Chapter Fifty-Six

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On the Brink of Escaping Sanity

Fate. It is truly a wonder how the works behind that one particular word just happen. Most people cannot fathom to understand what fate is. They blame everything on it, and I am truly in a dilemma on whether the world needs to be renewed or it just takes time. Rebirth, chaos, destruction, then the cycle begins once more. An endless loop of life and death and the one suffering of it all is the world.

Every sunrise, millions of people would witness it, taking in the sight before them and go on with with their lives. Then there was its setting, where the moon will rise--the world revolving around the concept of numbers. Time. Another one that which people cannot fathom. Numbers decide the way of life, and numbers also mark the end of death. No one understands what fate and time truly are, even I cannot exactly grasp the perfect understanding behind it. I can only feel its power surging inside me.

Yet I am but one of the lonesome creatures. I do not have the rights to meddle between the process of life and death. No, that seems wrong. I'm making myself seem like the one holding the domain of time. I can meddle, I always meddle. After all, I cause the fates of those who go through the cycle of rebirth and destruction. But having this power, no, wanting this power--I must not meddle with those fates I have already tapped.

"Oh?" I tilted my head, leaning myself over the couch behind me. "How strange." My lips arched into a smirk, placing my leg over another as I crossed my arms.

Long grayish-white hair seemingly translucent against the light, eyes in contrast to fallen ashes lighting up like they hid embers beneath them. There were no need for words, the stare she was giving the moment she walked into that door was enough to tell me what made her come here, now throughout all these ages. Still, it is a bit saddening that she chooses to watch where it can hurt more rather than just taking her pace with me. After all, time is on her side.

"Not gonna offer your visitor some drink?" She smiled, setting herself on the couch opposite to mine.

I lifted my hand, a bottle of wine appearing in an instant, pouring itself over a wineglass on her side of the table. The bottle disappeared, ice cubes then summoning themselves inside her drink. She inhaled the scent of the wine, sighing in pleasure after she took a sip. I smiled watching her enjoy as I put my chin atop my palm, my elbow setting on the table between us.

"How many years has it been, Athanasía?" I started, swirling the cup filled with black coffee on my other hand.

"Honestly, I lost count. It would always feel as though it was just yesterday I last saw that mischievous glint in your eyes."

"As much as I enjoy your company," I gulped the last batch of my coffee, the caffeine pumping up my body. "Surely, you aren't just here to reminisce with me."

"There's nothing to reminisce about in the first place."

"My, always going after my feelings."

"I speak of the truth."

I sighed, snapping my fingers and just like that, the cup was refilled with coffee once again. "So, what's with the sudden visit, dearest friend?"

She looked down, clanging the ice against the glass which created that sound upon her silence. "It has long since you last tap into anyone."

"Oh, so you're here for that."

"Why must her fate be like that?"

"You've taken a liking to her."

She frowned, now looking so serious at me. "What?"

"Why do you seem to blame me for every fates you dislike out there, Sia?" I took another sip, the coffee tingling my tongue. "It's not that I cause each one of them."

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