Chapter Sixty-Five Part I

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Arcane Emotions Await by the Eminence

Three Years Ago...

I do not know what it was exactly. It was different from any other energy I have felt before, I couldn't figure out how but I knew, I just could simply tell. It felt oddly refreshing yet along with that pleasure, was that strange turbulence it brought. That turbulent would cast that kind of travailing pain, agonizing yet I didn't want to truly part from it. Because despite how uncomfortable it was, it was also really beautiful.

Ah, yes--perhaps that was the reason I didn't want to get away from this sensation. When life is built by a blend of odiousness and aesthetics, anyone would be willing to cling onto something pure for once, something that wasn't a mix of both. That was probably why most people want a certain kind of power for themselves, for they are only able to change their circumstances if they have the leverage to do so.

However, this power was something no other person must be able to have. Not because they shouldn't, simply for a reason that humans aren't simply capable of harnessing something so amass and different like this. Try as they might, this energy wasn't meant to be used. The energy wasn't pure nor was it dark, it was far from nether too. This sort of energy doesn't have any colour at all, like an air, weightless and invisible--it can only be felt. Perhaps that was why this power has no essence of colour at all.

The energy was intoxicating, as though I could bathe myself in it and I wouldn't even mind getting so lost in the moment. I had never felt so powerful, not like this. I was drowning within something that I could not see, something that I just know exists all around me without even having to witness it. The energy scourged through my veins, entrapping every source of my senses as though they were wrapping so tightly inside me so that I couldn't breathe.

I didn't need to, anyway.

The moment this strange energy devours anything, it leaves all lives without one, all lifeless. A death without pain, a death by merely vanishing, turning into dusts until there is nothing left--some may even call it oblivion. That is why I didn't need to breathe, because in here...all that exists is but my soul, my body somewhere my consciousness had last left it behind.

Perhaps that was the cost of acquiring this power. It was as though one would have to die to have this feeling, which is ironic because what's the use of having this kind of power only not to exist? Yet here I am, leisurely walking through it--sensing it, willingly offering myself to it. Despite that though, I could somehow decipher that certain part of me that would constantly drift away, like I was being rocked back and forth by an unseen force. As though I would disappear yet something kept holding me bounded, preventing me from into dusts.

The images around me were distorted, as though they were only brittles of something that was left behind, trying to stay apiece as whole but it could never. Everything was delicate, so fragile that a single impact could easily smash the scenery into broken shards of glass. Then there would come that blur, like a flow of a gentle wave washing away all colours, the brittles finally breaking apart, the solid ground beneath cracking, and the world crumbling down until there'd be nothing more to watch except for this energy.

A grotesque picturesque; something so insanely messed up yet strangely enthralling.

Then the energy would build everything from nothingness, billowing itself into another cycle of rebirth and destruction. The energy would scatter around, creating the elements that made the actual air, only then I could feel the oxygen returning down to my lungs. Next were the vastness of the skies painted in deep blackness, like random puzzle pieces crafting themselves into what it should be. Along that came with it was the land, surrounding what laid beneath into series of layers where rocks protruded.

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