find us."
"How? How do you know this, you're just my conscience."
"Exactly, we are your conscience, we are your thoughts, you know what to do. Now it's your time to do it. Find us. We...are...waiting."
"No, don't go yet.
"We must, it is now time for you to open your eyes."
"If you don''ll miss everything."
"What?!" That's when everything started shaking. My vision quickly faded away, and I woke up with an impulsive reaction to see that Quas was shaking me crazily.
"Lee, hurry you're going to miss it."
"Miss, wha...What is that?!" He was pointing to Togu. While I was asleep, the fourth match must've begun. From what I could see, only Togu and Syithi were left on their team fighting the last member of Mr.Huyugo's team, Zounichi. That meant Caronita, Linil, and Muta had to have been eliminated. Though that wasn't my main focus, it was Togu. Apparently he was getting stronger. I wasn't even trying to sense his energy, I could feel it. He had a blue-violet aura surrounding his entire body from head to toe. Though it was different. Instead of having an aura the freely flew around him, it was just this outline of aura, making the same shape as his body. I didn't know what to think at first, but then I remember something. Could he be a mastered chi user?
"Mr.Dim? Is it possible that Togu at this moment is showing that he mastered his chi control?"
"No, that is nothing like mastered chi control. Instead that is the first stage of rage power he is showing. Specifically, he is really only showing the essence of its power. Though, I must say that is impressive. I wouldn't expect anyone of this rank to even know about the two main ascensions that people with Sheng and Shi can acquire. It's quite amazing." I turned my attention back to the fight and I could see Togu wasn't wasting any time in going after Zounichi. Togu charged Zounichi, with speed that could be compared to that of a cheetah. Zounichi didn't back down though, and when they were in the combat range, the match basically became as one-sided as one-sides gets. Zounichi went for a leg sweep, but Togu jumped and kicked Zounichi's chin. Then he connected with an onslaught of gut punches, made even worse by the fact he had the power essence of the first stage of rage on his side. After he finished decimating Zounichi, he decided to get some space from him, not to let him rest, but to put the match to rest.
"Illusion Mind Trick!" After he said that, two more figures, who appeared to be the exact same thing as Togu charged at Zounichi. The most confusing thing ever happened when supposedly one of the clones struck at him. Instead of having an impact on collision with Zounichi's block, the clone vanished into nothing. It happened again when the second one attempted a kick to the face. Just when Zounichi stopped guarding himself, that's when the real Togu shoved his shoe into Zounichi's face with a high side kick. All Syithi could do was watch in amazement with the rest of the teams. It was only after the referee called off the match and they announced the winners that I finally understood Togu's ability and what his plan was. He used those illusions of himself to throw off Zounichi, and just when he got so confused he let his guard down, that's when Togu decided it was time to attack. At the least, his plan was brilliant. At the most, perfect.
"Mr.Velril's team advances to face Mr.Ryon's team in the sixth match of the tournament. The next match of the tournament will see the Team of Ms.Anthem in combat against Mrs.Dexter's to see who advances to the final spot. We will be back with you in ten minutes for the match to begin, thank you."
"Oh man! We are in for it."
"We didn't win that first match to back down now Quas, it doesn't matter if he has that new form. We can still beat him."
"I'm kinda stuck in the middle. I know we can beat them, but how?"
"Don't worry you three, you've shown me you can overcome the toughest of challenges. I know this upcoming challenge may be the hardest you've ever faced yet, but for all the time you used training, do yourselves a favor. Win."

Leon IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora