Chapter Forty-Eight

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A Transient Greeting Lasts

Greetings are another way of gaining attention. They are momentary and cursory, but they are associated with one's own sense that is another factor of drawing people in. They may forget the word of greeting itself, but the person's eloquence and presence may not. It is said a greeting is always fleeting, but the effects a simple word have may last. It was why people greet each other first before anything else. 

But there was just something in this room that forced everyone to keep their mouths shut despite the glares they were giving each other. Law formations were scattered on every corner, and on each platform appeared figures of people that immediately either stood somewhere unnoticeable to avoid those who went ahead and sat on one of the seats surrounding the round crystalline table if they were important enough. The room was spacious, that it could hold more than a hundred people all at once and on the middle, the ceiling opened allowing rays of light to pass through the transparent glass above. Just below was a gathering of equally powerful people, comfortably sitting on their chairs as the rest of their subordinates behind them looked as though they were prepared to slit down their enemies' throats.

It was quite an unusual sight, having these group of particular humans gather around and have a meeting. I guess the appearance of an Endseeker indeed drove them to temporarily halt their squabbles, and the discussion they're going to have will decide whether that 'temporary ceasefire' will remain that way for long. May it be the West Mages Association, led by Kana Grail who sat on one of the seat, Exodus--where one man covered in a long white cloak hid himself behind a mask and a hood, his position seated across the witch, they were all here.

Black Clan was also present in this room, with Robert Callyan leading the Blacks who wore his black cloak but unlike most of the people here, he attached no mask on his face. There was the Assassin's Association's leader, a woman not older than thirty sat on one of the seats beside the witch. She had a long auburn hair which she let loose, wore a long coat with obvious plated armours covering her breasts, elbows, and knees, along with a dagger attached on either sides on her back. 

I have never seen this Coven before, but there appeared to be mysterious people who hid their faces with beak-like masks, each holding a staff of their own while they wore long brown robes as though they were a cult. Their group attracted those already present in the room, as their representative--who looked no different than the rest of his people--took a seat beside Exodus. Silence seemed to be having its own war, the atmosphere so delicate that no one would attempt to break it despite the sharp glares they were giving.

Soon, one magic circle lit up on one corner. It was so bright that some had to hide their sight for a few seconds before the light faded away. It revealed a woman whose presence made some gasped in surprise. She was beautiful, with long green hair fluttering behind her back along with traces of sparkling dusts of light following her footsteps as she made her way to one of the seats, her other subordinates promptly followed behind her. 

Their group seemed to have lightened the atmosphere with their rare beauties and tempting appearances. The males barely have any upper clothing, and the females have thin lines of fabric hindering their chests. Their group was accompanied by elves who are said to be masters in the art of magical elements. I have never seen Fairies before, and no matter how breathtaking they look, it wasn't enough--still--to break the silence.

The quartzite tiled floor beneath trembled, loud footsteps came from the far ends of the room as another magic circle opened. One figure flew out from the formation which caused a gust of wind, strong enough to send some people stumble away. One man floated right just below the high-ends ceiling, his long ash-coated hair flowing like waves behind him which complimented the colour of his protruding horns above his head and a tail painted in rough scales behind. A pair of black wings attached to his back which carried his body through the air, and a body which is half drawn with dragon scales. His appearance was no different compared to the rest who came with him, but he didn't plan on showing much more and landed on another seat beside the Fairy.

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