There Shall Come Silence That is Left Speaking

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There was always something about death that enthrals her, moves her, drives her to patiently do everything she needs to just to arrive to that outcome. I had always been thinking about how easy it is for her to wish for something most would avoid, most would fear, and most would everyone else suffer. Surely she isn't the only woman in the world to desire for such, but she is the only woman I've ever known so fascinated by the thought of it.

I feared dying most of all, and when I did die—it felt like everything stopped. I had consciousness, thoughts...but the rest of me was dead, like I was wandering for no particular reason, my purpose forgotten. I then realize I was indeed very weak. I could be everything I want because her blood runs through me, because I was made with half of her existence.

But deep inside, I was deliberately ignoring that potential because I fear I might turn out like her, that I might get despised for being powerful. I am not like her who had long stopped caring about other people, I still do, I still fear their judgements. I am not strong like her who is able to accept everything she has been misunderstood with. At the same time though, I still hope I could change her fate—for I knew she deserves far more than this.

But I wouldn't be able to do that if I won't become powerful, if I won't embrace that potential—especially if I still choose to drown myself in fear. I won't get anywhere I want to be if I continue to be the way I am now. I have to change. I need to actually to do something now.

But how?

I found myself asking that question for some time now. Surrounding me was darkness—nothngness. No life, no death—like an abyss that clouds everything around, my consciousness barely hanging with me, and I refuse to let it go. There was that path beneath me though, a clear, white crystal path that seems to glisten whenever my foot took a step forward.

My reflection would cast on it, creating a low sound that would ring throughout and continuous steps would result into a symphony, a chilling one which reminded me I'm alone. I couldn't remember how long I have been walking, there was no sense of time in this place—as though there was an enternity that exists along with this road.

There aren't any particular emotions that well up inside me, no exhaustion, no pain, but there were those hints of loneliness, like I was empty like I was...fading, diminishing. The thought of leaving without even doing anything significant in this life is frustrating, and that drive is enough for me to hold on to this small bit of consciousness threatening to slip pass my grasp.

I stopped; my feet halting as I began to sense something loud, engraving against the sudden silence of the place. Heartbeats, pacing one after another—echoing like a wave of vibrations shaking up the entire stillness. Then there were those silent footsteps, one that came from the sidelines where the black shade of darkness is.

"Who are you?" My voice sounded hoarse, as though breaking because of the lack of speech.

"Who are you?" The figure asked back, emphasizing the 'who'. It came from a female, she had a low tone but it sounded erased of any emotions, appearing to be asking with blank words.

"Are you some kind of an entity tasked to take away my remaining consciousness?"

There was silence for a few passing seconds. "Do you wish me to be so?"

"So you aren't." I sighed, realizing it was relief. "Are you like me? Dead but couldn't quite fade away to afterlife just yet."

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