Chapter Sixty-Five Part II

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The House of Slaughters

Ignoring the wine, the insignia, after all, was their way of saying they have eyes everywhere and the Sect's single eye insignia refers to how they only have one enemy, the ten rays foretelling they would use anything in their power to defeat the World's Organization, as told by the impaled sword. Well, Grimhouse is an organization that existed for more than four hundred years already along with the leading power, Exodus and the World's Org.

The Fourth Master returned to the table with four wine glasses, as well as a bottle of a seemingly old wine. He beamed at everyone, carefully pouring in some red-coloured liquid down the glasses. I almost rolled my eyes at this. Two weeks of not waking up and the first thing that goes down to my lungs is wine. I could feel my own irritation rising up again. Everything about this just ticks me off for some reason, and losing my composure here is absolutely unnecessary.

"It is a Lucone, one that I got from my travels around the north and western parts of the world. I have been holding this one for more than ten years now, and I have been meaning to have a small tasting party with my fellow Grims." He handed down the glasses, the other frowning at this, then came the knocking on the door. "Ah, perfect timing. Our breakfast is here."

The door was opened by Azto, less than a dozen servants came in carrying trays of morning dishes for breakfast, it was indeed on perfect time too. They usually always have breakfast around seven-thirty sharp, as told by the large ticking pandemonium clock hung over the wall just above the door. They each wore their own black veils, preventing us to actually see who these people are as they slowly place the dishes of our own preferences right in front of us.

I was having my usual dish, though I would have preferred it more if they tone down the designs and actually take the food as a priority because like always, my entire breakfast only fills half of the plate with honey sauces spread around that took up more space than the bacons and waffles. I hate to think the Sect is lacking in ingredients, perhaps I should have Azto finally visit the kitchen today.

I inwardly rolled my eyes from this, grabbing the specific knife and fork. I'm willing to bet I could finish this after five to seven intakes and still be damn hungry. I doubt I actually would get a decent lunch later this day knowing I wouldn't have time for it. Is it so hard to make a satisfying breakfast for once without the side dishes taking up more than half of the plate?

"First Mistress, is there something more you want us to get you?" One servant asked after the team placed other Grims' breakfasts and are beginning to eat.

"Tea. A vanilla."

"V-vanilla? I beg your pardon, First Mistress, but only lowly commoners and plebeians drink such--"

"And I'm saying I want it." I was raising my voice in this, the other Grims looking over us but I simply ignored them, glaring at the servant beside me.

"If you may, First Mistress," one servant, a voice of a man this time, came forward. "We have Earl Gray, wild rose, peppermint, and lavender. I recommend trying something more suitable for your taste."

"The Mistress will take the lavender." Azto said with a smile before I could even say anything, his hand on my shoulder from behind. The servant hurriedly nodded, then took off the room after bowing to our presences. "I will brew you either vanilla or jasmine later on, Mistress Ke'ala. Please do not make a scene. The lavender would especially help calm your nerves." Azto whispered down my ear, making me close my eyes briefly before nodding.

"Is there something of matter, Grim Ke'ala?" The one who asked was the Second Mistress, the other female Grim.

The Second Grim may look young, but she's actually half twice my age already. She has long brown hair, light purple eyes and tribal marks imprinted on her face down her skin. She wasn't much into fashion, but she would always wear this long, brown leathered, sleeveless coat over her red tunic dress. The most eye catching part about her is her sacred beast, a summon only those powerful mages can have.

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