Chapter Sixty-Two

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Never To Shall Be Seen Again

His presence, more than anyone else, had always made me feel something new entirely. It's strange how I kept on searching for that same kind of warmth all my life only to appear at times when I never expected it the most--moments where I never thought I wanted it the most. It's not about how my heart begins to race whenever he's near. It's not about the memories that keeps on resurfacing whenever his skin sticks against mine. And it's certainly not about that familiar look in his eyes where he sees nothing else but me.

It's about the way his soul aches for my own and the way mine calls for his. It's about how beautiful he makes me want to be just as how much I make him feel perfect. And it's definitely about how we can bear to ignore all this world's wrongness so we could make us right.

I almost didn't mind everything else just so I could feel him near just like this. I almost wanted to just disappear somewhere with him and forget all my responsibilities. Almost. But that almost isn't enough--it never was. There were moments I wish could have lasted instead of those ones I never desired to. We were never fated to be, we both knew that much. He was the first one to give up. Because he could no longer fight a battle he had already long surrendered to. And yet there here he was. Clinging to the tiny bits of traces he had left me with, hoping I would grasp them all over again.

I would. I never did let go in the first place. But I felt too unbearable for me to keep on tying the string that connects us when the other line had already been untangled. Too unbearable I had chosen to forget, along with the emotions that threatened to kill everything I had risked for all my life. In the end, I had chosen my responsibilities over my memories of him. Still, there he was. He had always been there all along, drifting along the flow of this life, trying to make himself fit into my fate so we would never have to part again.

Sometimes the stars appear as though they would only blink so brightly at me. Would anyone could have blamed me if I had once compared them to the way his eyes would look at mine? If I reach out to touch his face resting just beside me, would he disappear? Would I be left alone once more to watch his soul slowly fade away? I loathe the thought of it.

"You're thinking of something not good again." His almond-shaped eyes gradually opened, revealing the ones I've been waiting to see.

Those light, brown orbs flecked with shimmers of black right at the middle--had always reminded me of how tomorrow could possibly end with him no longer there to remain by my side. I fear gazing right at them but just as though an attraction I find myself entrapped in, they would call for my pale blue ones. We could drown within each other's gazes and we wouldn't even mind. I do wonder what he sees whenever he searches my eyes so warmly just like that. Does he witness how they glow almost as immediately at his touch the way I see his eyes whenever my skin contacts his? Or does he see how they waver almost every time our moments tend to last?

I sighed, sitting up. The soft texture of the futon bouncing slightly at my sudden movement. "Am I?" I questioned back, earning a chuckle from him. The sound made me smile, and it's amazing how I end up doing that so naturally.

"What are you worrying about?" He took my hand in his, caressing the softness of my hand.

I clenched my fist, looking away. "Why do I feel like you're not real?"

"Because you think of the worst at the most beautiful moments." He let go, standing up.

He opened a small gap through the curtain by the window as he walked towards it, letting the morning light in that glistened around his long, platinum blonde hair which had been tied meticulously only to come slightly in disarray when he shook them off. His naked back faced me, the traces of Aether energy brightening on his right arm. It told me he was troubled. His energy did always react according to his emotions. It made him much more easier to read.

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