Chapter Forty

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That Sanity Fragile Enough To Break

The monsters leaped at me all at the same time, their shrieks blasting off any nearbye rocks, making it harder for me to hold my balance. My blades danced all around me, serving as either a block or an attack whenever they come in contact. Cutting them off wasn't the hardest part, it was the fact that no matter how fast I slice their bodies apart, they regain it back into full form seconds later.

They never let me rest even for a second and each time they come again and again, they seem to be more faster, like they were adpating to my speed. My panting became even rougher, it was getting harder and harder to even breathe, and calming myself against this growing exasperation was even difficult.

I buried both of my blades on the floor to gain momentum, along with that was the pure energy I forced out of my body, sending these monsters flying against the walls. Some growled and chose to stand down, but it wasn't enough; they started splitting in half, and they became even more powerful in number.

My head was spinning, my hands were trembling, and my energy keeps getting drained out of my body. My left vision was even worse, I can no longer see anything in that side except pure white—nothing but white. Due to that white blanket covering my view, I can still make out some shadowy figures, but other than, it's useless.

A monster came from behind me, and because of my left vision, it caught me off guard. Its strong body laying atop me, preventing me from getting up. Both of my arms were on the floor and my swords slid far from my reach. Another monster came above me, and another, until a number of them covered my body.

I clenched my fists as I casted invisible magic circles around, ignoring the shooting pain that enveloped my whole system. The circles shot waves of fires, burning everything in sight—including the monsters as they howled in pain.

I wiped another set of blood escaping my mouth while I stood up. The monsters were still burning, melting...until their traces disappeared. A clap reverberated through this run-down church, and it came from the corner in front.

"I'm impressed, really. They're supposed to be non-killable, you know? But your fire was just too intense for them to regenerate and before they could, their body parts have melted." It was man's voice yet feminine.

It was a man walking down the marbled stairs. He wore a long black robe but unlike the rest before, he had no cloth or hood that covers his face except for a mask—no, it wasn't a mask but an actual mouth. It was too big that it shows large pointed set of teeth. He had a black mark printed on his forehead. White jade skin and his hands were the same as those earlier monster.

 White jade skin and his hands were the same as those earlier monster

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It's like he, himself, is a half monster and a half human. There was that glass, rounded, transparent circle floating around him until it settled in front of his face, almost as though zooming the view. He clasped his hands together, each of the walk he took was making me anxious for a reason I failed to decipher.

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