Chapter Fifty

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Somewhere Along the Tune of Those Heartbeats

The morning was quiet, and strange as it may be, the tranquility was suffocating. Cold sweat trickled down my forehead, and my clothes were soaked with it. My heart was beating fast, and my eyes were warm with traces of liquids blurring the edges of my vision. I let out a heavy breath, running my palm on my face as strands of my black hair came into view when I let my arm down my side. The soft texture of the cushion behind should have made me comfortable, but mornings would always make me feel the same regardless. That feeling as though I was being chased, and my blood rushing as though being restless. I can't decipher the tightness of my chest as well, and an emotion kept stirring up deep inside me, one that I couldn't comprehend. 

"Memories...again." I mumbled, forcing my aching body up the bed. 

I stumbled on the bathroom, immediately turning the shower despite the nightdress I still had on. I felt the hot temperature that enveloped my body eventually decrease as the water rained from the source above. My skin flinched at the sudden contact of the cold, releasing my mind from its intense throbbing. I unknowingly let out an exasperated sigh, thinking about things that made my head ache in another wave of shooting pain just by remembering. 

It had been more than two weeks since that gathering, and had already been a month since the Endseeker appeared. By now, Exodus and Black Clan must have had already extracted the  power from the Pyramid which would let them open up a realm that could trap the Endseeker there. Though why not just let somebody claim the relic for it to activate rather than waste manpower to extract its power? Extracting is another way of forcing the relic to activate without the need of a holder. But knowing there is an on-going internal conflict between the Blacks and Ends, both wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of the relic's power. 

 According to the reports, the Endseeker was still asleep yesterday and would probably wake up tomorrow or who knows? Nobody could truly predict the time that entity would open its eyes. I had been also told how a number of Ends and the Blacks have been setting up bases underneath where the Endseeker is, so they are directly in the Fallen Empire of Leomer, as what newspapers and books call it now. 

With the help of Zyrendel Kingdom, most people have been evacuated out of Leomer, though naturally there would still be half of the citizens left. They can't really fully take all the people to safety, but this chance would surely widen Zyrendel's scope of reputation. Zyrendel already was a powerful nation, with Kion leading the top brass, I guess a lot would change in there and this opportunity would help. 

Though I wasn't surprise when I found out that organizations and groups from that meeting weeks ago were also helping, they did mention a temporary ceasefire until the Endseeker is eliminated. They've been practically setting up their bases as though making them their territories. They must be confident they can take out this Endseeker which basically almost ruined the world ages ago. Is it because they know they have the power of the relic on their side? Or is there something more?

I was already  in the middle of tying the laces of my boots when I heard a knock by the door. It was followed by another when I stood up. Grabbing the gray-coloured cloak hung unto the wall, I opened the door which smelt of oak as it creaked through the subtle surface of the floor. I wrapped the cloak around me, covering the white elbow-lengthened sleeves with a black leathered corset strapped around my stomach as though a plated armour. Tied on each sides were woven strings attached to the brown fitted pants I was wearing. 

"Have Finé returned?" I immediately questioned Silverrium the moment I saw him waiting outside the door. 

"I didn't think you would get out of your room." He stated, not exactly answering my question. I walked past him, our footsteps leaving silent thumping through the empty corridor. "You have been cooped up in there for three days now without food and water, you are neglecting your health."

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